I took a gamble and looked at Wikipedia's article on the volumes of the manga. This time the gamble paid off, since I managed just barely to avoid reading any spoilers.
(The last thing I read was something which will surely be unveiled next episode; it wasn't a big deal; and that was it.) From my gamble, I've learned for us that we're about halfway through Volume 23. There are currently 24 volumes, and Volume 25 is set for publication on April 22 (nine days from this posting). No matter how you slice it, one of two things
has to happen: either (1) we're going to catch up with the manga and, if it's not finished yet, then wuh-uh; or (2) we're going to catch up with the manga, and if it
is finished, then the show will probably finish too right at that point. Either way? I'm thinking we're going to catch up with the manga come the end of June.
As for thoughts on Episode 52,
[hide]Alphonse's fight against Kimblee and Pride didn't disappoint outside of its somewhat-brief nature. ^^; It was nice to see Al making good but clumsy use of the stone: basically, he used it to perform souped-up versions of his normal abilities + copycatting the move he saw his dad use, but he failed to on-the-fly think up any cool new things to do with it that would have previously been beyond his capabilities. I also like Kimblee's sociopathic toying with Al (i.e. talking to him
before killing him -- or before trying to kill him, anyway), and subsequently his demise at Heinkel's hands (err, maw).
Though ... I don't understand whatsoever why Pride held back from skewering Heinkel when he held up Kimblee's body as a shield. If the argument is "because Pride wanted to absorb Kimblee," then the point has to be raised that there's no way Heinkel could have known that at the time of his actions. And if it's some other reason ... well then, what on earth is it? lol I guess we'll have to wait and s--
Oh yeah. I forgot.
Human sacrifices. I guess maybe (maybe!?) Heinkel knew Kimblee was one such candidate? Still seems sort of unlikely. But okay, now at least it makes sense why Pride was interested in keeping Kimblee alive.
GO YOKI! XD That was awesome. The tears and pissed-my-pants-I-was-so-scared hollering of his was
Alright, Mustang's finally back in action. It's about fucking time.
Go Alex Louis Armstrong! You show your PMS'ing older sister what you can do! Fuckin'
skewered that Homonculus, ya did!
