Interracial JAV Discussion

Interracial JAV? (Japanese woman vs Black, White, Latino, etc man)

  • Yes

    Votes: 404 83.3%
  • No

    Votes: 81 16.7%

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Well interracial porn certainly is based on racist attitudes, that is 100% correct.
In the west most porn with Asian women is quite racist also, they play stereotypical roles as the white man's tiny plaything etc.
I will say that there are racial undertones but that aren't as defined as you think they are, and of the few asian women in the american porn industry that "white mans tiny plaything rarerly happens", I mean they'll play roles(we also have dumb blondes, or tattooed badasses, horny milfs) but they don't go that far unless it's clips4sale but they do custom vids that cater to certain things

It is only ever a niche in Japan, but to a western person who is a fan of JAV they likely see the interracial stuff as more relatable than regular JAV.

Also most of the users on here who are white men probably even tell themselves that all of these Japanese women would desperately want to be with a white man and prefer white men over Japanese men etc. This is a typical belief I have noticed among white guys who like Asian women, they like to think of themselves as like gods that Asian women would worship. It's nearly impossible to educate these white guys to the fact that most Japanese women won't even like them and that they actually prefer Japanese men, it's virtually impossible to convince a typical conceited white guy that he isn't the centre of everyone's world in the entire world etc.

i'm curious about this and how it fits in the western world, because IR is popular as hell? do these white men fantasize they are black men fucking white girls?

I agree ziongate esp with your first post of these last two...

I will add that western porn 'pushes" the IR genre (BM WW) and WW that haven't done it or don't are labelled "dodgers" or racist :confused::rolleyes:
Similar can be said for JAV with Korean girls where they are shock at the larger Japanese cocks :D
I mean out west you gotta do IR or anal/dp or (No pun intended) the fans will crap all over you, then when you do it that's all they expect, it's very annoying going to american porn sites and that's all they talk about
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most of the users on here who are white men probably even tell themselves that all of these Japanese women would desperately want to be with a white man and prefer white men over Japanese men etc. This is a typical belief I have noticed among white guys who like Asian women, they like to think of themselves as like gods that Asian women would worship. It's nearly impossible to educate these white guys to the fact that most Japanese women won't even like them and that they actually prefer Japanese men, it's virtually impossible to convince a typical conceited white guy that he isn't the centre of everyone's world in the entire world etc.
First time I hear this theory. Personally I like IR because it features actresses finally dealing with big cocks and not with the typical little/medium size Japanese dicks. This is the same reason I like the very rare JAV with big Japanese dicks (eg. this defunct series, I suspect many viewers apprecciate IR more for this aspect than for their strange racial theories. What is beyond me is why the Japanese audience prefers porn with little dicks...
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Really did she speak english in one of her videos?
Yes in a couple of movies I have seen she suddenly, for some reason , blurts out a sentence in well spoken english. She is also into classical music and is an excellent pianist and violin player.
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You have a western perspective based on racism, that's why. And you are too ignorant to realise it. Japanese aren't typically into IR, as a western person you are into IR.
Racism is pervasive and most that take part in it don't even realise it, for example Japanese porn videos of women posted with small breasts on most western tube sites are specifically tagged with small breasts, since this is a western bias that that most racists think about.
Yet there are so many videos of white women on these tube sites who literally have equally small breasts and sometimes even smaller and they are not as commonly tagged with small breasts.

Also western people like to imagine Japanese for some reason as being very small people, like 5'4'' tall men and 4'11'' women etc. Yet the real actual average height of a Japanese man is only 1.5 inches less than an American man and there are many men walking around everywhere in Japan that are over 6 feet tall easily. But certain western people don't like to admit this since it doesn't correlate with their racial fetish.

First point I highlighted complete and utter bull crap, you don't know that person you can't say there perspective is based on racism, it doesn't make sense anyways a racist person definitely wouldn't like IR because it goes completely against the beliefs they have.

second point also bull crap, it isn't tagged that way for racist reasons it's too tell person viewing if someone has small, medium or big breast and when it comes to porn I think that's one big thing people think about, and yes they are tagged with small breast, and relying on tube sites isn't reliable, there are a million other sites that say size, or what kind of girl it is.

last, we are talking about porn the one legit male asian pornstar around in the American industry is 5'8, and there are only two actresses with japanese origins in America and they are Marica Hase, and Asa Akira and they are both 5'2
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Oh boy, are you mentally alright? Your interpretation of my post is crazy.
If tagging things for small breasts was objective then all of the white pornstars would also be tagged with small breasts also, but many videos I have been on with small breasted white women didn't have the tag. You know why? Because the tagger is a western person and their racial bias doesn't automatically link small breasts with being white necessarily so it isn't something that pops into their head as often in relation, that's why many don't get tagged as such. I have even been on videos with Japanese women with medium sized breasts and it's still tagged as "small breasts". If you can't tell that this tagging done by western uploaders is racially biased and ignorant then you are crazy.

Secondly, when I was talking about heights I was not talking about pornstar heights. Pornstars are typically chosen to be small women, this is the same in the west. This is done to make the guy's penis look bigger, why you think that Asian porn stars heights = the actual real average Japanese height is beyond me.

I am talking about national heights of the country, in which the USA is 5'9'' and Japan is 5'7.5''. Korea South is 5'8'' and the tallest average per prefecture in Japan is like 5'9'' in Toyama and Nagano etc.

You're talking about tube sites stuff is barerly ever tagged right, look at real sites and things are always tagged properly(to a degree), it's not about racial bias why things on tube sites aren't tagged like that, it's more people don't give a crap. and why would all white porn actresses be tagged with small breast?

And i'm talking about your comment in relation to porn because this is a topic about interracial porn, and no pornstars aren't choosen by there height, they are choosen by there looks and willingness to go into porn, and heck i can even name like 10 american porns over 5'11, not to mention a lot that are also waaaaay above your assumption

and I still don't get how cavarra enjoyment of ir is based on them being racist
Most American pornstars are small, chosen as such. They are shorter than average height. The fact that you claim to know a few that are you know what confirmation bias and cherry picking are?

The top 20 on freeones by rank, the average height being 5'3'' and not a single one being even 5'7
'' in the top 20. Sorry. The average female height in the USA being 5'4''.
There isn't a single top ranking female western pornstar over 5'11'' so stop being retarded. In fact this is a rare height for American women even in normal life, to be 5'11'' in the USA and be a woman you are in the 99.494 Percentile. Basically 1 in 200 women. sorry if facts hurt.

It's they same in every porn industry, pretty women are chosen who are preferably small. The western porn industry even admits this, but keep denying it since you know a few who are tall.

There are JAV idols who are 5'11'' but they are not in the top 20 women and are more a niche. Does this make them normal? No, not for any porn industry.
I can also name 10 JAV who are from 5'9'' to 5'11''. Doesn't mean anything, it's called cherry picking.

In short, learn to think please.
(yet you're using tube site breast sizes to ''prove'' your point of western racism)

you cherry picked a cut off because the number 2 girl is 5'6 :)

we weren't talking about top ranked, we where talking about you saying "pornstars are typically chosen to be small women, this is the same in the west. This is done to make the guy's penis look bigger" which i'm saying is completely false they are choosen by looks, and willingess to do things, height is irrelevant.

I need links of them admitting to hiring short girls to make penises look bigger.

and I still don't get how cavarra enjoyment of ir is based on them being racist
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(yet you're using tube site breast sizes to ''prove'' your point of western racism)

you cherry picked a cut off because the number 2 girl is 5'6 :)

we weren't talking about top ranked, we where talking about you saying "pornstars are typically chosen to be small women, this is the same in the west. This is done to make the guy's penis look bigger" which i'm saying is completely false they are choosen by looks, and willingess to do things, height is irrelevant.

I need links of them admitting to hiring short girls to make penises look bigger.

and I still don't get how cavarra enjoyment of ir is based on them being racist
also number 17, and 20 in the free ones ranking are over 5'7
Fact 1, the number 2 girl on freeones is 160cm which is 5'3''. sorry if you don't know your metric and imperial.

The activity of western taggers on porn sites is still the behaviour of western people, sorry if you can't understand this.

Most pornstars are below average height and are also petite in body type, sorry about that.

BBW and fat women is also only a niche, using large women is also only a niche, they all make the penises look small. Yet in real life these fat women make up the majority of the population in the west, where 70% of Americans are either overweight or flat out obese.

You probably are that unaware of the porn industry that you don't even know of the angles they use during sex to make the penises appear large as well. You are a very naive person that clearly lives on the internet. Do you even have a GF?

first part-ah yes i meant number 3 girl, I thought Keisha Grey was 1, August Ames who is 3 is 5'6 but number 17 and 20 are over 5'7, i'll just name the girls because the rankings change ever second. Jelena Jensen is 5'10 and she fluctuates between 19 and 20, while jilian Janson is 5'7.

second-Millions of videos uploaded on tubes sites with many different tags, and uploaders from many many countries.

third- How does most prove that, as you said "pornstars are typically chosen to be small women, this is the same in the west. This is done to make the guy's penis look bigger"?

fourth-I know you have something against americans, and I don't particularly care but we are talking about porn, which is fantasy, it has nothing to do with reality.

fifth-What does any of this have to do with anything? Camera tricks exist in all industries.
17 is 5'6.9''. Tall for top ranking pornstars. Not over 5'7''. Please learn how to convert measurements.

Number 20 is 5'4.9''/165cm.

Are you mentally even sane? You clearly have learning difficulties.
Troll so hard :lalala::cinta::lalala:

and you've still yet to prove how cavarra enjoyment of ir is based on them being racist
paparoach are you seriously retarded? WTF. I am talking to a literal retard here who didn't even finish school.

Number 20 is Jessa Rhodes. Her height is 1.65m. (which you claim is over 5'7'')

You are claiming these are measurements in imperial far larger than they are. Did you even finish school?
"i'll just name the girls because the rankings change ever second. Jelena Jensen is 5'10 and she fluctuates between 19 and 20, while jilian Janson is 5'7."
Since you are autistic and need educating.
I will give you all their heights since you think that are all huge.
1. 5'4''
2. Keisha Grey is 5'2.9'' sorry.
3. 5'6'' taller than average.
4. 5'1.8''
5. 5'4''
6. 5'4.9''
7. 5'4.9''
8. 5'2.9'
9. 5'2.9'
10. 5'1.8'
11. 5'3''
12. 5'4.9''
13. 5'1.8''
14. 4'11.8''

These are not big women, they are small other than the odd exception. Sorry.

Oh but the majority isn't important to your small brain, you want to cherry pick a fringe minority and then use them to represent the industry. Retard alert.

"The top 20 on freeones by rank, the average height being 5'3'' and not a single one being even 5'7'' in the top 20" two in the top 20 are over 5'7

also and you've still yet to prove how cavarra enjoyment of ir is based on them being racist
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It's called "every" second. And they do not fluctuate on such a basis either. At all times 95% of them in the top 20 no matter where in western porn are small women. Sorry about that.
The rankings haven't even changed over the past 15 minutes, they don't chance every second. Sorry, nice try though. You have to be popular to get into the top ranking, it isn't a lucky dip.

You have been called out on your ignorance, just stop digging yourself deeper and deeper into your hole. I seriously think you have autism or something.
wow a typo, you also said "and not a single one being even 5'7'' in the top 20" number 17 and 19 are over it, now you're saying 95%
I never said that IR has to be based on racism, but it mainly is based on racism though. That's just a fact, anyone who has seen IR porn can see that. Especially with black on white the theme is always about the black man being like a primitive beast with a huge cock etc.
It's mostly looked at by white men, who feel inadequate.
What you said about Cavarra"You have a western perspective based on racism, that's why. And you are too ignorant to realise it."

and second part the most popular IR site in america Blacked has none of that, even dogfartnetwork who pretty much parodies those stereotypes doesn't even do that.
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Marica is the only actual JAV idol that went to the west and she is smaller than the average idol. She is like 157cm. Yet 4 of the top 20 are from 165cm-168cm.

Blacked is all about BBC and being "blacked". The site itself is derogatory to black people as if they are sexual objects like beasts. The biggest consumer of this is white men and the site itself was made by a white man. Sorry about that.

If you think the website blacked isn't making a gimick out of black people and playing on racist stereotypes then you are quite frankly retarded.

Are you fucking kidding me?
They have girls hold up signs saying they love big black cock at dogfart and they even do penis comparisons with white men that have small penises.

nothing derogatory about blacked, just going off of fetishes and fantasies

as i said Dogfart parodies those stereotypes.

And still waiting on What you said about Cavarra"You have a western perspective based on racism, that's why. And you are too ignorant to realise it."
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You have a western perspective based on racism, that's why. And you are too ignorant to realise it. Japanese aren't typically into IR, as a western person you are into IR.
Racism is pervasive and most that take part in it don't even realise it, for example Japanese porn videos of women posted with small breasts on most western tube sites are specifically tagged with small breasts, since this is a western bias that that most racists think about.
Yet there are so many videos of white women on these tube sites who literally have equally small breasts and sometimes even smaller and they are not as commonly tagged with small breasts.

Also western people like to imagine Japanese for some reason as being very small people, like 5'4'' tall men and 4'11'' women etc. Yet the real actual average height of a Japanese man is only 1.5 inches less than an American man and there are many men walking around everywhere in Japan that are over 6 feet tall easily. But certain western people don't like to admit this since it doesn't correlate with their racial fetish.
It is beyond me where I was racist in my post. The only one here who seems to have racist ideas and race-based bias here is you, and in general you seems to psychanalyse porn and psychanalyse others a bit too much, especially as you are not a psychologist, you are not a sociologist, you are not an anthropologist, but just a typical Keyboard Warrior who seems anxious to spread his questionable theories and is unable to do it without insulting others.

Watching porn is not a therapeutic session nor an existentialist reflection about races, it is just bodies, faces, tits, butts and dicks. Soooo.....I don't give a shit about the Japanese people medium height (?!), I don't give a shit about what Japanese women think of Western men, I don't give a shit about what YOU think about Western men, I like IR because the JAV actresses finally deal with big dicks and not with typical little/medium size dicks, I am pretty sure a lot of viewers love IR for this exact reason, period. If you want to comment something comment something I actually said and not stuff I never said nor thought.
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Fun Fact i'm not white
Be patient with this troll, paparoach, and thank you very much for having brought a bit of common sense here.

Looking at this guy's posts is quite enlighting:

He went to the if get a chance to fuck AV actress thread and said noone has a chance to fuck a cute Japanese and that most of the forumers are virgins,went to the Newhalf Thread and trolled the forumers saying they were all gay,went to the Yua Minami thread and while attaccking Koreans and Americans he (again!) accused users of being racist, he went in Dumb Moments in JAV thread and put some political stuff against Americans, and so on. On each and every thread he partecipates, all he does is raising idiotic controversities and insulting others. Curious to see which will be the next threads he will disrupt and how much time he will resist before being banned.