Hi there, my name is okie. I'm a regular of another site that also featured Javs. I stumble myself here while I was searching for gravure IVs.
This site is easy to navigate, well categorized, and is user friendly. Design isn't flashy but simple. Overall impression on me is pleasing to the eye.
I'm also surprise to see some familiar faces here too. Needless to say, we do share much things in common
I'll stick around here, getting myself familiarized.
This site is way cool with lot's of Hentais which I find it rare back in my home site.
This site is easy to navigate, well categorized, and is user friendly. Design isn't flashy but simple. Overall impression on me is pleasing to the eye.
I'm also surprise to see some familiar faces here too. Needless to say, we do share much things in common
I'll stick around here, getting myself familiarized.
This site is way cool with lot's of Hentais which I find it rare back in my home site.