Hentai anime/hentai game attaction


New Member
Mar 12, 2007
Hi, I wants to know about how you guys like hentai anime/hentai games like how you guys attacted to the hentai game/hentai anime, for me, not every hentai anime/ hentai game I'll check. I only get attacted to only the girls appealing, if the girls are beautiful, pretty, cute, young looking age around 16 to 19, schoolgirl type, for sex scene, I would prefer not using equipment hardcore type, only kinds of normal sex like Fellatio, Penetrating etc then I will look forward to the anime/games, now I am currently looking forward to Chikan Monogatari, I am interested in the young girl who is a teacher int that anime together with that small boy in episode one :shake:
For memostly anything w/big tits. On games though Illusion makes the best specially SB3. BTW I really like shily women (oiled, sweaty). Does anyone know of an H-Game that features such? Like SB3?
Yeah large tits work for me as there are just so many things you can do with them!
For memostly anything w/big tits. On games though Illusion makes the best specially SB3. BTW I really like shily women (oiled, sweaty). Does anyone know of an H-Game that features such? Like SB3?

you try Rapelay by Illusion? its pretty much like SB3 but more of a easy going type lol..any ways for my i like schoolgirl type and good art :inlove:
The things I most look for are tentacles, S&M, and tanned girls (think Mihoshi). Of course it has to be nice and hardcore too. XP
My fav are school girls and loli. Those cute, innocent little girls with small(but not flat) but sensitive little titties:XD:
Since I liked fighting games, I liked battle raper 2 more than SB3. Illusion games are da best
Cheers, all Illusion fans