Hey China, Thanks For The Smog...

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I Know Better Than You
Mar 19, 2007

Pozzy said:
At roughly 1:45pm, a massive cloud of smog from mainland China mixed with sand from the Gobi Desert finally hit the East coast of Japan after traveling across the country causing itchy eyes, clogged air filters and respiratory distress in millions. Within minutes, Tokyo convenient stores, variety kiosks and pharmacies were sold out of face-masks in a last-ditch effort to keep some of the pollution out of the lungs of both adults and children alike. More than 30 minutes on, the fierce winds continue to blow and what could have been a nice Sunday afternoon at 2pm now looks like dusk.

Those lucky enough to be on the ground level are left with a breeze of sand and smoke, while those of in high-rise buildings and apartments scramble to take in laundry and anything else that might be carried off. One look out of the window from our 24th floor photo studio shows clothing, plastic bags and papers flying through the air.


Looking North into Kita-Senju, one of the last stops going North before entering into Chiba. On normal days, you can see for several kilometers, even seeing the mountains which are roughly 60km away.


View looking East





The invasion of dessert yellow sands from China's mainland! No blue sky today


Tokyo Sky Tree.



Yellow Wind from a friend in Shinjuku




From another friend at Enoshima... wanna know just how far that is from where I am (and from where I shot the photos in the first post?) - Google-earth "Kita Senju" and then google-earth "Enoshima" .... that's how much shit in the air we are dealing with.




At Jiyugaoka Station, Tokyo.
It's worst for....

Think of the people who live with this daily. Gee a government that only thinks of making $ and killing it's citizens in that pursuit. I gotta agree with the expletive.
must have been really hard to breathe
A pretty bad situation
meh. Fukushima did way more damage than this sandstorm. not to mention how much radiation was leaked into the ocean
This is very scary. Thank you for reporting this. I posted this on my FB.
Please give a thought to those who had to breathe that stuff. Coming from China, The Gods only know what was in that Evil Wind, what they were breathing, what the long term health effects will be. We're not talking about the result of an earthquake or tsunami damaging homes and buildings and killing people. It's a natural thing we, no matter where we live, face and are used to as a result of the composition of the planet we live on. This is the result of man made actions. We're talking about polluted air filled with heavy metals, chemicals, radio active particles, foreign (to Japan) organic material, in a dense cloud so thick that that you can barely see Sky Tree from a mile away. You think cigarettes are bad? That's a soup that can make diseases that make aids and cancer look like a Sunday drive (pun intended). The real question is what blew up. My friends and family are breathing that stuff. I'm sure this isn't the first time this has happened. China needs to take responsibility.
Does anyone know when it's supposed to blow through or how long it'll linger over the area?:please:
In all fairness, it's a sand storm. Once every couple of years we get this in Taiwan, too. Sand picked up from the Gobi desert. I'm sure part of it is man-made polution, but you can hardly blame the Chinese for the nasty combination of powerful wind and sand.

Regardless, it's a crappy situation. Here in Taipei, a couple of years ago we got the sand-filled wind coming in from China. The screens on my balcony were coated with this nasty oily stuff. Exactly the same consistency as hashish. Just disgusting!
This is Japan's karma for all the atrocities committed during the Japanese territorial expansion era.

An official apology from Japan to the people of China, Korea and other south east asian countries is long overdue.
This is Japan's karma for all the atrocities committed during the Japanese territorial expansion era.

An official apology from Japan to the people of China, Korea and other south east asian countries is long overdue.

You have an odd sense of what karma is. A few days of this stuff, vs. on mainland China there are people who live in these conditions on a daily basis.

If you go back in Asian history beyond the myopic 60 years that most people focus on Asian countries have been duking it out for centuries. The scale's simply increased over the years.
This is Japan's karma for all the atrocities committed during the Japanese territorial expansion era.

An official apology from Japan to the people of China, Korea and other south east asian countries is long overdue.

Yea, tell it how you want. Karma... right.

So when's china's karma due for all the shit they do to themselves? 6,000 pigs... cancer city, human rights violations left right & center, media censorship second only to North Korea.

Yea, dem 'chineze' certainly haven't done ANYTHING wrong have they?

Several univeristy professors have stated last night in the news that a percentage of the dust was sand from the "Kanto Plains" however there the yellow-sand and other particulates originated in china. Take your china sympathies and go elsewhere.

Thank you for posting this. I had sunglasses on and a mask and it still got in my eyes. The sad thing is i was just in China for a biz trip and the Chinese people don't believe any of this. The Chinese gov't tells them that the Japanese news and Japanese people are making it up. When I told one of my colleagues in China that I live in Japan and that its real...she just got really quiet.

China is run by an oligarchy of rich families that know they can only keep this charade up for a generation or two more. Then all hell with break loose. But by then those families and all their kids will simply leave China, just like the last gov't ran away to Taiwan.

As someone who lives in Japan, I was originally angry about the smog, but then I realized...damn...some of my Chinese brothers and sisters deal with this crap every day? And it just made me sad...

As someone who lives in Japan, I was originally angry about the smog, but then I realized...damn...some of my Chinese brothers and sisters deal with this crap every day? And it just made me sad...

Yeah, it's even worse in parts there. Combine that with the native pollution that's already present..yech. I'm scared to see how many cases of emphysema are reported.

This is Japan's karma for all the atrocities committed during the Japanese territorial expansion era.

An official apology from Japan to the people of China, Korea and other south east asian countries is long overdue.

*waves at Mao and the ~40 million killed under his revolution*

Japan gets a sandstorm for all the atrocities, the PRC gets the world's second largest economy...
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