HUGE codec problem


OverCaffeinated Libertine
Jan 9, 2007
People have nothing better to do these days than invent codecs that confused the average user and screw up his computer.

I have a few mkv files that just crash, and sometimes freeze up my computer, and i have absolutely no knowledge about codecs. Most mkv, matroska, h264, whatever they're called work for me though. I have one in particular that messes up my computer so hard i have to reboot it each time i try to run it.
this one:

i usually use mplayer classic, or vlc if things don't work. Sometimes even divx works when others don't.

There's another video type file, which doesn't play in mplayer, and crashes vlc completely.
this one:

I even tried downloading from here something, i didn't do anything after installation
I´ve got some new mkv-files too which do not run properly on some of my players I have in use. Gom-player for ex is causing some trouble atm. VLC media player however is working properly with these new files too. As I´ve installed the newest version of CCCP codecs too the problem is not located there I think, just the player software has to be updated more often by the suppliers...
Sigh, installed kmplayer and somehow the problem with both files vanished. Can anyone offer a dumbed down version of why this works and why my other setup did not so i can prevent another hard-attack in the future?

edit: thanks for the fast reply redrooster. nice to know i'm not the only one losing my mind.

edit2: in addition to nothing, might as well toss this on the table for someone to explain. I've been recently having to rename some .avi files as ".avix" for the extension, cause when i click view as thumbnails, it causes windows explorer to crash and shuts down and folders i have open. Renaming to avix disables windows treating it in what it considered at the time as default, so othrwise prevented the problem. That only happened with 15% of the files i had, and it was a transcendent nuisance. Anyway, now that i made the above changes, i removed some of the xs from the renames .avix extensions i made up and the problem appears to have gone away. Am i destined to be scratching my head over this mystery for the rest of my life?

EDIT3: having messed around with kmplayer, i'm wondering, have i been living under a rock? Is this the new granddaddy of media players, because in many aspects it outperforms mplayer and vlc with ease, yet i never knew about it.
1st rule of PC media playback is to install SuperF4, so you can Ctrl+Alt+F4 and kill a frozen player window.

I regularly stuff all sorts of wierd FLV and MPEG files into MKV containers and don't have any problems with the following combination:

MPC-HC (recent build) @
ffdshow tryouts (recent build) @

Usually the internal MKV splitter in MPC-HC works, but on rare occasions I might have to switch to the Haali splitter @ It's not comfortable because you can't use keyframe seeking.