hi fetish otaku and ok? (oh and im new)


New Member
Jun 17, 2008
hi there n.n im from the uk so i dont know what fetishes the general otaku has, but i would like to find out.

boy doesnt that sound purvy, i just have never met a guy with a fun fetish and really i just want to find a guy whos fetish we could both enjoy

plus i heard otakus are really friendly so i would like some otaku friends if i could.

Did that intro go ok?
Yea good intro doesitreallymatter

Well since this is a Neo-Otaku Community, I'm pretty sure we are all otakus!!!

There are plenty of guys to meet here with fetishes!

So welcome!
go around and see the world firstXD
most of every majority type of fetishes are around here
you have to know yourself first^^

welcome by the way
Anything goes, so long as you're obsessive enough about it you can join the otaku clan...

As for myself, I like anything... heck I even find this pretty hot. Of course I'd prefer if it was a young Japanese girl doing this, but oh well.