Accursed: Emma's Path [Ver.0.0.19a RC]
Year: January 2024
Platform: PC/Windows all/Linux
Genre:Adventure, rpgm, 2dcg, big tits, 2d game, fantasy, oral sex, handjob, teasing, prostitution, vaginal sex, monster girl, sexual harassment, cheating, humor, virgin, big ass, group sex, monster
Developer / Publisher: MegaloDEV
Publication Type: In Progress
File size:589mb
Version:0.0.19a RC

Accursed: Emma's Path is an optional-combat erotic visual-novel-styled RPG,
with a heavy emphasis on cheating,
NTR and corruption.
The game is being made in RPG Maker MZ. All Characters are 18+!
Most of the game is played from the perspective of Emma as her entire world is turned upside down.
After falling at the hands of the reining Demon Lord, Emma's love and the Prophesied Hero succumbs to a terrible curse!
With the hero indisposed, it is up to Emma to save her beloved at all costs!
Will she succeed?
Or will she surrender to the rising darkness within herself?
Ver.0.0.19 RC + a (hotfix)
added TWO new H-CG sets
added a new H-CG scene - Emma Sleepless [s-1]
-accessed when sleeping on day 4
added a new H-CG scene - Cassandra and the Guard
-accessed when trying to train with Cassandra on the morning of Day 6
added three new mini-CGs [s-2]
-one is shown at various points when Emma changes herself such as on day 1.
-another happens during the throne room DL confrontation.
-the final one is shown if Emma chooses to drink
added a slime enemy to the Find Cross map alongside two new basic combat tutorials [s-2]
-one quickly explains the BP system
-the other explains the basics of barriers
-we'll improve these later with visuals and better text.
added Demon Lord battle during the Cross Section
-included are some basic abilities for Cross, Garland and Kazuma
added a day 2 and day 4 bathing scene [s-2]
-reminder that these are the same CGs as the day 1 just with different text reflecting the day's events.
added a new interaction in the innroom - changing into night clothes [s-2]
-sprite will update in a future build.
-it is also not required to "change" back into Emma's casual clothes as she automatically do this when the player attempts to leave the innroom without changing.
added a new Lorraine event on day 5 [s-1]
added bulletin board interaction [s-1]
-located right outside the Golden Barrel
-Nothing to here yet, but this is where most side quests and some major secondary quests will start.
updated the UI [s-2]
-Thinned the edges on the UI but kept the top a bit thicker
-mini-CG UI is also a bit thinner and no longer white
-widened the message box which fixed text getting cut off
updated combat draft
-stats have all been modified
-new barrier system
-while a barrier is up a percentage of damage is absorbed by MP
-"brave" and "guard" works the same as before.
-enemies now instantly trigger combat when they touch the player
-combat test map has also been updated
Changed Sophie's quest day 4 dialogue. [s-1]
-it will now point the player to Lorraine rather than waiting until she returns.
Recreated splash screens [s-1]
-each can be skipped by pressing any button or clicking
-skipping can be done at any time even first boot
Recreated main menu [s-1]
-spruced it up a little.
Changed Lorraine's H-CG to be accessible on day 4 [s-1]
Changed it so the player can now enter the Church Courtyard map on days 3+ [s-1]
updated gallery map to include the new CGs [s-2]
updated the footstep sound [s-2]
lowered the volume of some effects [s-2]
updated pixi.js which should net improved performance
updated a few time of day tints to make more sense
Bugs and Other
updated end of content info slightly
removed a few "developer notes"
fix some italicized issues
fixed a soft locks that occurs when returning to the Church Courtyard post-Hilda HCG
fix mayor sprite showing during dance prior to when he should
fixed the mayor and Lyra still being shown in the hotspring post cutscene
fixed Uzul saying "Friday" when it should be "another day" [s-2]
fixed a crash that triggered with the skirt flip mini-event [s-2]
fixed rendering issues with the mini-cgs [s-1]

Year: January 2024
Platform: PC/Windows all/Linux
Genre:Adventure, rpgm, 2dcg, big tits, 2d game, fantasy, oral sex, handjob, teasing, prostitution, vaginal sex, monster girl, sexual harassment, cheating, humor, virgin, big ass, group sex, monster
Developer / Publisher: MegaloDEV
Publication Type: In Progress
File size:589mb
Version:0.0.19a RC

Accursed: Emma's Path is an optional-combat erotic visual-novel-styled RPG,
with a heavy emphasis on cheating,
NTR and corruption.
The game is being made in RPG Maker MZ. All Characters are 18+!
Most of the game is played from the perspective of Emma as her entire world is turned upside down.
After falling at the hands of the reining Demon Lord, Emma's love and the Prophesied Hero succumbs to a terrible curse!
With the hero indisposed, it is up to Emma to save her beloved at all costs!
Will she succeed?
Or will she surrender to the rising darkness within herself?
Ver.0.0.19 RC + a (hotfix)
added TWO new H-CG sets
added a new H-CG scene - Emma Sleepless [s-1]
-accessed when sleeping on day 4
added a new H-CG scene - Cassandra and the Guard
-accessed when trying to train with Cassandra on the morning of Day 6
added three new mini-CGs [s-2]
-one is shown at various points when Emma changes herself such as on day 1.
-another happens during the throne room DL confrontation.
-the final one is shown if Emma chooses to drink
added a slime enemy to the Find Cross map alongside two new basic combat tutorials [s-2]
-one quickly explains the BP system
-the other explains the basics of barriers
-we'll improve these later with visuals and better text.
added Demon Lord battle during the Cross Section
-included are some basic abilities for Cross, Garland and Kazuma
added a day 2 and day 4 bathing scene [s-2]
-reminder that these are the same CGs as the day 1 just with different text reflecting the day's events.
added a new interaction in the innroom - changing into night clothes [s-2]
-sprite will update in a future build.
-it is also not required to "change" back into Emma's casual clothes as she automatically do this when the player attempts to leave the innroom without changing.
added a new Lorraine event on day 5 [s-1]
added bulletin board interaction [s-1]
-located right outside the Golden Barrel
-Nothing to here yet, but this is where most side quests and some major secondary quests will start.
updated the UI [s-2]
-Thinned the edges on the UI but kept the top a bit thicker
-mini-CG UI is also a bit thinner and no longer white
-widened the message box which fixed text getting cut off
updated combat draft
-stats have all been modified
-new barrier system
-while a barrier is up a percentage of damage is absorbed by MP
-"brave" and "guard" works the same as before.
-enemies now instantly trigger combat when they touch the player
-combat test map has also been updated
Changed Sophie's quest day 4 dialogue. [s-1]
-it will now point the player to Lorraine rather than waiting until she returns.
Recreated splash screens [s-1]
-each can be skipped by pressing any button or clicking
-skipping can be done at any time even first boot
Recreated main menu [s-1]
-spruced it up a little.
Changed Lorraine's H-CG to be accessible on day 4 [s-1]
Changed it so the player can now enter the Church Courtyard map on days 3+ [s-1]
updated gallery map to include the new CGs [s-2]
updated the footstep sound [s-2]
lowered the volume of some effects [s-2]
updated pixi.js which should net improved performance
updated a few time of day tints to make more sense
Bugs and Other
updated end of content info slightly
removed a few "developer notes"
fix some italicized issues
fixed a soft locks that occurs when returning to the Church Courtyard post-Hilda HCG
fix mayor sprite showing during dance prior to when he should
fixed the mayor and Lyra still being shown in the hotspring post cutscene
fixed Uzul saying "Friday" when it should be "another day" [s-2]
fixed a crash that triggered with the skirt flip mini-event [s-2]
fixed rendering issues with the mini-cgs [s-1]