Imagining the Tenth Dimension


Swedish Meat
Staff member
Super Moderator
Former Staff
Dec 7, 2006
Part 1

Part 2

This is interesting stuff.
Good videos. Though I always thought string theory presented 11 dimensions.
Also, the concept of a finite infinity baffles me (multiple versions of infinity doesn't make much sense to my feeble mind) in the sense that multiple versions of the concept of infinite blah...
but to be fair, unless the universe itself is infinite (and it isn't as far as string theory least not this universe) then what passes for infinity in terms of...say....every possible relative position in space and time of every particule in the universe...well that's still finite in a universe with a finite size and lifespan (measured in billions as opposed to trillions of years right?)

i should read more physics textbooks. maybe i'd make me smarterer.
Simply put, I think it's infinity + infinity = multiple infinities
I don't think they meant finite infinity, just separate.
If you think about it in simple terms, like just dots, multiple infinities isn't an impossible concept.
Kind of how linear time branches off into infinite different possibilities, each no less real than the other.
Actually, I think it's exactly the same..
Or is the brached timeline all within our own infinity, or is each brach a new infinity on its own?
If not, then the other infinities must be a completely different universe, with its own branched timeline.
Kind of interesting to think about it..
By finite infinities I meant that in a true infinity, everything would be represented. If there can be multiple representations of infinity, that infinity isn't infinity. At least not the infinity I know, which encompasses everything.

I can't conceptualise the difference between 31 cats and 32 cats. Beyond around 10 cats, it loses all significance for me. Maybe I'm not cut out to be a string theorist, dealing with multiple versions of something that represents all there ever was, is and could be.
Think of each infinity to be unending and, ans its name suggests, infinite.
So even if they are separate, they are all infinity within infinity, though separate.
Think of them like parallel universes (infinities) within the same dimension.
I guess you could say that all those separate infinities are infinity itself.
I guess you could say that all those separate infinities are infinity itself.
Uhm...but then they're not separate. I mean...if within all those infinites lies...and they are therefore self-representative....and....but...:trance:

Never mind.

I believe in creationism anyway.
The hell you do.
You're just running away.
Separate infinities within infinity as in a timeline branched in two is separate, but still the same timeline.
Okay, I have to stop thinking about this now. My head is overloading.