I wana know how many girls are in this forum

hard to find girls that watch, and liked hentai and porn...and saft, i don't think its bad or what, instead i liked the idea...it ain't fair if guys get all the enjoyment right ? i hope you enjoy it here, and i know the guys would lol

yeah i'd like it too. it's better if she joins me and enjoys it lol
What I like most about this place is just being able to to talk about hentai and the comunity of persons who enjoy them:beautiful2: it's just somthing so libarating about it...
well, i guess you're some kind of introvert, not willing to share your interest in real life...i guess we're both the same then.

if u dont mind, u can add me at msn and we could be friends? :puzzled:
ya this forum has a great group of people(thats why i joined:bingo:)
but more than that it really is one of the most relaxed communities i seen...i just love being here.
from `how many girls`, the topic changed to `why you liked here`? lol

if there's any more girls please voice out ~

to tag along, the reason im here, is because it's an adult community, no kiddish fights and all
Haha, yeah, i never really looked for other girls here... true.
Cool to know I'm not the only female who frequents the site! ;)
Another girl here, dh is Japanese and likes leotard and swimsuit so I can get some nice ideas here sometimes and erotic videos, lol.
no problem, i guess its just me... :silence:

but hey, i like your idea of finding porn here to spice things up between you two. i wish my future deary (hopefully i WILL have one T.T) will be kind enough to do such a thing for me lol
Besides you ??? no really girls are close
No wolf whistles, please.

Found this late in the game, but I'm a girl. So, the grand total is about... 6 of us? :lols: Well, I don't mind hanging out with the guys. Not at all.
hi from bethanys dad

my girl beth wants you all to know that she loves this forum and although she is only 10 years old she thinks that she should be allowed access to the site
we only visit this site when beth stays with me on weekends
beth would like all members to know that she is ok to receive email if you are interested

regards from dobie
I hope you're joking about that post...
For a second, I thought it was serious, and I was wondering what planet "bethany's dad" has been living on for the past 15 years. :surprised2:
I was about to be horrified too, but then I thought better and dismissed it.
I think it would be more than 15 years, IDIW...
I was about to be horrified too, but then I thought better and dismissed it.
I think it would be more than 15 years, IDIW...

Well, the World Wide Web wasn't established until 1992, and the first web browser (Mosaic) wasn't released until 1993. It wasn't until the mid-1990s that companies like Compuserve, Prodigy, and AOL became really successful, and "ordinary households" began to really go on line. Blogging didn't really begin take off until the turn of the century, Friendster appeared in 2002, MySpace in 2003, and Facebook in 2004. So 15 years ago, the Internet was not a useful way for predators to contact children. I know to you young'ns, it must seem like the Internet has been around in pretty much its present form for ages, but it's actually not that old. When I began my own website (the content of which is primarily of interest to women and girls) in 1996, women and girls still made up only a small fraction of Internet users, and the Internet was still seen as the realm of male geeks. :snicker: (A lot of the early e-mail I used to get from visitors to my site was of the "where r teh naked chicks dude?" variety. :sigh:)

Ahh, those were the days. :tea: Most of you are probably too young to remember when AOL tried to cover the entire surface of the planet with free sign-up disks. :lols:
(A lot of the early e-mail I used to get from visitors to my site was of the "where r teh naked chicks dude?" variety. :sigh:)

A comedian once mused, "If all the porn were removed from the Internet, there would be one website left. And on it would say, 'Bring back the porn!'".

As for the AOL disks (mind the "K"), I remember when my family would save them (the floppy disks) since we could format them and reuse them for storing/transferring files. Once AOL started distributing CDs, my family still kept saving those, even though they were no longer rewritable.