No one focus on Knight-Visual now?They had only released one "Pacifier Prep"(KV-215) throughout 2019,and only release two "Pacifier Prep"(KV-219&KV-222)at the first half of 2020.But they have shot
5"Pacifier Prep" those days.
Updated on 16/9:
The correct Pacifier Prep 69 is out,so there are 6 "Pacifier Prep" not 5.That's crazy!Maybe we can see 2 "Pacifier Prep" every month later.
Listed below:
Pacifier Prep 66(KV-226,released on 30/8,hole suck first showed in Pacifier Prep)
Pacifier Prep 67(KV-227,will be released on 26/9)
Pacifier Prep 68(KV-228,probably),preview photo of shooting scene from Knight-Visual
Pacifier Prep 69(KV-229,probably),preview photo of shooting scene from Knight-Visual blog.
Pacifier Prep 70(KV-230,probably),pic from actress's
Pacifier Prep 71(KV-231,probably),pic from actress's