("Anyone know how to access old threads ?" Are not the old threads there, Manerror? With now missing in-house attachments.)
Well, I came here to ask how to search for posts. I see the very first entry under the Stickys was "How to search for posts." Great, my problem was going to be solved, and I didn't need to write anything. But here I am, writing.
Let's organize this thread, because other questions have evolved. The two subset questions are:
1) How to search for series codes via the prefix of the "DVD" code. Mod IdolFun has apparently attended to that question, in his astoundingly laconic manner, with his "asterisk" solution. (Although I'm not sure if that tackles sorting out posts vs. threads, have not experimented.)
2) Searching with Japanese characters.
All I want to know is: "How to search for posts."
The old system was so headache-free, you may remember the handy box that would appear, giving the choice between "Posts" vs. "Threads." (Sometimes that box still appears, but it depends on its mood. It's got a Southern Belle nature to it now, "Try to catch me if you can, dear suh; tee-hee-hee.")
In defense of the new system, there is one great thing compared to the old: you don't have to wait for a whole minute, between searches.
So there are a lot of idiosyncracies with the new system, if you want to search for posts. Since that box does not always appear, you've now got to click on "Advanced search," no matter what... one extra, time-consuming step.
Yet even when you check "Posts" in Advanced search, you still get threads and not posts, as several members have pointed out. The way around this has then been, for those not in the know, to go to the thread, and use the "Search Thread" function; as Member Rie Kumiko commented, "Too many steps."
So I'm reading this thread, complaint after complaint, and I'm wondering... why is there no solution to this problem?
Finally!!! Member Mister_happy to the rescue. (Thanks, Mister_happy. Thought your moniker meant that you are happy, but now I can see you make others happy.)
The "Search Single Content Type & Search Multiple Content Type" tabs... why, I never noticed them before.
The post seeker must remember to click on the "Search Single Content Type" tab, because it is not the default. So the post seeker has now two additional steps to deal with, clicking on "Advanced Search," and clicking on the "Search Single Content Type" tab.
This is a lot of work to get to posts; if there is any way for the "Search Single Content Type" tab to become the default, it should become the default. (Anyone "in power" reading this... you would be making a big difference by seeing if something can be done to make this a reality.)
However... just when I thought I was on easy street... just when I thought it was safe to go back in the water... I chose the "Search Single Content Type" tab. I made sure "Posts" appeared in the Drop Down menu. I put in the "DVD" code of the movie in the "Keyword(s):" box... and I finally clicked on the "Search Now" button... and...
Still threads, not posts..!!
What th... I knew Mister_happy would not steer me wrong, so then there was only one thing left to do. I mean, this thread has been around for a month-and-a-half, and no one has given concise directions (although Mister_happy's contribution has been the most valuable thus far; thanks again, Mister_happy) as to how to search for posts, so I knew the only way to get to the bottom of the problem was to do the grunt work myself.
So what I did was what I did not do before, I looked, and the answer was to scroll down that "Search Single Content Type" tab - there was more stuff underneath, under "Additional Options." (Not that I didn't look before, to tell you the truth, while struggling with the default "Search Multiple Content Type" tab earlier... but its brief "Additional Options" section did not offer anything of relevance.)
So in the "Search Single Content Type" tab, you've got to go all-l-l the way down to "Show Results as:" and you can see the default is "Threads." You've got to switch that to "Posts."
In other words...
It doesn't matter if "Posts" has been selected in the "Search Type:" section at the top of the "Search Single Content Type" page. You will need to scroll to the bottom and select "Posts" a second time.
In other words...
One needs to go through three whole steps to search for posts: 1. "Advanced Search" 2. "Search Single Content Type" tab, and 3. "Posts" at bottom.
It is mystifying why the planners of the new system that Akiba-Online was forced to incorporate have chosen for users to jump through so many hoops to get to posts, because searching for posts is, for me, the single most important function of searching, more important than searching for threads.
Any ones "in power": would you not be doing everyone a great service if you can do what you can to get the coquettish Posts vs. Threads click box to appear every time the cursor lands in the search box? A one-step search for posts is something everyone would benefit by.