[IDed]松下由美 Yumi Matsushita


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
One of our valuable members wrote me privately for help with pinning down an actress. I don't know why he did that, 'cause I'm one of the worst when it comes to pinning things down. I still have nightmares thinking of the last time I played pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey. (Okay, the nightmares haven't lasted long, since I played this kid's game only last week; what of it? They are still nightmares, aren't they?)

Anyway, I took a look at the video link , and of course I had no idea who the lady was. But I liked her. So now I'd like to know myself. Please lend a hand on this one, not only for our member who originally asked, but now, much, much more importantly, for me.

Mystery Newscaster 1.jpg

We've got an intruder at a TV station, and he muscles his way in; he gets the co-anchor to abuse our lady....

Mystery Newscaster 2.jpg

(... I don't know why the characters who should be the victims' allies volunteer so quickly to help with the ongoing criminal mischief, but these co-workers can't rise to the occasion fast enough.)

Mystery Newscaster 3.jpg

So it looks like no sex is going on, just a lot of groping and squeezing and hitting and slapping and bruising. Commenters on the XHamster page keep remarking how hot all of this action is, so there must be others getting a rise out of the action, as well.

(Although when I composed my title for this thread, "Hard on a Soft-on-Demand Abused Newscaster," I didn't mean "Hard on" in that sense. I meant in the sense of "brutality, " and... oh, forget it.)

Mystery Newscaster  4.jpg

Looks like someone ventured a clue, that the actress may be named "Hita," but while there is no end to Japanese porn actresses who have "Hita" as part of the string forming their names (Miyashita, Yamashita, Kinoshita, and on, and on), I didn't get wind of one single Hita on its own, so this wasn't much of a clue.

At the beginning of the video, the intruder walks in through glass doors that have "SOD" written on them. That was a better clue.

Mystery Newscaster  5.jpg

I figured out a way to narrow the SOD search at R18; once you get the studio, I see one can add a "category" to the search, and "female anchor" was one of them:


I don't think this movie was in the bunch of only twenty-five results, but R18 is not the best site to search in, because they don't list everything. DMM would be better, but I dreaded the thought of trying to figure out how to conduct a similar search at DMM.

I also searched for variations of the words provided in the title, with and without SOD/Soft on Demand, because (aside from getting lucky and chancing upon the actual DVD code of such a mystery movie) sometimes the same video appears on other stream sites, where there is the possibility of the usually stupid commenters coming up with useful answers or clues. Not this time; but naturally, this is always a long shot.

I did, however, find the same video (more or less) on another XHamster page, and from this page we may deduce the video is at least four years old.

Well, thank you very unSODdily... (play on unshoddily; boy, was that bad) for your help with this one.



Sustaining L.I.F.E.
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 22, 2006
I'm not sure which DVD this is from but the woman in your screens is Yumi Matsushita 松下由美.


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
Desioner, an honor to have one of our legendary super moderators take a crack at this puzzle.

I am not sure, however... Yumi Matsushita looks like a different lady, to my eye.

Yumi Matsushit SOUL-17.jpg

Yumi Matsushit ZAWA-01.jpg




Sustaining L.I.F.E.
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 22, 2006
But her name is right there. You can see what I typed and what is in the screens. Why would they have another woman's name there if it weren't her. It's very possible that there is more than one as the name is quite generic.


Akiba Citizen
Dec 7, 2009
While you're right the name is right there, that text is part of the "news broadcast" she is presenting in the movie. Why would the scene include the name of the actress playing in the scene. That doesn't make sense to me, unless the character in the movie has the same name as the actress playing her.


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
Yippee to Schmarty Schneckenschnabel! Moment I caught glimpse of Aki Tomosaki, I knew we had our lady. I then traveled to DMM and started clicking on her films from 2003 to present (after spending too long a time trying to filter the DMM search function to include both the actress and SOD - I failed), and the movie in question turned out to be (based on a tiny photo match from the back cover; movie is from 2004, and no screen shots were provided):

Women's Ana Best Selection [SDDL-319]

("TV studio set completely reproduce! ! Harsh business instructions that befall the intellectual beauty! ! Erotic scene report, sight for sore eyes burst into the weather forecast! ! The live studio SEX! ! It was concentrated masterpiece 6 work multiplied by the huge production costs and there be a look Tokuto the 'Women's Ana Best Selection'!")

Thank you, all! (Especially Schmarty.)

This episode may serve as a good example to not close off I.D. threads right away, because sometimes digging deeper is necessary to get at the truth. (As Desioner pointed out, the name of Yumi Matsushita is generic, and what we see on screen might have been the name of the newscaster character.) A thread I began regarding early I.D. thread closures may be found here.

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Akiba Citizen
Dec 7, 2009
Looks like the link for this movie in this thread is still alive, for those that want it.