Immersive 3D Content and Enthusiasts (oh boy...)

I'm pretty sure I have all of those. Not sure how fast I can get them up but I will. What say we lobby Knights Visual to produce some VR content!! I would sell my neighbor's house to get something like that!
I'm pretty sure I have all of those. Not sure how fast I can get them up but I will. What say we lobby Knights Visual to produce some VR content!! I would sell my neighbor's house to get something like that!

I'd sell my own house if Knights Visual started doing VR! :D

Please upload all of them if you can. And please keep uploading with Filejoker, I just purchased a membership.

Could you upload that endo071-072 with filejoker aswell? :)
@Casshern2 Ok so now I've tried them both. They look really good. There are a few things that could improve though. One thing is the fps. They're both 30 fps. VR must be in 60 fps in order to flow really good. 30 fps staggers.
Most new VRs released today are 60fps. But if one knows how to remake the videos in 60 fps (with MegUI or other tools) you can make the video flow pretty good. I do it and I recommend other to do that.

Now the second thing is the VR-players. @Casshern2 What movie player/players do you use? I've come to realize that it's not easy to get a perfect picture. The movie can easily look distorted. These two that I downloaded from you only look
good in my BaDoink video player. I tried in Whirligig but it looks like crap. Most films only look "correct" in my badoink player, and a few only look good in whirligig.

@Casshern2 You said you use Gear VR. I haven't tried that so I have no idea what it looks like, but I really recommend you to try Oculus or Vive. It is amazing! I know it's really expensive but it's worth every penny! It's worth eating only noodles for 6 months! ;)
To all of you thinking aboutVR. My advice is to try it on and if you have a computer good enough to run vive or oculus and you want some serios VR (gaming is amazing as well), it's definitely worth spending your well earned money! :)
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@maschi Here is kmp036-039_3dv
kmp036-039_3dv.part1.rar (500.0 Mb)
kmp036-039_3dv.part2.rar (500.0 Mb)
kmp036-039_3dv.part3.rar (323.3 Mb)

If you have a way to control the field of view on the Vive...this one looks a little to close to me on my Gear VR at times.
View attachment 802980 View attachment 802981

Well, that's one problem with VR so far. When someone comes too close to the camera (especially when they "kiss you") it looks really weird and distorted! :D So that's something I think the companies are learning. Also when they get too much to the sides it looks a bit weird.
The perfect angle is right in front of you.

Plus the video player matter. These two movies look great in my badoink video player. Again I think it will take some time before the technology works really well. And some companies use different filming so there's no real standard format. I'm sure there will eventually be a standard everybody will use so it's easy for the user to view without having to change in the options all the time.
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So I have an iPhone 6s which VR glasses would you recommend I go to buy? My Pc is not good enough to handle VR.
@supersam Well if you ask me I have no idea what you should get if your computer isn't good enough for VR.

The requirements for Vive aren't THAT high:
  • Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 290 or better
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 4590 or AMD FX 8350 or greater
  • RAM: 4GB or more
A good GPU is what's necessary. I have a GTX 970 myself and it works superb.

And again I haven't tried any other form of VR. Vive is said to be THE best today, with Oculus right behind. But they're both most likely light years ahead of VR with phones and cardboard VRs.
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@maschi Glad you’re enjoying them (or some). Sure, I can include both FileJoker and Subyshare links (for @needs more loli) on future uploads. I agree about the FPS. They do lag a bit here and there, which was confusing to me because the NA VR stuff I get from NA is 60fps and never stutters. And it can’t be the bitrate because the NA stuff is just as high, I believe. I’ll have to give them the 60fps treatment (and some color correction) to see how it looks then. Thanks for that suggestion, I didn’t even think about it.

As you know I don’t use a PC player I use the Samsung Gear VR, a phone app/headset developed by Oculus. I’m sure it is 10% what the Rift is. On my Note 5 it works pretty good. Way better than the smaller apps/3rd party headsets I tried. I have titles from BaDoink but I’ve been using the Gear VR to watch them. Yeah, I once entertained the notion of getting into something bigger like the Vive or the Rift, but…I would only take advantage of this stuff. If I was into gaming as well I could see the benefit, but I hardly have the time (OR THE PRIVACY!) to enjoy a little VR on my phone. PLUS…I had to take a business trip two months ago and I took my Gear VR with me. 1000% better than changing channels at the Sheraton, if you know what I mean. I wouldn’t be able to take my PC with me if I had a Rift.

Agreed! A standard would be nice, but since there are competing gear out there, there will be different kinds of presentation. Amazing how many different types of files the GearVR can toggle views for. I’ve only used two. And through the Gear VR app and the Samsung VR app within it, they even have streaming VR available that is updated almost daily with things. I don’t think this is as gimmicky as some think it is.

Oh, and LOL Yes, Knights Visual VR would make me pass out with anticipation before I even hit Play!

For anybody thinking of getting into VR @maschi is absolutely right, the Vive then Oculus are the best consumer experience out there. But, when you’re curious about it like I was going with an entry-level setup will get you in the door. He just happened to go for the gusto right off the bat, which worked for him since he doesn’t mind eating noodles for 6 months. HAHA! Me, I opted to try cheaper variations until I simply lucked out on the Gear VR find. I tried four different headsets from eBay, and they all worked well. The only advantage the Gear VR has over them is that it has a specific accompanying app and I don’t have to tinker for each video I tried to watch, plus the snappier interface. Check eBay there are many for under $20. Then all you need is a free app for your Android or iPhone.
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@Casshern2 Do you have any of these: (the one in the pictura above)

:D I know, I know, it's a lot.. :keringat: But I really want as many as possible. :blink::lalala:
off topic, what is a good reseller for filejoker? i want to purchase premium but i am not sure of a reliable site to do so.
@Casshern2 Do you have any of these: (the one in the pictura above)

:D I know, I know, it's a lot.. :keringat: But I really want as many as possible. :blink::lalala:
Good grief, man! LOL

I have some and will probably end up getting the rest.
Thanks to @Casshern2 , I will jump in too!

First, I have to buy a new phone (it'll take me a few months :( ).
And it is true that it's a mess to select a headset. There are so many choices ...

Bye the way @Casshern2 , if you could share your links with Subyshare every time for me as well, it would be super nice ! !
Thanks already for sharings you've made !
I download all that I can, to sort out when I get my new phone.
Sure, Filejoker and Subyshare links will be provided.
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