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FS・ナイツビジュアル 担当 小川
お問い合わせページ https://www.knights-visual.com/inquiry/

Oh man, I hoped this girl would show up in the ENKI label instead. Now with this, there's no chance. We haven’t had a decent looking chick in ENKI for months.
Luckily BONY-132 is back up on DMM so we have that to look forward to!

As for ENKI, I LOVE their work and she would be indeed a solid addition to that line up.
Does anyone know of any Gokkun VR? I've got a couple of MilkyCat scenes on VR, but no other gokkun series. All the JAV VR movies mostly have fake cumshots which are ridiculous, and massive fake rubber cock sleeves. Thankfully PutaLocura have some gokkun VR scenes, but i'd love some JAV VR gokkun. Thank you
Does anyone know of any Gokkun VR? I've got a couple of MilkyCat scenes on VR, but no other gokkun series. All the JAV VR movies mostly have fake cumshots which are ridiculous, and massive fake rubber cock sleeves. Thankfully PutaLocura have some gokkun VR scenes, but i'd love some JAV VR gokkun. Thank you
I continue to look in vain. Unfortunately thanks to all the people who don't mind fake cumshots and creampies, the JAV companies have no motivation to make such content. They have mostly sold out. And why should they. Much cheaper to make fake cumshots. I believe moody's is one of the few that uses real cumshots in VR. But rarely gokkun. I only hope that at some point we see a wave of people who demand more gokkun like in the early 2000s, and the sales of such other crap go down. For now we are outnumbered by the fans that like this garbage.