I guess, We need to become the forum restricted !

yep we need some more publicity and content for people to actually believe that this site is worth posting in first before we make it mandatory that you be members to enter restricted sections.
I agree with sukebe . I guess, we really need to create a reward system to motivate the members to contribute.

I am very unmotivated to post more torrents in here. I already explained it in here link

Why we post torrents in here ? very few people keep seeding and very few peolpe say thank you.

this torrent REALLY MAKE ME PISSED OFF: link

very BIG torrent. I stopped all my others downloads tasks because A LOT of people are downloading it. more than 30 peers completed the download at same time. 30 seeders I created. 3 hour after it, is now ONLY ME SEEDING IT ! all others seeder stopped seed !
This make me pissed off and I deleted the game from my HDD !


If at least the people thanked, I would not care, but the people not care in thanking.

I have a VERY SLOW upload speed. I suffer a lot seeding something alone.

But, no one care. No one say "thank you".

All others foruns have some kind of "reward system" , like a reputation points or a RANK system more complex ( common in ALL chinese foruns) like this:

99NETS rank system link

级别: 新手上路
精华: 0
发帖: 6
威望: 0 点
金钱: 9 久币
支持度: 0 点
好评度: 0 点
在 线时间:35(小时)
Rank: The novice starts off
Essence: 0
Sends the placard: 6
Prestige: 0
Money: 9 long coins
支持度: 0
High praise: 0
On-line time:35 (hour)
Registration time:2006-05-17
Finally registers:2007-01-24

xuhu.net rank system link

UID 14729
精华 0
积分 155
帖子 23
啦啦の晶 7
主题币 1
UP 10
存款 0
Hの金币 -40
阅读权限 3
注册 2006-5-19
状态 在 线
UID 14729
Essence 0
Integral 155
Card 23
の crystal 7
Subject coin 1
UP 10
Deposit 0
H の gold coin - 40
Reading jurisdiction 3
Registers 2006-5-19
The partner drop most loves
Condition on-line

OR A THANKS SYSTEM, like P2pzone link

you click in the button:

and is added a "thank you" points in the thread and in the "RANK" of the member

when, everytime we can click in the small "heart" button inside of the thread, show a list of the NAMES of the members that clicked in the "THANK YOU" button of this thread.

A thread with a LOT of "THANK YOU" points means that this torrent is very good.

I really LOVE the THANKS SYSTEM of P2pzone . is really THE BEST award system of the world. these "thanks" points increase the RANK of a member.

exist members that have more than 5.000 "thanks points" :omg:

it is impossible for shibuyabashi Forum to grow without a RANK system or a REWARS system like the "thank you" system. .

All the other forums use a system like this. we needed to use also.

I really NOT like the REP Points system too. The "THANK YOU" system is better.

We NEED a REWARD system or a RANK system, chompy.
oh my bad. I didn't dl this torrent. OMG a 3.1 gb torrent -_- :abandoned: . I can understand your feeling... :...:

Well, I have the (bad ?) habit to seed at 90 % with my full upload bandwitdh (around 100 kb/s) for torrent over 100-200 mb and when I see 1-5 leechers around 90%, I upload at 3-20 kb/s. I check every 10-15 mins all leechers at 90 % if they upload or not. If they don't upload, I ban their ip and I copy their ip on a txt file. Later, I can reban them if they leech again my torrents (OK I'm rude :frozen: ). And I let my upload at 3-20 kb/s until there's 30-50 leechers at 95% (and I'll increase the upload speed) or I'll finish fully to seed with this upload speed.
In this case, I'm sure there will have over 50 seeders when I'll finish to seed.

Me too, I had 3-4 bad experiences to seed with my full upload speed and leechers stopped the torrent after downloading and let me to seed for the others for HOURS !!!

Torrent under 100-200 mb (mostly of my torrents), I really dun care about leechers. I can seed for hours without complaining b/c it's small size XD .
You can count me as a leecher.

I'm like majority of the public: I usually don't post or make any remarks, except for the occasional "thank you" or opinion. I would also submit and admit that I hop from forum to forum like trolling TV stations.

In regards to torrenting: Many of us who do leech help out in the least by seeding as much if not more than we leech. To me, helping seed is a way of saying thanks as well. There are those who would like to contribute in other ways: I, myself, like to translate, edit, color manga & H-manga; I usually post my works on ABPEA & by torrenting (chiefly via Deadfrog & previously DATorrents, until their recent server issues); I haven't posted or announced any of my works here or other forums, cuz, frankly, I'm not sure if one, short, translated hentai story would apply to an H-Manga section teemed with complete H-Mangas.

And as much as I may not like people who don't help in seeding (ie. leech): Personally, I find trying to banning leechers on my end waste of time; I figure, even if their ratios aren't 1:1, at least they help out a little while they're online. I'd rather be most grateful for the many unspoken who do help in seeding, while concentrate on improving my translations and editing.

<Besides, in the end, the REAL BAD Leechers will suffer forever in the bowels of hell for their actions! mhuwahaha!!> :ridiculed:

IMHO, let people browse and sign up freely, and weed out abusers and the inactives. This community will grow in time through publicity in other sites... as people post torrents, give comments in boards like 4chan and kochan, connect links from personal sites, etc. People will browse and may read a topic that catches their eye. People who feel vocal enough (and loopy enough like I'm feeling now) will comment when they have something to say.

Otherwise, 90% of the time, we'll just shut up and get a kick out of other people's comments! (It's transcribed voyeurism!) And just like any normal community, eventually there will be that 8-10% most prominent contributors who help shape this community's growth.

Shit... another unintentionally long rant... desperately need... sleep..... must... hit..... submit... :sleeping:
Well, i don't know how Torrent works actually so i'm here just spreading some of Uploaded H Mangas via Gigeshare and Megaupload.:hi:

:innocence: Reason is I just want them to last longer so I won't have to re upload them from month to month. :donotwant:
I hate to point to the obvious but…
fhc said:
If at least the people thanked, I would not care, but the people not care in thanking.
How is it that fhc has 60 thanks but has only thanked once. Surely he thinks he's the only contributer here?
desioner said:
Don't be such a hipocrite about it. If you want thanks give them too.
But on topic here it would be nice to see some kind of reward for work and effort put into the forum. There are some files I don't even try to download because I know or find out that there is no way I'm going to get a DVD iso at 1k a sec.
Well, to be honest ... :goodboy:

A Forum with active members ( include the spammers ) has a more livelier feeling to it. ( Moderators should watch the spammers or give them some Penalty like 1 week silence or something hehe ). :ban: :perfectplan:

Rewards are good also, actually the Thanks Button is a unique way of saying thank You for a Great Job/ Upload he/she did. XD
First, thanks to fhc for the link post to here in one of HIS (reworked) torrents. Since I dont read Japanese or Chinese their forums are a waste of time for me. I try to translate with Atlas but doesn't always work that great. The English sites(HF, DF, DA ect.) work better for me personally. I like the layout here and wish the owners all good fortune in their site. I am sure as membership increases so will the number of seeders. I see a lot of reposts of working torrents, as well as new releases, always a good thing. Wellllll, now I need to make some room on my game drive(only 80 Gb). BTW I ALWAYS seed at least 2:1 and usually more, so although I may not have many new posts at least I try to seed until I am not desperately needed. Personally a reward or punishment system makes no difference to me but it is nice to know if the download is worth the time. Don't forget that we are all pirates, and please seed as long as possible.
I appreciate how tough it is to keep a good forum running, so whatever the admins think is best, is fine by me.
I'm just glad to see this place is alive, I wasn't sure for a while there!
And I think the "Thanks" button is great tool!
I think we should keep in mind too that if the forum becomes restricted it would prevent tokyotosho entries from working anymore, unless some sort of referrer/reverse-lookup trick is done in order to allow TT access to torrent attachments.
I regret my words.

I not want anymore that the forum become restricted.

Let's forget this subject, ok ?