I need the code for this! What a great shot!
the code? unit, core, god, no wait... let’s see. that is a shot from sero-0018, one of a half-dozen videos from the “erotica” label made in 2010 which revolved around sticking one million yen in the mouths of girls and telling them that they could keep the money if they did not drop it while performing various sex acts. the series came to an abrupt end when several of the actresses complained that they were not paid due to the fact that they were told to perform oral sex and, of course, had to take the money out in order to do so. the producers used this as an excuse to claim breach of contract and sent the girls home with both empty mouths and purses. the courts found in favor of the girls and issued fines to the producers. when they attempted to pay these with sperm-covered money, the courts were not amused and put the whole series out of business. rather too bad. it was fun while it lasted.
there are a couple of active links at the library for sero-0018 down in the comments. also click on the “erotica” link to find the other videos in the series.