I like to marry a Japanese girl...

are you really like japanese?
I think you should watch Japanese Comedian Meshida on YouTube

People of X will say men/women of X is shit.
People of Y will say men/women of Y is shit.
People of Z will say men/women of Z is shit.

Let me join too then.
Women in my country are i) weak ii) meek iii) feeble iv) backboneless v) tolerates abuse from shitty husband vi) thinks they deserve beating from husband because their moms got beaten by their dads too
Men in my country i) thinks beating wife and cutting vegetables for cooking are norm ii) "I just slapped my wife , what's wrong with that?!" iii) marital r*** doesn't exist. iv) men don't need to be virgin , women must be virgin , especially their wife v) beating wives black and blue is alright

Should I say most men in my country is shit? Or, say just like newspapers in here that 2 out of 3 males in my country beats wives ?
I just wanna marry shandong girl cause I am shandongnese
I almost do not want to know the consensus opinion of Japanese-American women. Almost! : )

It is so much easier to agree with generalizations of groups (Chinese lol) other than one's own, but the difficulty in accepting generalizations of our own, is where we can so learn how to be the best versions of our selves that we can be.
Listen to those masters above my dear friend,
Japanese women, are great only in front of camera/movies..beside that? its nightmare..secondly, when you get married they are changing a lot..both personality and manner...
Yes, it depends on how or where their family or their social circle or place they grew up.
If the Japanese women as good as you see in movies, why Japan still have low birth rate?
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"You people haven't climbed the tree yet, yet you want to eat the fruits of the tree" -> Proverb

Or maybe AkibaOnline is delivering wives these days in some secret club lol
People of X will say men/women of X is shit.
People of Y will say men/women of Y is shit.
People of Z will say men/women of Z is shit.

Let me join too then.
Women in my country are i) weak ii) meek iii) feeble iv) backboneless v) tolerates abuse from shitty husband vi) thinks they deserve beating from husband because their moms got beaten by their dads too
Men in my country i) thinks beating wife and cutting vegetables for cooking are norm ii) "I just slapped my wife , what's wrong with that?!" iii) marital r*** doesn't exist. iv) men don't need to be virgin , women must be virgin , especially their wife v) beating wives black and blue is alright

Should I say most men in my country is shit? Or, say just like newspapers in here that 2 out of 3 males in my country beats wives ?
Move. Find another country to live in. I don't want to repeat what you have said about your own country, but it sounds like you and that country aren't a good fit.
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Japanese don't marry that much anymore. I can see why their birthrate is gonna dip even more than it is already. Japan is headed for doom.
They are: vain, naive, ignorant, childish, superiority complex, spoiled, entitled, and expect their man to be an absent ATM. Are there exceptions? Sure. Just like there are exceptions to the fact that most Japanese people aren't religious, or that Japanese people aren't fat, but we aren't talking about exceptions, are we? Throw a rock around here (Japan) and you'll hit someone like my description above. Good luck finding anyone that doesn't fit that description. I love Japan, but if I had to do it all over again, I'd go to literally any other country and find literally any other type of girl.
I feel like this is true in a lot of Asian places. I've been to the Philippines, and these types exist there too. Of course, they're some good girls as well (Christian girls mostly).

Philippines, Vietnam, maybe Thailand, good Asian lands. For a foreigner, Japan probably had a mad tiny pool available without a serious language barrier. Good luck.
I think you should watch Japanese Comedian Meshida on YouTube

phim sex

Not only in Japan, but in many Asian countries, men seldom participate in household chores. Cultural expectations often dictate that women should handle most of the housework, even when they also have jobs. This can be exhausting for Asian women, leading some to prefer a single life. This norm needs to change. Nowadays, women are contributing financially to their families and deserve rest and personal time just like anyone else. I hope that in the future, people will recognize that household chores are not solely women's responsibility. Simple tasks such as taking out the trash, caring for children, or washing dishes can be immensely helpful.
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Not only in japan, but most asian men rarely do housework. i think it's in the culture that women are expected to do most of housework even if they have work as well...sometimes it's tiring to be asian women that's why some asian women wanted a single life. it's should be change...now women are working and helping their husband with financial needs of the family...women are just human...they need rest and own personal time too...i hope in the future they will embrace that houseworks are not only for women. simple houseworks are appreciated like throwing the trash, looking after children or washing the dishes will be of great help.

Even if the husband is the breadwinner and wife is housewife, the husband MUST help wife in child take care. It's not his or her child, its their child.
Most asian men (not all; but most) are adult-kid. They come home from work and expect the wife to treat him just like his momma did.
Wife isn't your momma asian boi ! (saying in general, not specifically targeting anyone)
Asian men want their wives to do all house work and also want a bang maid at night, as if housewives don't get tired from house cleaning, cooking , taking care of kids.
Helping wives in small things (cleaning the dishes don't take more than 15minutes, taking out garbage.........etc) goes a long way to make the wives happy, thus ensuring a happy family.
I've seen in my country women who do office jobs , they also have to cook and clean at home and also be solely responsible for child take care . And then men in my country dare to say women don't make them happy . What woman wants a man-child ?
As a man who has been married to a Japanese women for 8 years with 2 kids I will say it depends on the person. I've been a gaming since I was 5 years old and still in the West gaming by a grown adult is frowned upon. I love Japan, I love the language and the culture (the main reason I married a Japanese woman) but it's also a bonus that gaming is a normal hobby. I've built a gaming PC, bought a PS5 and have a wall of games and my wife doesn't mind at all, that's my thing. I only planned to have 1 child until I saw how amazing she was as a mother and we decided to have a second.

Now if you want to talk about egotistical, un-trusting (looking through your phone if you leave it unattended and interrogating you), and flat out crazy, that is the blue print for a Korean woman. Prior to marrying I dated Korean and Japanese women specifically (I lived in Korea, love the language and culture, same as Japan) and Korean women are by far the most bat shit crazy ones out there, I've probably dated twice as many Koreans as Japanese and around 6 months before I met my wife I broke up with a Korean who told me verbatim "you should know exactly what I'm thinking at all times" and swore off dating them forever.
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