i voted 4 live porn of course..bcoz i prefer sth realistic..
It is precisely because we prefer something realistic that many of us chose Hentai. Superficially people write hentai off as being less real because it's drawings vs. actual human beings, but I believe that many people have the same feeling that I do and that is that real porn
feels so fake, so scripted, so insincere whereas hentai (once you get over the fact that it's a drawing) feels like it's depicting a scene that's actually happening.
To give you one example of what I'm criticizing, porn is capable of only two kinds of moans: fake moans and real moans. It's pretty bland. And 9 times out of 10 the moans are noticeably fake. Hentai is capable of convincing the reader of very specific emotions like "the woman is moaning with physical pleasure but psychological apprehension" or "the woman is moaning with physical pleasure but psychological fear".
It is precisely because hentai is fictional that it is capable of best simulating real scenarios that people fantasize about, especially those scenarios which are unethical/illegal to film (e.g. abduction) or would take too long to film in the real world (e.g. seduction). Pornography, by virtue of how it is filmed and what it is allowed to film, covers a very narrow scope of humanity's sexual fantasies, including fantasies which can actually happen in the real world.