Japan earthquake and tsunami: How to help


New Member
Jul 15, 2009

Japan was hit by one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded on Friday. The magnitude-8.9 quake spawned a deadly tsunami that slammed into the nation's east coast, leaving a huge swath of devastation in its wake. Hundreds of people are dead and many more are still missing or injured.

Japan has often donated when other countries have experienced disasters, such as when Hurricane Katrina impacted the United States. Below are organizations that are working on relief and recovery in the region.

AMERICAN RED CROSS: Emergency Operation Centers are opened in the affected areas and staffed by the chapters. This disaster is on a scale larger than the Japanese Red Cross can typically manage. Donations to the American Red Cross can be allocated for the International Disaster Relief Fund, which then deploys to the region to help. Donate here.

GLOBALGIVING: Established a fund to disburse donations to organizations providing relief and emergency services to victims of the earthquake and tsunami. Donate here.

SAVE THE CHILDREN: Mobilizing to provide immediate humanitarian relief in the shape of emergency health care and provision of non-food items and shelter. Donate here.

SALVATION ARMY: The Salvation Army has been in Japan since 1895 and is currently providing emergency assistance to those in need. Donate here.

AMERICARES: Emergency team is on full alert, mobilizing resources and dispatching an emergency response manager to the region. Donate here.

CONVOY OF HOPE: Disaster Response team established connection with in-country partners who have been impacted by the damage and are identifying the needs and areas where Convoy of Hope may be of the greatest assistance. Donate here.

: Putting together relief teams, as well as supplies, and are in contact with partners in Japan and other affected countries to assess needs and coordinate our activities. Donate here.

SHELTER BOX: The first team is mobilizing to head to Japan and begin the response effort. Donate here.


just to help those innocent people, who are still trapped alive under the Earthquake's Debris. Still there are many of the lives which are drowning alive in the waters of Tsunami.

Please accept my request, and do help to them, whatever you can...Thanks in advance.

Honourable Sir / Honourable friend,
Thank you very much for reading my news. Please, share my news with your friends.
Yours faithfully
My heart just broke as I watched a young girl crying for her mom while saying "they are all gone, my whole family"
This is one of the most horrible events ever. Prayers for all those effected by this occurance. :(
Your first link there didn't work.

Second link works, first link has a 'barrier' image up. Anyways no, that's not the photo, I'm referring to a video that was on Asahi-TV last night with a girl about 11 years old crying out to the river for her mother and little brother.
I would like to send out my sincere condolences to any members of the forum that live in Japan, or that may have family and friends that live there. I have always dreamed of one day visiting, and I've always felt a kinship with the people of Japan. Seeing the pictures and viral videos showing the scenes of homes destroyed and people looking for lost loved ones breaks my heart. I know the Japanese people are strong of will however, and there spirit and courage will see them through these horrific events.

I included some additional donation links below. Donations made on these websites should go directly to an "earmarked" Japanese tsunami relief fund for their respective charities.


I would like to express their deepest sorrow. For this event.
And for encouraging the Japanese people.
From Thailand
There is one reason to not donate: the donation may never reach Japan.

These elaborate a little:

The Japanese Red Cross, for example, has said repeatedly since the day after the earthquake that it does not want or need outside assistance. But that has not stopped the American Red Cross from raising $34 million through Tuesday afternoon in the name of Japan’s disaster victims…
The Japanese government so far has accepted help from only 15 of the 102 countries that have volunteered aid, and from small teams with special expertise from a handful of nonprofit groups…
Many of the groups raising money in Japan’s name are still uncertain to whom or to where the money will go…

I suppose you can donate directly to the Japanese Red Cross on their website which guarantees your cash reaches the earthquake/tsunami victims:
but you can only donate via direct wire transfer from your bank account, no Paypal or credit card donations are possible.

I wonder if there is some way to donate without explicitly giving cash to charities? Maybe buying Japanese goods online is an indirect way of donating?
This thread is sticky now, the information about donations just is too important, at least to me.
This thread is sticky now, the information about donations just is too important, at least to me.

Good idea. It is not like anyone can fix something like this overnight. This type of devastion may take quite awhile to recover from.
You can also donate with paypal to Hiroko Nakamura and she will make sure your money goes where it's needed:

As you already know, the M8.9 earthquake hit the north east coast of Japan last weekend.
I’m actually at the sites with the foreign medias, which also gave me the opportunity to see what’s happening with my own eyes and what people are needing.

I’ve set up the donation button here via paypal here. If you are uncomfortable donating through RedCross or any other major existing organization, please donate here. I’ll be sure to forward it to the city offices and NPO organizations who are actually delivering the necessary items.

Donate link and more info here:

Also, her channel if you want to check out Akibatteru or her other pre-quake/pre-tsunami videos:

NAPLES, Fla.- The Salvation Army is warning of the latest email hoax hitting your inbox. A bogus email address, posing as the Salvation Army, is asking for your money for relief in Japan. But in reality, crooks are pocketing the cash.

From the crest to the contacts....the Salvation Army says it's one of the more sophisticated scams they've seen.

"it looks authentic, it looks legitimate," Chris Nind of the Salvation Army of Naples said Friday.

The email claims to be from the Salvation Army, asking for donations to aid Japan's earthquake and tsunami relief efforts. But there are some warning signs, including a UK email address.

"It asks for a minimum donation of $100. It also asks for things such as gender and age, which obviously the Salvation Army wouldn't do," Nind said.

The real Salvation Army has already raised $2.5 million dollars in the US alone to help Japan, but now donors say they'll be double-checking where they donate.

"I say beware! Watch what you invest in and be very careful," Naples resident Bunny Boradman said Friday.

The Salvation Army says portions of their website were copied and plugged into the email. Organizers saying they're sickened by the scam.

"You can't understand it, you can't explain it. But we know that there are people that will endeavor to make money from others misfortune," Nind said.

The Salvation Army says the best way to make a safe donate is to write a check directly to the organization, specifying Japan relief efforts. They also say if you have any questions, play it safe, and contact your local Salvation Army chapter.

My heart goes out to them. :please: I hope they can recover soon. The road to recovery is very long. They have to remain strong. :notagain:

GamBaTeh~ :cheer: