Fruits Version 2 - Onii-chan to Watashi


Survived to Japan
Super Moderator
Apr 28, 2008
Somewhere near Paris
Enjoy this new coproduction elgringo/redrooster. :shoot2::stop:

I'll post the new Lolita Anime someday when fapomatic works again (or is declared brain dead).

AVI format, resolution 416x306, 23mn06, censored

enjoy :snicker:

EDIT: VHS cover inserted


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Could you please clarify your post for me. Is this episode 2 for this series or another yet better version of the same episode 2 already posted.

Could you please clarify your post for me. Is this episode 2 for this series or another yet better version of the same episode 2 already posted.


episode 1 had been posted by me already, thread please s.o., this is the 2nd episode of this anime series which now is completed as a series too.
redrooster, I think he got confused because you put the cover of episode 2 for the post on episode 1.
I'll put the right cover on my post, and you should do the same with the cover brought by naniseki in yours. This will make everything more clear.
redrooster, I think he got confused because you put the cover of episode 2 for the post on episode 1.
I'll put the right cover on my post, and you should do the same with the cover brought by naniseki in yours. This will make everything more clear.

o.k., please consider it done...
Oh! What a bad luck. I find another rare anime but I'm late again. I'm sorry to ask, but could someone re-seed this again?

Edit: Wow! Once again, a kind person re-seeded the anime within a few minutes after I posted the original message. Once again, I'm truly thankful to whoever re-seeded the OVA. I love these old H-OVA and I'm collecting as many of them as I can. Thanks again!
reseeding in a short delay, but would be good if there were more than one leecher only...