Help ID another one from AVOP-003 - Any info.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2008
I see the Japanese name 加奈子, but I can't seem to find anything about her other than this video. She's a bit thick, which I like, but not fat. What is the romanization of her name? And does anyone know of anything else she's been in?

vlcsnap-2016-02-15-09h13m17s132.png vlcsnap-2016-02-15-09h11m46s199.png vlcsnap-2016-02-15-09h43m14s139.png
Her name is 加奈子 Kaneko

Let me give you some advice. If you request help identifying an actress and someone goes through the trouble to find their name the least you could do is thank them for their efforts. Especially in this case since you hadn't identified the correct movie or who produced it.
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