Hmm.. *pokes around*


New Member
Feb 11, 2007
Ello folks.

Just thought I should stick my head outta the water and say hi to you folks. Some whom I've encountered in HF, some in other language forums (predominantly Chinese), and others whom I've yet to meet. :goodboy:

You should find me a rather level headed old man despite what my nick suggests. UNLESS the debate is about sailing, ships, port of calls (and their women), navigation or ocean passage, which I'll simply blast you out of the water if you write garbage about em. :ridiculed:

That said, I'm going to lurk below the waterline till I find the urge to start babbling in the forums (took me 2yrs of lurking in HF before I started posting :snicker: ).

*blurg blurg bubbles bubbles* <--(roughly translated as "till then~")

P/S: pssst, whom should I PM regarding deletion of my old account (created when I couldn't reg as nuts)?
No accounts have been deleted.
We encountered some forum issues and had to roll back the forum to jan 28.

And as of yet, we still haven't been able to bring back the attachments.
I mean, I have an older account which I would want it deleted... nothing to do with the minor blackout here. ;)
@Denamic, thanks, sent.

Well, that's sorted out (or soon will be), still... hello to all others out there ^^
:miserable: hello ,and welcome to the forums fellow lurker (I've been in HF for years and only have a couple of posts.....)

Enjoy your stay... :...:
Hi and welcome. Enjoy your stay btw.

p.s: Don't expect warm welcomes from some of the members though, they are recovering from their trauma (emotionally). :abandoned: