[HCG]Himekishi Angelica - Anatatte, Hontou ni Saitei no Kuzu da wa!


New Member
Nov 18, 2009
Himekishi Angelica - Anatatte, Hontou ni Saitei no Kuzu da wa!

フルカラーFull Color, 656MB,


Hey, Du mußt mal schauen, dass Deine coverlinks auch funktionieren, der hier klappt jedenfalls nicht, bitte nimm mal einen anderen hoster dafür und ändere den thread ab. Sonst läufst Du Gefahr, dass Deine Threads wegen Regel 17 gelöscht werden.

Please check whether your image hosting links are working or not, and please move to a working picture hosting link. Otherwise you run into danger tat your threads are deleted ref. to rule 17.
Ja,new pixtube.eu is being built, old hoster from pixtube isn't open to anyone for uploading images yet, and new pixtube isn't stable,traffic exceeds hourly.

I try to upload images to xs.to, xs.to supports Full Size Image link, i prefer full size image in HCG and Anime, other image hosters only provide image hotlink and not always allow adult content...

A-O doesn't block any image hoster?
Danke, i have used directupload for cover of 3D Anime, although in Asia directupload refreshes images a bit slowly and dies for a while sometimes, most downloaders are from Asia...