"Guess who the JAV star is" game

Okay ... this will probobly be fairly hard as she hasn't realy been a star. But this girl has a very special place in my heart as she was the one who made me switch from western to JAV years ago.

Correct. It's Hikaru Shiina. The picture is from an uncensored movie from 2012/3... Can't bother checking while at work.
Correct. It's Hikaru Shiina. The picture is from an uncensored movie from 2012/3... Can't bother checking while at work.

You're brave enough for even visiting this board at work.

Well, guess here's another puzzle.


I dunno if she's known around here, she's not a complete nobody, but nontheless far from an AV superstar. I'm actually always surprised when I see a new release from her. "What, I thought she quitly retired long ago!". Most of her movies are a bit too extreme for me though. Anyway, who is it?
Don't know who she is but she looks exactly like the woman from the Chinese store nearby. :d
Gratz on reaching 20 points Hans. You were the underdog for such a long time :D""

On a side note i'll be releasing the Shop update when the thread reaches 15 pages. Untill then there will be a special event starting up from now. Untill the update comes you can buy store vouchers with your points, and these vouchers will have double value. In other words if you buy a 5 points voucher, you'll be able to use it for stuff thats worth up to 10 points in the shop.

The vouchers that are available cost 3/5/10 points and will give you 6/10/20 store credit respectivly.

To buy a voucher just say it in a comment. You'll lose the points that the voucher costs and get the store credit currency added next to your achievements and ladder points.

Edit: a slight glance of some more items :D

"Bottle of lube" - each time you earn points you get a 1/3rd bottle charge. After you get 3/3 charges (a full bottle) you can use the bottle to enter "super fap mode". While in super fap mode, you can post a new picture even if it's not your turn (both existing and your picture will be active for answering).Using the bottle consumes it's charges but the bottle itself is permanent.

"Voyeur camera" - You can use this item on another member. Each time that member earns points from answering or getting his picture answered you get 0,5/0,25 points. Item cost - 6 points.

"JAV collector album" - Each time you earn points you get 0,1 bonus for each achievement you've earned.

"Sailor Moon t-shirt" - When you answer a picture of loli you get 1 bonus point.
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To be honest, the achievment stuff is a neat idea, but I don't think anyone will actually use the shop items, that's just needlessly complicating a simple and fun picture guessing game.
To be honest, the achievment stuff is a neat idea, but I don't think anyone will actually use the shop items, that's just needlessly complicating a simple and fun picture guessing game.

I like the idea and I really like some of the items that Fisheraa came up with, but it would definitely take some effort and time to track everything. And then some items are not as useful as they might seem, for example, if someone bought the Sailor Moon t-shirt others could simply stop posting lolis to make him waste the points spent on the item.
Tracking items and their effects is actually 100 times easier than tracking achievements.
To address some of the issues... Items are indeed making the game more complicated, which could be both good and bad. That's why earlier I asked you guys if you want the game to stay as it is or move forward... But I didn't get a single response. I can still let the game be as it is now if the majority wants it.
As for the items... They are all designed to be better in the long term than just saving the points that they cost. You can sacrifice 6 points now but that item may give you 12 in the next month for example.
As for some items being worse... Well I can't say that they are all perfectly balanced but they are a lot better than you may initialy think. A lot of items become a lot better combined with other items and there is actually a panty you can win from the vending machine that promotes posting loli pictures. And even if you don't think some item is worth it... There is a small chance of winning every item by using the panty vending machine.

Anyway I wanna hear more opinions.. And if you guys actually don't want it, then I won't force it.

Edit: gramar
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Fisheraaa, I commend you for your gusto and imagination. You should feel free to do whatever you want.

Thing is, out of the millions of Akiba-Online members, just a teeny-weeny handful has so far shown interest (as to be expected)... and I don't believe all that many of the few participants sign in super-regularly. I suspect that's why Motiman lost his turn.

I don't think you should be limited at all, but one harsh reality that may be kept in mind is that the people here can't be expected to keep everything in mind. For example, and I'm not really a participant here (mainly because I suck), but the thread deserves support and I'm lending a hand here and there. Yet as responsible as I think I am, I'm too lazy to check your initial rules as to how long a picture should be kept up before announcing, "next."

The store vouchers went over my head, by the way.

Well, here's my pic...


This enchantress began gracing the smut screen in 2004, and has withdrawn her charms apparently around 2012.

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You know, I'm really torn about the shop, because I like your ideas, Fisheraaa, but perhaps it makes the game more than it should be, if that makes sense. I'd say let's keep the game as it is for now, unless the others want the shop to be included.
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You sayin' forum folks from fifteen years ago were more fun and "into it"? So have they grown more cynical and apathetic since? (And how would you know, anyway? Based on your avatar, you're just a teen-ager.)

I was a good boy; I checked the rules from the first few posts, after all. Time span for an unsolved puzzle is two days.


Mai HananoSister-in-Law Slave [MOMJ-049]

I'm 23 and i did start using the internet in the 2000. And yea back then people were indeed way more into stuff like that. The mentality of people was different.
What is your theory on why the "Younger Generation" has grown to be more indifferent? (Back in 2000, we were being bombarded by plenty of media information/technological changes too... maybe not as much as today, but still a lot.)


I think the boys did not get my prior puzzle (which I thought may not have been too difficult, as Mai has a distinctive face... and is no JAV slouch) because the board has been inactive, lately.

I got Facepixelizer.com to work (earlier, I didn't read the directions), and for those using it, a suggestion. The site saves as a PNG file, which is rock-heavy. (I think this post may have used one, because the loading was slower.) Additionally to save upon Akiba-Online's resources, please consider opening up your graphics program (a great and easy one is Irfanview), and save as a JPG.
