New year, new surprise for everyone.
Mark Shuttleworth has made the official announcement of
Ubuntu OS phone from London, it is an operating system
based on the same kernel of Android which also uses the
same drivers and can be installed on any device with X86
or ARM architecture.
On the side of the mobile ecosystem, they are made
looking into HTML5 based on accelerated growth in
devices with greater hardware capabilities can use
native desktop applications when the phone is in a dock.

The specifications required to install Ubuntu Phone OS are
1 GB of RAM and as mentioned above an ARM or X86.
Yet there is no alliance with hardware manufacturers
announced by Canonical defined only the estimated
arrival of devices later this year and early next.
The interfaces are quite attractive and follow the same
design that is on your Ubuntu desktop version.

Surely we will see in action in this new operating system
during CES that will be held from 7 to 11 January, in the
coming weeks are available to developers development
platform for Galaxy Nexus devices and initiate the generation
of apps ecosystem that is a very important part of a mobile
operating system.

The main advantage of Ubuntu Phone OS is that it will not
be required Java virtual machine, with this you get the best
performance possible in the hardware that runsthe system
also has a great community behind it and insurance will talk
over the next years.

Who makes the phones with Ubuntu?
But the great challenge of Ubuntu Mobile not so much the
product but also make major smartphone manufacturers
consider it as an option for that bet.
Here, time to market is a factor that plays against him
if they want to be on the market in 2014, was signed
agreements should be the latest now to come out with
models next year.
Do you are getting, we will see at CES or Mobile World
Congress announcements in this regard?
The scenario is the least complicated to Ubuntu, will arrive
in time when the battle for third place in mobile platforms
is quite mature.
The market is responding to the Android platform and is
why most manufacturers are opting not own system
if we except Nokia and HTC Windows Phone.