How is Akiba-Online hosted?


Jul 20, 2008
I've been enjoying this site and community very much since discovery and am curious how it is hosted: how much, who and what are the terms of service?

I realise that as a forum it may not be held to the same terms of service as a personal or business site but would still like to know. I'd like to be able to comfortably store my own images and videos (such as Japanese idols) on my site and be able to link to and from places like Akiba Online without fear of my host shutting me down. (Please note that this is NOT a question about how to duplicate AO or how to share files by uploading and linking via the forum -- I have no interest in starting a separate community, and I understand how to use AO's existing sharing methods. I've just had the same webhost for 7 years and have never been allowed to post nude, semi-nude or erotic images or commentary or even links, and am beginning a search to get a host that allows these things finally -- and AO covers all walks!)

If this has been answered elsewhere, or is common knowledge, could you please direct me to the place where it's written?

Thanks and best!
My guess is that you were talking about something like a blog or a personal website right?

I don't think any free web host will openly say they allow anyone to host nude pictures or videos on their server.
Most people just do it anyway. For example, Blogspot, I don't think they allow porn materials but I can google dozens of them related to porn easily.
It's hosted on its own server that it shares with a few smaller websites I run from a data centre in Chicago.