Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Looks like they're trying to wrap up the series. Disappointing. Wonder if we'll get another fake end now. Will talk about the past couple episodes in more detail later, should the need arise.
I don't know. I've been avoiding reading spoilers on Wikipedia so I'm almost all out of 'em, but I do have one important one left that hasn't taken place in the anime yet. The impression I got from when I read the spoiler months ago was that it was to happen right around now, maybe even a few episodes back, so if it doesn't happen until episodes 49, 50, 51, or 52, then yeah, I would agree that this is probably a new "made-for-TV" end to the series and that is indeed unfortunate. I'd much rather they pulled a Hunter x Hunter (and just left the show hanging) than a Naruto, and I'd much rather they pulled a Naruto (where they left the main plot hanging whilst writing retarded filler episodes) than bring it to a premature end with something not in keeping with the mangaka's original vision.

On the other hand, the next tankoubon for FMA is due out right around the airing of the very last episode, so if (if) that tankoubon is the last for the series, too, then it's possible that this is just another scenario of "all good things come to an end" and the two, manga and anime, will converge on that date in April.
Well, the sneak peek for Episode 48 suggests that ____, but I've been known to be wrong before about these things. ^^;
[hide]The narrator's dialogue in the sneak peek + the chimeras' dialogue in the episode proper + the fact that Heinkel/Lion King is fighting Pride with flames behind him -- providing Pride with all the lighting he needs to fight -- makes it sound like Heinkel's going down. :(

Then again, he could survive and -- even more tragically -- it could be that Lan Fan dies after such a brief reunion with Lin. That would really bite, but if done correctly it could make for a memorable tragic scene that'll be talked about for years. Who knows.[/hide]
For the record, Pride's weakness (as shown in this episode, #47) is in keeping with what I had read about him on Wiki ages ago. It's supposed to be the reason why those two dudes in Briggs survived when their comrades did not -- 'cause the lights were already out. (Then again, it's not explained afaik why Pride didn't return to kill the Briggs dude with the long ponytail and mustache. *shrug*) So, as far as I know, we're still canonically with the manga.

Also, the major spoiler I mentioned last post -- the one which is the only I've got left in my bag of tricks -- was sort of hinted at this episode. It'll remain to be seen, though, whether it makes its way into the show or not. Probably will. Except ... hrm. :\ Kinda hard to see how it will given what the pertinent character said this episode. :\
Holy crap...

[hide]... that Lan Fan part is awesome.

I really hope they don't kill her off, cause that would just suck to bring her back like that just do do away with her. Plus we don't need to lose anymore hot chicks in this series (still sad about Lust).

Do you think Grumman is really plotting behind everyone's back? Seemed like such a nice old dude.

Lastly, the "ending picture" for this episode is badass.
yeah alphonse with pride inside of him is really scary. I feel sorry for gluttony though, he's going to be devoured by pride soon.

-ooops! is that a spoiler? sorry
Yeah it is. ^^; One I didn't know myself. Oh well. Not a huge one. But you should probably edit your post out of politeness for others. (If you type the word "hide" inside of a square brackets tag like this {hide}{/hide} except with [ and with ], it'll create the spoiler tag.)

As for your thoughts, Ben:
(1) Agreed. Pretty cool.
(2) Nah, I don't think so. I think it's a red herring. Or maybe that's just because I liked the dude. It'd fucking suck imo if he's no better than the rest. :(
I don't think that I have to edit my post any longer since maybe the "Pride devouring Gluttony thing" shall happen this week, anyway what bothers me is hawkeye's tattoo on her back, since we all know that mustang shall be the one benefiting from it, but still... nah,
I've been waiting for her back to matter. A, she's just plain hot. B, I want to know more about her father's research. So far we've been focused entirely on only two alchemists' research: Father's and Scar's brother's. Even Hohenheim's quest for mortality has taken a back seat to these two quests, and it's left no room for Hawkeye's father's life's research. (That's a lot of 's'es in a row! lol)

Normally, I hate tattoos (be they small or enormous), but she's just such a gorgeous character period, and it'd be fucking sweet for her tattoo to have more significance than a petty transmutation circle. I'm not expecting something this radical at this point in the plot, but once upon a time I entertained the notion that perhaps Hawkeye was herself a homonculus. I still wonder sometimes about it, considering all we know of Riza's family is her and her deceased father. (We have no clue about her mother -- or possible lack thereof?) Then I was hoping that her tattoo would play a major role in thwarting Father; and, while that's still remotely possible, it seems like it would be a very forced plot device at this point considering nobody even knows of the existence of Hawkeye (the father)'s research except for Mustang and Riza, and neither of them have been consulted worth a damn as to how to defeat Father on The Promised Day. (They've been enlisted, but as far as we know they've been purely on the receiving end -- and not the giving end -- of instructions & planning.)

Edit: to be clear, I'm not saying I think she's a homonculus created by Father (i.e. the story's main antagonist). I'm saying that perhaps anybody, in theory, can create a homonculus given the right tools and knowledge; and that perhaps Hawkeye (the man, the alchemist) created a homonculus during the course of his research -- Riza. I doubt it now, but even now I still wonder about it from time to time. My main hunch now, though, is that she's a normal human and her dad tattooed onto her back the most important aspect of his life's research. Whether he then partially destroyed it, she did, or a third party did, *shrug*.
I just watched 48. It was a very good episode. Tons of great character and plot development. (Moreso the former.) And as an added plus, not only were all of the characters I was interested in on screen for at least a couple minutes, but there was absolutely no sign of Winry anywhere except for the end credits. lol :)

The sneak peek for episode 49, much to my surprise, looks like it could be the episode where my last major spoiler takes place. I was beginning to think we either wouldn't see it at all or wouldn't see it until 51/52, but it looks like 49 may be the episode. Which is really perplexing, seeing as ... well, I'll discuss it more later if I turned out to be right.

Pride devouring Gluttony seems like a really bad move considering the hunger included in the package. I guess he had to do it, pressed against the wall as he was, but part of me can't help but wonder why he didn't generate a bunch of his tendrils to like, I dunno, launch or catapult his little boy body into the sky and far, far away from the current battle location. Then, run until he gets to the nearest source of light and repeat the measure, bit by bit catapulting himself towards Central. Seems silly, but when you have a body that can't die on impact (although it does use up some energy, true), then this sort of drastic plan seems like it could sorta work. I dunno. It's a kid's comic to begin with :) and it obeys the laws of kid comic physics and logic: the villains will eventually lose because they fail to think of something obvious. ^^;
I really feel bad for gluttony for he looks cuter and more descent than the previous FMA, anyway that stupid ominous kid will also posses gluttony's powers like godlike sense of smell and constant hunger to eat everything, and later the "I will devour my ally because I'm low on HP thing" is going to happen again...but I'm not going to spoil and say who is it going to be ...
You've already spoiled it by saying it'll happen again. -_-; Dude, cut it with the spoilers period. If you absolutely must mention spoilers, ffs use the spoiler tags as previously instructed. Sheesh.
Okay then sorry bout that... anyway I want Scar's jacket back with those sun glasses, why? because he looks cooler. Scar shall play a better role than the previous FMA so I think he better groom himself more and be a bit flashy...
50: very good episode until the very end.
51: didn't care for the first half, but enjoyed the second half a lot.

I'm surprised that we got a new opening and ending. Does this mean we're due for more than 2-3 more episodes? Perhaps the show will be a 72'er... that'd be interesting.

Why is Riza crying in the opening? ;_; You'd goddamn better not die, Mustang. :P

Episode 51 point:
[hide]Did Alphonse seriously only give himself back his legs? Wouldn't it have been smarter to, I dunno, use the stone to create a means of escape? I don't think he's in any position to take on PrideGluttony plus Kimblee. This'll be interesting.[/hide]
Wow, the new OP/ED is a nice surprise. I hope it means we'll be getting quite a few more episodes than what we were expecting. Give me a few episodes to warm up to them, and I'm sure I'll love them (well, unless you're that third ending song - yuck)

[hide]I think Al did more than just give himself legs. We'll have to see, but I got the impression that he powered up somehow. See also: his bad ass portrait during the break. I could be wrong though, and it'll just be something as disappointing as using a stone to restore his legs.

This certainly was the "shit goes bad for the heroes" episode though. Thanks largely due to Al and May being dumb. Not that it was bad, just sayin'.[/hide]
On the one hand, I would like the series to be close to over because I would hate for FMA to go down the Naruto route of, "Well, we completed the story arc in which [blank] was the primary villain. So, I guess it's time we start up a new story arc which reveals that he was just a small fry compared to this next villain!"

On the other hand, my biggest complaint with the series wrapping up so suddenly (as it seems to be doing) is that we haven't explored Xing worth a damn. And I don't mean in the sense of actually going there: I just mean that:
  1. The Elric Brothers haven't studied Eastern alchemy save for one barnyard chat between Alphonse and Mei.
  2. We still don't know the extent to which either Father or Hohenheim were involved in Xing's acquisition of alchemy. (Remember: Xing history tells of a blonde-haired, golden-eyed wizard who taught them alchemy. Was it the human? the homonculus? or neither one of them?)
  3. We still don't know why Father was caught off guard by and incapable of sealing Scar's use of dismantling alchemy or of Mei's use of Eastern-style alchemy. You'd think that if one or the other of them (between Hohenheim and Father) knew how to do Eastern-style alchemy, the other one could and long ago would have figured it out, too. So why is it that Father seems to be powerless against Eastern-style alchemy? Is it because neither he nor Hohenheim is responsible for it? And if so, then who the fuck is? And how does it work?
  4. We still don't know to what extent the Emperor of Xing is a villain or not. Is he like the old king of Xerxes, a man determined to cheat death but otherwise impotent? Is he a powerful entity like an Amestrian State Alchemist? Does he wish to cheat death for greedy reasons (like Xerxes' king) or does he have a more sympathizable motive? (like the Elric Brothers' desire to resurrect their mom, is it possible that the Emperor wishes to know the power of immortality so he can save his beloved from dying?) We know next to nothing about him still: and at this late stage in the game, that's sort of a problem. =\
  5. Given Father's apparent inability to seal off Eastern-style alchemy, I'm going to assume for now that Father taught Amestris about alchemy (and this became Western-style alchemy) while Hohenheim taught Xing about alchemy (and this became Eastern-style alchemy). Given this assumption, we still don't know why Hohenheim would have wanted to teach another nation about alchemy in the first place. I mean, this is the very force which destroyed his entire kingdom and robbed him of a normal life. And he seems pretty reticent about teaching alchemy to his own sons! Y'know, you'd think he'd be happy to teach them a form of alchemy against which Father is powerless! So why would he have introduced a nation of foreigners to the art of alchemy? Was it to train an army to combat Father? Was it to make a living? Was it for some other reason? It'd be nice to know. (Once again, could this just be a logical proof that Hohenheim didn't teach Xing alchemy; that somebody else did. But assuming it's revealed that Hohenheim was their teacher, then this becomes a huge problem.)

Briggs and Drakma, I could care less about. They were definitely lands/regions which were introduced merely for the purpose of a temporary plot line, one which once resolved allowed them to be easily forgotten. But Xing? Even though we've never seen it, it's been built up to be this major player, on par with Amestris in importance to the plot. You'd sorta think we'd know more about it by now.
I took a gamble and looked at Wikipedia's article on the volumes of the manga. This time the gamble paid off, since I managed just barely to avoid reading any spoilers. (The last thing I read was something which will surely be unveiled next episode; it wasn't a big deal; and that was it.) From my gamble, I've learned for us that we're about halfway through Volume 23. There are currently 24 volumes, and Volume 25 is set for publication on April 22 (nine days from this posting). No matter how you slice it, one of two things has to happen: either (1) we're going to catch up with the manga and, if it's not finished yet, then wuh-uh; or (2) we're going to catch up with the manga, and if it is finished, then the show will probably finish too right at that point. Either way? I'm thinking we're going to catch up with the manga come the end of June.

As for thoughts on Episode 52,
[hide]Alphonse's fight against Kimblee and Pride didn't disappoint outside of its somewhat-brief nature. ^^; It was nice to see Al making good but clumsy use of the stone: basically, he used it to perform souped-up versions of his normal abilities + copycatting the move he saw his dad use, but he failed to on-the-fly think up any cool new things to do with it that would have previously been beyond his capabilities. I also like Kimblee's sociopathic toying with Al (i.e. talking to him before killing him -- or before trying to kill him, anyway), and subsequently his demise at Heinkel's hands (err, maw).

Though ... I don't understand whatsoever why Pride held back from skewering Heinkel when he held up Kimblee's body as a shield. If the argument is "because Pride wanted to absorb Kimblee," then the point has to be raised that there's no way Heinkel could have known that at the time of his actions. And if it's some other reason ... well then, what on earth is it? lol I guess we'll have to wait and s--

Oh yeah. I forgot. Human sacrifices. I guess maybe (maybe!?) Heinkel knew Kimblee was one such candidate? Still seems sort of unlikely. But okay, now at least it makes sense why Pride was interested in keeping Kimblee alive.

GO YOKI! XD That was awesome. The tears and pissed-my-pants-I-was-so-scared hollering of his was perfect.

Alright, Mustang's finally back in action. It's about fucking time.

Go Alex Louis Armstrong! You show your PMS'ing older sister what you can do! Fuckin' skewered that Homonculus, ya did! :D[/hide]
That was an awesome episode. Still can't decide what I think about the new OP and ED yet though.

[hide]Yeah, that Al fight was pretty sweet. Hell, all the fights in this episode were cool, except for maybe Ed and co. getting wrecked by the white guys. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just a little disappointed that Al wasn't more powerful. But that's kind of hoping for too much, he did fight Pride and Kimblee by himself for a while there. Good enough I spose'

Loved the whole Sloth fight. I like that he's ironically the fastest homunculus. And the way that Armstrong skewered him was gnarly (yeah, I figured that term from the 90s was probably the best way to describe what happened there).

Next episode should be good too. Wonder why Mustang is making some an epic face in the last frame of the preview.[/hide]
They're both in my "do not annoy me, but do not excite me either" category. They're not bad, but neither are they great. I like the chorus in the OP, but it's still not enough. The ending is better than ED1 and ED3, but being better than ED3 isn't saying much.
53 was great. I enjoyed both halves to this episode. It was pretty obvious, though, that [hide]the Lieutenant was going to enter anyway and that Envy was going to turn into her.[/hide]
Last two episodes were great. Especially 54.

[hide]54 wasn't quite as predictable as you thought Sakun! I was surprised too though, hehe.

Both these episodes are awesome, if only for Mustang being a total badass. He's 2-0 on these Homunculus. But 54 had some other really great parts in it too. Like the opening where we see some more about Hawkeye's back. Mustang almost on the brink of madness from his revenge. And of course an awesome death for Envy.

Looks like shit is going down in the next episode.[/hide]