hentai or anime


Eat this !!!
Dec 13, 2006
just wandering what do you download more of, me personaly its kind of a toss up at the moment. started out just a die hard hentai fan and didn't really think of anime all that much. then i figured that i'd give it a try and next thing you know i'm getting whole freaken series :abandoned:

* don't know if i put this in the right place so sorry if it isn't v.v *
I've said it before and I'll say it again..
There's just too much low quality crap hentais out there.
The poor quality is a huge turn-off for me.
There are, of course, a few gems out there that are worth watching, but they're unfortunately rare.
I've turned to h-manga and such.
(This one's awesome.)
Definitely anime they have much better animation, music, and story. I rarely watch hentai animes I'm not really into them much I love hentai mangas though but still I read normal mangas more. I could survive without hentai for a while but not without anime and manga.
Right now I download more hentai, but only cuz I hate waiting for new anime eps to come out, but in the first place I only watch hentai cuz I love anime.:inlove: but anime is my first love.
Anime all the way, there isnt enough hentai that I like out there, I just use hantai to fill in when I dont have any anime to watch
I download almost exclusively hentai, reason is is that i buy all the anime that i like the look of or just watch it on youtube. There is a lot of shit hentai out there but a lot of the stuff coming out in japan right now is very nice indeed.
Anime is awesome, or at least can be. Same for manga. Hentai manga is a little obsession of mine, but hentai anime is not.
I think my appreciation of H-games will come back when my japanese improves.
If there was a poll i'd pick 'anime.
Same like everyone Anime .

90% or more of the hentai anime production have poor animation and plot (exepte some works like moon rock .etc).

and i prefere hentai manga (get a lot of them ^^;) and some magazine
like the Comic Lo (My Preciouusssssss) Megastore comic (nel and tsukino jyogi are in this one) AYLA (a great one for every bizare things lovers goro not include ^^ camp heaven is serialized in this one) :full: .
Anime. I rarely download hentai seeing how I'm not the only one using this computer and if my mom finds out then I probably won't be able to watch hentai anymore XDD

So I gotta be careful. But yeah I SOMETIMES download hentai.
definitely anime..but if your in a "naughty" mood:secret: , then gooo hentai!!!!

*searches for hmangas*
Hentai, I almost never download anime any more because it's usually worse than the manga, and it's not released as fast. But if it was between hentai, anime, and manga, my manga collection outnumbers both my hentai and anime collection combined 4 to 1.
usually anime-subbed since that way I can understand the story

hentai would be for fapping materials, sometimes even gratuitous sex would be fine
hentai and anime, they are moving close right now!In Japan, there are alot of new animes are very H, and too hard to tell are they 18X or not!I hate this!Breasts,panties...........normal anime shouldn't include too much of this!i wish we will still have more good anime to watch with!
lol yep alot of anime are already gradually beginning to either show more flesh, or more revealing artwork.
Hentai? Anime? What's the difference nowadays. :beautiful2:
Anime all the way, it's just that I usually delete a series after I finish watching it to save HD space unless if I really enjoyed it or it has replay value (Azumanga Daioh comes to mind as one example).

I hold on to hentai since I don't know when I may want to watch it again (for fapping purposes) plus I just like collecting them ^^. I have no problem deleting rl porn to make room since there are a plethora of sites to get it from.
im also with anime because there are some hentai stories out there are extremly annoyng
i only have like almost 100 gb of hentai a nd anime almost 1 TB
Hentai? Anime? What's the difference nowadays. :beautiful2:

How true. *laughs*

I dunno, I think it's an unfair comparison in some ways. Anime is a far larger field, both in terms of series and in terms of how much material is produce PER series, so there's a lot more to choose from.

Yes a lot of H-anime is crap, but there are some good ones, and they're getting better as time goes on (look at 80's hentai if you don't believe me :P). Same deal with H-games.

I download both, in fairly equal amounts. After all, six h-anime still don't even have half the content of one season of say, Bleach. Just time-wise.

And on a tangential note, H-games are my favorite among all the H options. You can machine-translate them pretty well right away, instead of waiting around for a fan-subber.
Long Live Anime and Hentai!!!!:goodjob:
I love them all....Muahahahaha!!!:evillaugh: Hello to all Anime and Hentai lover, I hope you all enjoy loving anime or hentai just like i did..:nosepick: