Guitar Hero Sucks!!!


Sep 29, 2007
Yeah, I said it. Guitar Hero sucks! Sorry, but I am and always will be a dedicated Beatmania player at heart. I must admit I haven't taken my game playing to the new "extreme" of giving my entire life to become pro at the game, but I will admit that I searched around Tokyo and Seoul until I had all of the Beatmania games (with original packaging and disc's) and am now the proud owner of Beatmania 1-13. Uhh...yeah, I just realized that my girlfriend is right and I may be a geek after all. BEATMANIA RULES!!!:hypno:
You just notice it suck? I played it once and put it down cause it was horrible, I'm hoping if this deivce will replace real guitar and I'll sit back and laugh if it does then all real musicians will be unemployed.
Hah, matt and trey always makes a good point, those instruments and games need to be straighten out.
Well, I play a real electric guitar and I love Guitar's one of the most fun games I've played so far. And the real game starts on hard and expert level when you get the feeling of actually playing guitar, even so some songs especially in Guitar Hero 3 are way too hard on expert (for normal people, a few crazy guys can actually play them).

Oh and trust me, that controller will never replace a real instrument, playing a real guitar is something completely different.
My small sausage fingers can't reach the buttons and there to slow.

That's all about practice, practice and practice...then you might be as good as this guy here (probably not ;) )


No, seriously...this is absolutly crazy, I will probably never be able to play like this no matter how long I practice.
Give me Gitaroo Man/Parappa the rapper any day.

Guitar hero/rock band are just so freaking lame and try to take themselves way to seriously.
guitar hero's a good game.

guitar = guitar hero, as dancing = ddr

kids are being educated about good rock music; who knows, it might even interest them to pick up a real guitar eventually.

to each his own.
I'd say the lack of good rock music is precisely why I'm inclined to agree that Guitar Hero sucks. Indie music, maybe, but classic rock? There are like 3-4 songs per game that the general public would recognize; the others are all for metalheads and garage punk bands to rock out to to their heart's content.

I mean, that's the thing: where is Ray Orbison? Where is Carlos Santana? Where is Jon Bon Jovi? It's obvious that this game is catering to fans of metal and punk, not to the greater swath of "rock" as so many of its fans claim it does and (as in the case of having no Santana) certainly not to fans of professional guitar as the name "guitar hero" would imply.

I'm sure the game is fun for those of you who live and breathe the music featured in these games; for the rest of us, it's more dull than playing DDR to a bunch of unrecognizable K-Pop.
i love Guitar Hero and Rock Band even more. Guitar Freaks sounds good, but i cant play it with the GH controller
I replayed it again, and it's not that fun, I have to move my hips and do "power moves", fuck that. I do that in bed, I stop playing consoles, cause now there really the sign of the devil turning kids off from women.

I rather play good games if these ever came out.


I know people who play real guitars in real bands, but they can't play guitar hero. Though there is another friend of mine who can OWN that game with the standard xbox 360 controller (you know the gamepad). I didn't even know you could play the game like that.
I know people who play real guitars in real bands, but they can't play guitar hero. Though there is another friend of mine who can OWN that game with the standard xbox 360 controller (you know the gamepad). I didn't even know you could play the game like that.

Just a shitty game, nothing more.
Omg what the hell is your problem? Just dont buy it and let others have their fun with the game ffs :pissed:
I replayed it again, and it's not that fun, I have to move my hips and do "power moves", fuck that. I do that in bed, I stop playing consoles, cause now there really the sign of the devil turning kids off from women.

That's fucking great. Seriously. More women for me then because I don't play those games.
umm well..if u dont mind me correcting..santana is in guitar heroes 3..the last stage..haha don't tell me u just hate it cause ur terrible? n cant get dat far?

jus kidding each his own i guess..cheers =D