

New Member
Sep 13, 2007
Hi all, I'm new.
Just happened to stumble upon this site. I really love the selection.
From what I've read, most seem helpful/nice in other threads. Like that too.
Anyway, I'm a student,working on my Psych degree and it sucks.

I think that should be it for now, I should be around posting other places.
Wow I gave Akuma a day to welcome you but I guess I will do it....
Welcome to the forums!!!!
Yea just ask any questions or for torrents for stuff or whatever.
And stay away from denamic he is pretty much the only mean one.
Ooh, I'm mentioned!
I'm not mean just to be mean.
I'm mean because it's more fun!
Yea gibel. We are nice here aren't we! LOL

Reminds me of one of my favourite sayings....

"It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice!"

Anyway welcome to Akiba!