Internet Freedom Act (US only)


Active Member
Jan 26, 2013
This is a plea to call your US Senators to pass the Internet Freedom Act, known a S3034

Obama is trying to cede control of the Internet from the United States to an international body (as yet to be determined). The one thing that keeps sites like these open and operating freely is freedom of speech granted by the 1st Amendment in the US Constitution. An international body, can and WILL supress, and/or censor material which it deems unsuitable or which the philosophically or politically disagrees. Once control is ceded, it is IRREVERSIBLE!

Call 202-224-3131 and ask to speak to the Senator from your state. Also call Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell at 202-224-2541 and demand Bill S3034 be brought up to a vote.

If Obama is successful things will change very quickly - and NOT for the better.
Thank You


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012

Indeed, here is Senator Ted Cruz's handsome face, associated with this bill:

We all may breathe relief, because we know from his presidential campaign that we should "TrusTed."

Here is the viewpoint that prompted Member Fezzie to put up his plea, focusing on one alarmist and theoretical aspect:

A look at what's at the heart of the matter, helping out the fat cats as usual:

And a discussion forum that helps us see what is at the heart of the matter:

I particularly enjoyed these excerpts:


"All these republicans who literally PREACH about 'the free market' are so full of shit it is painful. They love free market until there is a threat to their outdated business model and then they decide it is easier to use government to block their competition than to actually evolve as a business..."

"I'm a fiscal conservative... but I feel like my party is full of uninformed lemmings, and boy is it hard to get them to like even listen to reason about something that Obama approves of."


"It is freedom. Freedom for monopolies to do whatever they want."


"I love the ridiculous names they call these things - 'internet freedom act' ha"
"The Defense of Marriage Act, The USA PATRIOT Act..."

(Deleted Account)

"Honestly, as much as people like to knock real world comparisons to 1984, it is hard not to notice the parallels between this kind of language and the language used by the party in the book."

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Jav is love... Jav is life...
Jun 29, 2012
In a "free market" ISPs can charge content providers like Netflix more since Netflix traffic takes up much more bandwidth. Since the FCC now regulates online traffic now ISPs must treat all traffic the same thus place their costs onto individual customers. The whole "Net Neutrality" thing is entirely political and isn't as simple as everyone thinks it is. Basically Net Neutrality came down to a huge fight between Google, Facebook, Netflix vs Verizon, Comcast, and other big ISPs etc. The entire thing was about big corporation vs big corporation. Now the FCC can regulate the Internet basically. Thus opening a door to censorship one day for things that the government might deem "unfit" for public consumption. Since Facebook and Google spy on everyone for the government anyway of course the FCC would side with them while also getting their foot in the door of more control over the Internet.
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Akiba Citizen
Oct 25, 2009
If Obama is successful things will change very quickly - and NOT for the better.
There's no question that Obama is the worst POTUS ever.

And the next POTUS will be worse still. Either Trump or Hilary.

And 2020... well odds on is Hilary wins 2016, in that case, we can be damn sure the new POTUS 2020 will be worse than Hilary. With Trump, it's harder to imagine 2020, but after the first debate, it seems we won't need to worry how a Trump's US will look in Nov 2019, phew... Anyway as far as we can tell (out to 2024), it's a free dive to hell.

Makes you wish Dubya was still around, we used to think he was the worst POTUS ever.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2015
Pre-emptively taking control of the internet away from the likes of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump doesn't actually sound like a bad idea to me.


Active Member
Jan 26, 2013
This is not Republican / Democrat thing. This is a freedom of speech thing.

How sympathetic will a mullah from Iran be sitting on the panel that decides content? This is censorship and taxation waiting to happen.

And please tell me, what does the government touch that it actually makes better?And this will be a conglomeration of governments. The UN was formed originally to end all wars - then called the League of Nations. How's that been working out?

Don't say you weren't warned
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Active Member
Jan 26, 2013
Pre-emptively taking control of the internet away from the likes of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump doesn't actually sound like a bad idea to me.

Neither of them will have control, just as Obama does not have control of content today. Tell me exactly what about the internet has been so bad it has to be messed with? However it WILL give control to those outside the US where free speech is not a guarantee. This is not good no matter how you slice or dice it. If it ain't broke - DON'T fucking fix it!

Sadly these days too many people think in terms of "Left vs Right" instead of "Right vs Wrong"


Active Member
Jan 26, 2013


Akiba Citizen
Oct 25, 2009
How many of you fapped while reading the New York Times like I did? Com'on it's awesome ain't it?