I hate Otaku

FINALLY: somebody with a sense of online sarcasm humor. (I say this as though I, too, have one. I don't. But it's great to see Akiba-Online get somebody willing to chat here who can dish it as well as take it. Usually it's a one-way street with people.)
Aw, thanks. Actually, I don't mind taking it, but I'm not very skilled at serving.
Aw, thanks. Actually, I don't mind taking it, but I'm not very skilled at serving.


So you're the pitcher, not the catcher.
hm.... good to know.
Have you been drinking again? ;p I think you got it backwards! It's the catcher who receives and the pitcher who delivers, n'est-ce pas?
I'm guessing these are baseball terms, I know nothing of baseball.

I can also serve, of course, but not as hard as someone with experience.
I'm guessing these are baseball terms, I know nothing of baseball.
You could probably just as easily Wiki it, and if you didn't then it probably means you don't really care to know what I'm about to tell you ^^; , but fyi may as well since it's simple to translate:

the pitcher is the guy who throws the ball towards the batter, and the catcher is the guy who squats down behind the batter to catch the ball in case he fails to hit it. The idea, thus, is that the pitcher is the one who puts out while the catcher is the one who receives.

Aside: "to pitch an idea" is to try to persuade somebody that a particular idea is a good one. "Pitching" is thus an American English verb which implies delivery.
Y'know, there's nothing more erotic than door-knob humping. It's a hidden fetish of millions. Just the thought of that stumpy metal plug... oh god.

OK, I'm dripping now.

Yes... I said dripping.