How to Post Images from my Album?


Hidden Dragon
Oct 31, 2007
I'm a bit confused how to post images from my album in a thread.

For example if either of the two given methods "Picture URL or
BB Code" found in the album itself I get full sized pictures.

Yesterday I also had the option of clicking a camera icon that was supposed to attach pictures from albums but it just did this in my post.

{attach}{/attach} with > and < 's

I used to be able to do this so, haha-- give me a hint.
If you don't want to use the full size picture you could just download the image and then reupload it using the manage attachments option. I know that is the long way to do it but it will work and unless you are posting a ton of pix it really is not very time consuming. I do not know the short way myself.
Usually when I want to insert an album picture (and/or thumbnail) to a post, I do it by hand...

But yeah I'm kinda psycho. I see four combinations of pictures viewing and linking, so I will make a tutorial for psycho boys like me. I break intentionally some links so that you can see the tags and BBcode.

1/ For a thumbnail view, just copy the picture link of that thumbnail with your browser and insert it with the tag. I think the "?dl=1278253420" part is not necessary but it comes up when you copy the link.

Example of thumbnail from one of my albums:

2/ For an album picture view, you can use the BBcode already proposed in the album picture page.


3/ For linking to an album picture with a thumbnail view, you can put the thumbnail as , select the text result and insert the real picture link with the [URL] tag on top of it.


4/ For linking to an album picture page with a thumbnail view, it is the same way as the third example, except you put the page link in the tag. You can see that this is prac...8943dc3e1d0fc3b_29880.jpg?dl=1278253420[/IMG]
that was instructional, thx
thanks, but i feel certain that this process was done automatically.

why would that be broken? can it get fixed? it seems ridiculously useful..