Help about artist's name required :|


New Member
Oct 19, 2007
Well i stumbled on that pieces of work, i really found a liking on, but i really have no idea what the artist's name is, or if he has other works as well. :destroy:
You know that works with this maid, which appear in COMIC TENMA 2006-11,12 to 2007-01 ? Any idea about the artist, or if he has anything else released :/?
Thanks very much in advance :D
Ouch, that really is bad news :/
Really sucks =(

Although it rather seems to me, that Akane Shinsha is the publisher rather than the artist who drew those works, in the above mentioned Tenma Comics, any verification? Or did Akane Shinsha really did draw those as well as publishing ?

Really sucks, that he's dead..