Imagine some anime comedy show from the 80s, like Urusei Yatsura (from the Rumiko Takahashi manga). This series is already funny because of the large cast of characters that have more or less psychotic behaviour, but many times the anime likes to joke about other anime, popular movies, japanese tokutatsu and so on. Episode 154 tells us a story about medic counseling madness and "battle royale" for bell tolls, part 1 from youtube:
But in that episode, you couldn't believe what is parodied. You can jump at 5:06 of the video, it's not at all related to the main story. I almost fell off of my chair when I saw it the first time. I'll just add a picture that summarizes the scene, hopefully you don't get spoiled too much... For info the episode was broadcasted on 1st of May, 1985.
I cannot promise other discoveries like this in the future, but this is already something HUGE to me.
But in that episode, you couldn't believe what is parodied. You can jump at 5:06 of the video, it's not at all related to the main story. I almost fell off of my chair when I saw it the first time. I'll just add a picture that summarizes the scene, hopefully you don't get spoiled too much... For info the episode was broadcasted on 1st of May, 1985.
I cannot promise other discoveries like this in the future, but this is already something HUGE to me.