I like to marry a Japanese girl...

As a man who has been married to a Japanese women for 8 years with 2 kids I will say it depends on the person. I've been a gaming since I was 5 years old and still in the West gaming by a grown adult is frowned upon. I love Japan, I love the language and the culture (the main reason I married a Japanese woman) but it's also a bonus that gaming is a normal hobby. I've built a gaming PC, bought a PS5 and have a wall of games and my wife doesn't mind at all, that's my thing. I only planned to have 1 child until I saw how amazing she was as a mother and we decided to have a second.

Now if you want to talk about egotistical, un-trusting (looking through your phone if you leave it unattended and interrogating you), and flat out crazy, that is the blue print for a Korean woman. Prior to marrying I dated Korean and Japanese women specifically (I lived in Korea, love the language and culture, same as Japan) and Korean women are by far the most bat shit crazy ones out there, I've probably dated twice as many Koreans as Japanese and around 6 months before I met my wife I broke up with a Korean who told me verbatim "you should know exactly what I'm thinking at all times" and swore off dating them forever.

I very much agree with all points. Well said. It's exactly my experience as well.