How can a tourist get laid with young japanese girl?

Back on topic, if all you want is to get laid in Japan, then is not difficult at all..... If you're looking for real love, that's another story.

If you consider yourself at least reasonably handsome (or not ugly), your best bet is to go to any of the clubs in Roppongi (Tokyo). Lots of japanese girls with an interest in gaijins go there. Mind you, they are not the cutest, innocent looking ones and beware cause some of them are real bitches, but still, there are some really hot girls. No need to know japanese, just get to dance with one all night, make sure you both are drinking....and soon you'll be on your way with her to a hotel. If by any chance you can dance salsa or are latino, then go to a salsa club, you'll be a God among women there. Seriously, you even get to choose from all the girls.

Second choice is to go for a soapland. Go to the Taito area near Asakusa, many of the soaplands there now accept foreigners. The selection will be more limited because not all the girls want to take the risk and chances are that you'll have to wear a condom (regular japanese customers don't have to). Expect to spend something around ¥30,500 to ¥50,000 yen. Even though the selection of girls is limited, there are still very pretty ones and the experience itself is really awesome.

Your last option is to go and stay in Japan for an extended period of time. Brush up your Japanese skills the most you can. You can sustain yourself by providing personalized english classes, and it's also a great way to meet cute japanese girls. If done correctly, you might be able to hook up with one cute and pretty decent girl. But this option is less likely. It takes a lot of time for regular japanese girls to trust foreign guys at that level and your skill in japanese language plays a huge role. But nothing's written in stone....there are examples of successful people.
Thank you. Your suggestion is very helpful. :D
I honestly couldn't tell unless they have different skin tone, as in, Samoan vs. Japanese, example. ;)

I have to yell bullshit again, despite your un-neccessarily polite response (which I thank you for). There is just as much skin tone difference between Thai and most Japanese as there is between japanese and Samoans. That is not what sets Samoans apart from Japanese though, just as it is not the only thing that sets Thai from Japanese. There are certain facial features that are easily still predominant and not many people in Japan would confuse a Polynesian for a Japanese. Now if you were to tell me You couldn't tell a Japanese from a Korean or a person from China at least then I could understand the argument as they often have too many physical features in common to distinguish them at a mere glance (although Chinese still tend to have rounder features, Korean flatter features and Japanese more angular features this is by no means a rule, just a guide).
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The natives of Samoa are totally different from those of Japan or China, the main core is made of "Malay" people (Austronesians) mixed with Melanesian elements (some can have very dark skin and curly hairs), similar characters occur in other locations in the Pacific islands.
As a white french i don't see much difference between a croatian, an english, a german and a french. Perhaps is it similar for him ? As an asian guy he have difficulties to tell the difference that for someone else seems very obvious. I don't meet a lot of asian guys but when i look on the internet a thai, a japanese, a korean and a chinese, i can immediately tell who is who because there's so much difference between them and me.
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Hi guys,

Any suggestion on available option and pricing? :p

I don`t know if this has been covered or not as I just breezed through the thread content. I am to assume your Japanese is limited and you are only here for a week or so.

Massage only. Used the Shinjuku store summer last year and iwas OK. A bit pricey but you can order in English. The most I got was and BBBJ and rat-a-tat-tat handy for the finish. Girl speaks a bit of English.

The place below seems to be OK. I haven`t used personally but had a white expat buddy use this place with really good success. Multiple pops, BBBJ but covered full sex and with a Thai massage to finish the session and all at the comfort at your house/hotel.

I would stay away from Tokyo CL as it if full of oddballs, scammers and flat out old and used Japanese women. You can try to pick up chix at the Hub or Gaspanic, or in Roppongi but that is a bit time consuming and is smelly (cig smoke & desparation) and just flat out tiring.

If you come to Tokyo often, I would invest your time for quality and venture around a bit in the red light district, pick up some Japanese lingo and get the numbers of some good performing cutie girls you can have on your beck and call when you return. While you are at it, hit a few of the pink salons (blowjob bars), you can google for the English only ones.

Good luck and let us know how you go as you might uncover some cool ideas for us longer term residents here.