i'm at asahikawa! where's the red light district?


New Member
Jun 17, 2008
ola! i'm gonna be at asahikawa for a month, anybody can tell me where to find sexshop or place to pick up girls or strip joint or anything like it?
It's Hokkaido... good luck finding even a DVD shop... If you want to pick up girls, go find them yourself... fucking christ.
wow! that bad? hell man i know i have to find them myself just need the direction that's all, i guess i'm just gonna wait till the end of september then, going to tokyo on the 27
Then go find it. Fuck.... hate to come down on you (actually, I don't) but look at what you're asking.... it's only a cunt-hair better than the posts that josolopson makes. Grow a set of testes and go out and meet people. Shit, in Shibuya last night, I took home six phone numbers from various people that I met up with (no, NOT for sex). A couple businessmen, one Australian girl, two Japanese girls and a French guy.
You're a foreigner, you're not expected to know Japanese. Go out and start talking. Here's a simple phrase... "Eigoa wa dekimasuka?" (Do you speak English?) That'll help. Now go out and meet some people.
aqua:He'd be the center of attention at parties if you taught him to say Pera Pera Pera, Pera Pera.

Asking for the red light district may be an indicator that he's a shy introvert, but it's still a fair question imo. Then again, I wouldn't have your response to this thread any other way.

Chlamydia of the Rising Sun: If you're going to Hokkaido, that's pretty cool imo. I've always wanted to go to Hokkaido more than any other part of Japan -- even though I hate cold weather! (Yeah. What an illogical fantasy of mine, I know.) But I don't know anything about the city you'll be going to. I do know that in my home state there's no such thing as a "red light district" anywhere, not even in our capital. You only find these things in large metro areas. Smaller cities don't have red light districts: they just have hookers scattered throughout the city streets with no particular hub to speak of.
Tatsurou said:
Wow, SCORE! I don't know what I'd do with all those phone numbers of dirty Japanese wage-slaves and foreign guys!

Anyways Sapporo has some gorgeous looking hookers

Of course, you'd be the one to offer hookers. Sorry to hear that the only way you get laid is if you pay for it.

Tatsurou said:

Faggot? Ahh, I notice you must be related to Josolopson3 then. Judging by your 'faggot' comment, I'd assume you have no male friends and certainly no male business contacts either. That's a pity, you must live a very shallow and uninteresting life. I'm just glad you're only detracting from an online community and not anything outside of the PC world.

Tatsurou said:
Also Aqua, "Eigoa wa dekimasuka?" doesn't make sense, sorry!

If that's so, then your Japanese is shittier than mine.
I had no problem finding friends in Shibuya or Kabukicho, maybe because I was getting drunk and nanpa with mad girls (and they do it back to me.) Actually, I was approached a lot of times for my sneakers and accessories (I work for a streetwear fashion website.)

They always think I'm a DJ or an artists, so I just say "yeah, I am," and then I am with a group, getting into Club Asia for free VIP just for being "cool," getting free drinks.

In other words, if you're a pussy, pussy is what you'll be, and pussy is what you won't get, my dude.

Try going to a game center and hanging out by the purikira stands (the picture game machines,) there's always shit loads of chicks there, and like if you're not too old, you can just laugh along with them or something, but don't do it creepily or they'll think you're trying to shark on 'em.
Wow, SCORE! I don't know what I'd do with all those phone numbers of dirty Japanese wage-slaves and foreign guys!


Bellotizio said:
In other words, if you're a pussy, pussy is what you'll be, and pussy is what you won't get, my dude..

DAMN RIGHT! Seems that we have been able to figure out what exactly Tatsurou is, with his slanderous comment before (which has been pleasantly deleted by the mods) against anyone who is NOT of the heterosexual persuasion.

Pardon me, might be the shochu talking, but... what a douche.

Anyhow, I agree here with Bell. If you're too much of a wimp to go out and make friends, then you don't deserve them. You can all quote me on that. Sorry but we, the people on an INTERNET FORUM are not going to help you make friends... grow a set of testes and go make your own.
If you're too much of a wimp to go out and make friends, then you don't deserve them.
What a harsh, vile and grievous remark devoid of sympathy, empathy and compassion. It is a simplistic and shallow view, hostile to those struggling with social isolation, mental disorders and being without friends.

Sorry but we, the people on an INTERNET FORUM are not going to help you make friends...
Even though the self-appointed king of internet forums is unhelpful, there are plenty of online forums where other people are willing to advice and share insights to those who are seeking friends, whether you are a bit introverted, have an avoidant personality disorder, full-blown autism or something else.

grow a set of testes
I'm sure the cave dweller who thought up the insult considered it to be hilarious, but it is just a cheap attack on one's masculinity. It indicates rigid stereotyping and a particular narrow definition of what it means to be a man.
Oh suck it up princess. The kid who started this thread is outright asking where he can go to rent a hooker. This 'self-appointed king' is speaking from experience and if you have something different to share, then please do. How about YOU point out the best brothels and prostitutes for him?

I stick with my statements though. If you don't even have enough courage to say HELLO to someone and strike up a mild conversation, then who would even want to be friends with you in real life?
I can't believe you guys are taking this seriously. I'm legitimately sorry about posting f-got which I quickly edited after posting. Like you, it was the shochu speaking.

Aquamarine, you do realize that I'm just messing around with you because you feel the need to be an "asshole to people who deserve it"? Do they really deserve it? Or do you just need a place to vent your frustration with your life? Some people yell at cars or pedestrians, others go online. I barely go to this forum anymore (or ever) and if I do it's just to laugh at what you have to say, in a friendly way. I've been with plenty of Japanese girls, ask me and I'll send you pics (I'd be happy to verify my face with ID etc.), which I know you'd be the first to misuse. I'm sorry to hear you think that sex with 3 キャバ嬢 (kyaba-jo) at once is a dull and uninteresting way to spend a night. Really I don't like to "brag" about this thing because it's not exactly something I'm proud of given the circumstances of the situation, but I need to say it to call you out on it.

"EigoA wa dekimasuka" doesn't make sense because eigoa isn't a word. 英ゴア? Eigo (英語) is fine though. I know you know that eigo is the right word but it's funny that you're calling me out when you made a mistake in the first place, this is something undeniable. Denamic, I'm sorry that the Japanese you understand is filled with extra syllabary, as well as you Aqua. Maybe you'll understand this if that's how you speak: yappaA nihongoA wakaranaindaAnaA

And for the record, I just copied and pasted the first result from google after searching "旭川 風俗" (asahikawa fuuzoku) for the OP.

Bellotizio has the right idea (let's go nanpa in shibuya sometime, I can bring along some 水商売 (mizushoubai) girls and we'll get mad ladies) while Aqua.. I just don't know man. The fact is that you're yelling at someone online almost 10 years younger than yourself because you think he has no friends, isn't a man, and needs to pay for sex. Honestly, who cares about having guy friends or being a man or any of that macho ideology when you can be sexing girls instead? I'm sorry to troll you so hard, I love the community here, but you're just taking it hook line and sinker. Try lightening up or even enjoying your life sometime.. You do have 1500 posts on a forum dedicated (essentially) to underage/near-underage Japanese girls, and you've only been registered a month longer than me. What if you spent that time actually getting some?

Love all you guys and I'm just being honest.

Thanks scarletsnow for being a sensible person.
What a harsh, vile and grievous remark devoid of sympathy, empathy and compassion. It is a simplistic and shallow view, hostile to those struggling with social isolation, mental disorders and being without friends.
Friends are not property. Friendship is a two-way relationship between two human beings: yourself, and someone else. It is for this simple reason that one might argue for "not deserving" to have friends if you are too incapable of making friends on your own: not because the person intrinsically is without sufficient merit to deserve friends, but because extrinsically the person will be creating a one-sided relationship with somebody else, and a one-sided relationship isn't true friendship.

In any stable relationship, whether it's marriage, friendship, or employment, there must be mutual respect between the two parties. If there isn't, then (logically) it must mean that one party does not respect the other party enough or that the other party respects the first party too much. A lop-sided relationship like this is not only unstable in the long run but can also prove to be harmful emotionally, mentally, and (sometimes) physically to either party involved.

I'll cut to the chase with a specific example: suppose we have ourselves a textbook Densha Otoko, an otaku who is so socially-awkward around others that he has very few friends and no romantic partners whatsoever. Suppose our man Densha wants to get laid, and suppose he aspires to make more friends. There is nothing wrong with those goals. And there may be nothing wrong with our man Densha as far as his humanity, as far as his gentle spirit is concerned. But! If he hopes to "be friends" or "be lovers" with another human being and to continue to exist as he currently does, then he is either being stubborn about behavior modification or else he is deluded: because it is not a genuine friendship or romance when one of the two people is a meek leech. "Leech" may sound like a harsh word, but isn't that the blunt fact of the matter? Super-super-introverted people tend to suck the life out of parties or social outings and they give back very little in return. It doesn't make them bad human beings, but it does make them poor friends. Friendship -- and mutual respect -- is about compromise, is about give and take. You can't always be take take taking or give give giving.

And that's what the super-shy nerd does: he attempts to "take take take" from socially-exuberant scenarios without giving back, either because he is uncomfortable with giving back (e.g. too embarrassed to act) or because he is incapable of doing so.

For the record, though: aqua is a man after my own heart in that he tells it like it is, or at least he tells it as he best knows it to be. Maybe he tells it wrong sometimes. Don't we all? But he's bluntly honest. If you're offended by his lack of tact, I guess I'd say you have every right to be offended. "Harsh," "devoid of compassion," these words honestly do do a good job of summing up some of his replies in this thread. But you know something? They describe me, too! XD And I'd rather have the harsh truth than a soft lie. And personally (and I know I'm in the minority, from personal experience in my own real-world life from the cradle on up to today) I'd rather have the harsh truth than the soft truth. Let's cut through all the bullshit and be honest, candid, and call things for what they really are. Blessed are those, in my eyes, who can accept the harshest of truths and dish them back out. It's not about being coarse or cold-hearted: it's about respecting another human being's humanity -- about his search for truth in this world.
Sakun: The next time I see you... well... better make that 'the first time I see you, I'm buying you a beer.
And I got so excited for your rebuttal, Aqua. Don't ignore me please :)

Sakunyuu did the same thing HERE.
Why didn't you respond to my lengthy reply?
Does both of your cowardice constitute your concept of "manliness" or whatnot? Just curious.
I didn't actually see that reply, but I'm going to ignore it now for the same reason as I'd give for ignoring you in this thread: you're not interested in discussion but in argument, and I don't have time for that nonsense. Quite literally: people live or die on my watch, so I'm not about to waste my free time bickering with somebody whose insecurities about himself in the real world translate to smug securities in the online world.