

Dec 15, 2006
Okay, this probably shows how out of the loop I am, but what does hnnng mean? I see it everywhere. I suspect it is an indication of a mild form of sexual arousal brought on by the material to which the term is addressed, but I honestly have no clue... :puzzled:


I Know Better Than You
Mar 19, 2007
It seems like the same sound I make after eating too much dairy products.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
To me, "hnnng" would be an attempt at spelling out the sound you make when trying to lift something very heavy; when trying to pass a difficult stool; etc. It's that "take a big breath and PUSH!/LIFT!/MOVE!" noise.

If it really is being used by any of the Internet's communities to mean "cuteness overload," I think they REALLY need to consider getting a new expression. :exhausted:

'Cause if someone posted a picture of a cute woman, and then someone responded with "HNNNG!", I'd think he either lost his lunch at the sight of her or else he was taking a crap while posting on Akiba.


Jun 22, 2010
It really would help if you gave us some form of context - As in where you originally heard this. I say this because there is a bizarre usage of the word 'Hnng' (one less 'n' though), which I quote:

“hnng” is also a code word being used on popular chat service Omegle to gain followers on Tumblr.

“It’s a code word to tell the person on Omegle you’re from Tumblr,” said Britney Murphy on Twitter.

“Go on Omegle. If you hnng and the other person hnngs back, exchange Tumblr urls. It’s a Tumblr thing,” tweeted Robert Fairclough. “I hnnged for a good twenty minutes. After seeing every other post on Tumblr about it, it’s kinda annoying now.”

I didn't know that either until two minutes ago when I Googled it.

I personally would side with Sakunyuusha's interpretation and say it bears the connotation of exertion or constipation; and possibly a mild link with sexual gratification.


Dec 15, 2006
Thanks for the responses. As for context, I see it mostly on youtube in the comments for videos involving anime, girls dancing to jpop, cosplay, or a mix of the three.

Before I posted here, I googled and found the tumblr references, but the definition of that "hnng" didn't seem to fit. I think guy's explanation fits best.