Japan's Adult Anime Industry in danger

I don't see a problem. It is time companies feel the pinch. They have been overpricing their products for years and now when they see sales are down or on a decline, because of "file sharing", they wish to go public and cause a scare by saying there will be a financial collapse to japan's adult anime production. Companies will always find a way to profit. I wonder, has a company ever gone public to cause a scare when things are going well and they are making lots of money?
Are you referring to the world market or japan market ?????

What are you trying to say ????

You are confusing me....


Well, judging from, Murakami, the whole anime adult market may disappear within a year due to file sharing, so I guess you could say it will affect everyone that's into this genre everywhere.

First it was the anime companies saying that file sharing is crippling the market and industry, now this, but it's even less of a niche market than anime so this is pretty scary.
I do not believe in fairy tales story.

Till today the hentai anime industry still largely depending on their own market.

The words sound like saying that all Otaku in Japan become downloader.

Murakami, having a japan name or a japanese doesn't make him a expert.

To Mookie,

He is talking about Pixy and it is a production company not licensed company.

Although both are company but totally different.

Pixy release are never uncen as they are not licensed.

All porn media in japan has to be cen and that is their law.

For some hentai anime production company in japan.

They doesn't like to give their licensed aways as reverse importation will cause their company a very huge damage in term of profit.
no shit ?!? I always buy good licensed hentai such as bible black or night shift nurses to show my support for the artist, afterall its worth all the money but for some I'll stick to torrents....

so if JAV industry can stand it why can't hentai industry ?

Licensed company do not draw hentai. It is the production company in Japan.

Compared to JAV, hentai anime is much much more expensive to produce.

I can make my own porn video, is just that I do not think anyone is going to buy.

Since beginning, the main stream media has project fans as evil creature like as if they are excepting their own grandmother to buy hentai DVD.

But it is alway fans who buy the hentai DVD. You don't expect the main stream media or their grandmother to buy the hentai DVD.
Piracy will not yield.
The business world will have to adapt, as trying to fight it is just wasted money.
It's survival of the fittest.
well can't say for sure if its true....

but one thing I know that if anything happens to adult anime industry, much or less the anime industry will be affected too because they used the same type of media.....

anime torrents are not less devastating than hentai torrents...CMIIW
Anime wouldn't be playing on TV if it wasn't for piracy.
Piracy spread it. Piracy incited it to go out to an international market.

"well can't say for sure if its true.... "
You can.
All these years, all those billions wasted in fighting piracy.
Has it helped any?
And what about the movie and game industry?
Are they somehow suffering at the brink of death?
No, they're larger and richer than they've ever been, as is piracy (though piracy isn't rich).

Bring me one piece of evidence that torrents have hurt the anime industry, and I'll give you two that says it has helped it, if anything.
whoa easy dude, I'm enjoying torrents the same as you guys...

what by I mean "well can't say for sure if its true.... " is I doubt the hentai industry will die soon as the thread starter news says, because it has the same media type as regular anime so they both will be affected by the same type of impact.
I hate to reply to this kind of thread although I am the first to reply.

Things are getting more and more confuse, I have to make things clear about this.

To xeruel and Denamic,

I think there is no point farther discussing about this topic.

Whether Pixy will be gone in a years, I do not have crystal ball to tell the future.

"the whole anime adult market may disappear within a year due to file sharing"

This is totally bullshit.

I have been doing research on hentai anime for more then two years. I do not want to continue with grandfather's story of the long history. I do not think anyone in this forum would dare and want to challenge me in the knowledge.

I do not know why things are getting so complicated.

There is a lots of different between hentai and anime.

"Anime wouldn't be playing on TV if it wasn't for piracy."

The true is anime started on TV.

"but one thing I know that if anything happens to adult anime industry, much or less the anime industry will be affected too because they used the same type of media....."

No, that is the answer. Hentai and anime running at totally different bases of profit. Anime are mostly broadcast on TV so called the TV series. Their profit are mainly based on ad. Hentai however is profit in the term of OAV or OVA which are never been broadcast on TV but sold in DVD form.

Hentai DVD in japan are far more expensive then licensed uncen DVD.

Understand that Japan is a very expensive country compared to most of the countries around the world. What actually make you think that most of the people around the world would be rich enough to make such purchase.

During the early part hentai was never well known not just in the rest of the world but also in japan. There is many hentai company which close down as mainly hentai do not have such a big market and the production cost is high.

Today xeruel and Denamic, both of you are at akiba.

If anythings really going to happen, what can the two of you do about it. Understand Akiba is just a small part of shared network, the real size of the shared network is ....(silent).

No one can decide the world, it is the world which decide itself.
I hate to reply to this kind of thread although I am the first to reply.

Things are getting more and more confuse, I have to make things clear about this.

To xeruel and Denamic,

I think there is no point farther discussing about this topic.
It is the topic.

Whether Pixy will be gone in a years, I do not have crystal ball to tell the future.

"the whole anime adult market may disappear within a year due to file sharing"

This is totally bullshit.

I have been doing research on hentai anime for more then two years. I do not want to continue with grandfather's story of the long history. I do not think anyone in this forum would dare and want to challenge me in the knowledge.
That 'research' research, or plain old browsing?
If it's the latter, I've been doing it longer.

I do not know why things are getting so complicated.

There is a lots of different between hentai and anime.
Techincally true, but nothing that makes a difference in this particular matter.

"Anime wouldn't be playing on TV if it wasn't for piracy."

The true is anime started on TV.
Man, I know that.
Common sense should have let you know I meant TV outside of Japan.

Hentai DVD in japan are far more expensive then licensed uncen DVD.

Understand that Japan is a very expensive country compared to most of the countries around the world. What actually make you think that most of the people around the world would be rich enough to make such purchase.
'Cost' is subjective.
$25 might get you through a month in some places while it'll barely pay a meal in others.
'Cost' is relative to the state of the local economy.

Today xeruel and Denamic, both of you are at akiba.

If anythings really going to happen, what can the two of you do about it. Understand Akiba is just a small part of shared network, the real size of the shared network is ....(silent).
I assume you mean the internet p2p 'community'.
In which case you're not making much sense in this context.
And I know the size of AO. I've been here since it started.
It's one of the biggest sites in the world, in case you didn't know.
Definitively one of the biggest adult oriented ones.

No one can decide the world, it is the world which decide itself.
It is not entirely unpredictable, and it wouldn't be wise to simply let things happen without doing anything.
Apathy has never helped anything.
I hate to take part in this discussion:

at first the piracy is a homemade japanese problem, there are leaks in production and distribution, how comes that piracy files exist already before the first DVD is sold in any shop. Because some insiders have ripped it already. Relating to traditional contacts between Japan and China the copies appear ALWAYS AND EVER on chinese sites first, which are our sources only, later on they are to be seen in Winny, eMule and so on, 99% of the seeders there are from China! These leaks have to be stopped and the chinese piracy must be too, to address it to someone else is the wrong way.

The same with uncensored / licensed DVD´s - the originals are in Japan and in the country where the company which licensed it is located, even there the copies are earlier in the net spreading through chinese sites than any copy has been sold. Leaks here too. ***

The problem can only to be eliminated at the roots, which are not here, but in Japan or directly before their door in China, no country has so many subbers and the subbing is quicker than anywhere else.

Same problem with PinPai - one copy sold by internet and it is spreading over the internet already, that makes no sense for me, next day a widescreen copy without PinPai logo is available too, where? On chinese sites of course. So what shall be sold 2 weeks later is in everyone´s reach already.

Far too many people know these sites so the piracy cannot be stopped anyway, and China will not take part in any international copyright agreement, so these sites cannot be stopped normally too.

*** this not only for stuff licensed in the US, but also for stuff licensed only in Europe !!!, and not the dubbed versions are to be dl from chinese sites, but the raw versions - think about it where the source for this is located, it can only be Japan. And so the subbers have their copies too...

Not to forget what can be dl from MU, RS or Megarotic mostly days before the release date.
There is a lots of different between hentai and anime.

everybody got a point there.

true there's a lot of differences between the two, but in this case it didn't matter anymore they would get collateral damage like it or not.

Hentai DVD in japan are far more expensive then licensed uncen DVD.

Understand that Japan is a very expensive country compared to most of the countries around the world. What actually make you think that most of the people around the world would be rich enough to make such purchase.

no shit ?!?!
here I think licensed uncen DVD was the real deal :defeat:, I guess I'm wrong thinking that it will be a lot cheaper on home country :petrfied:

whatever happens, it up to the industry itself to ensure its survival, for we know damn well piracy is hard to stop....
I'll keep buying the good ones, if its a little help:attention:
You don't need a crystal ball to call this one, folks: any child of 6 years of age who's been to an American supermarket could explain this one to you:

"Free samples are a good way to raise consumer awareness and interest in your product; but if you gave everything away for free, you'd go out of business."

Translation: yes, piracy can be said to have the curious benefit to the market of "raising consumer awareness" but pure piracy with zero consumerism can never (and should never) be argued to be a benefit to the market. If the Seller sees absolutely no profit, the Pirate will soon be out of a good. Buyers are the force that drives production.
Any extreme of anything could, and probably should, be considered a bad thing.
I'm not saying people should stop buying stuff.
I mean, I'm a pirate without reservation.
If I want it, I download it.
However, I still buy all the games I deem worth it that I can afford.
Even if I wasn't a pirate, I couldn't possibly buy more games than I already do.
Actually, I'd probably buy less games as I'd likely spend more time elsewhere in that case.
Well, to tell the truth, I don't think that companies who love what they do, and can only continue doing what they love, if they have the resources, would make up something like this.

This topic isn't meant to make anyone feel bad or to start any arguments; I wanted to see what others who file share thought about it, just to read other opinions on this matter.
Well, someone has to post opinions about it if someone else is to read them.
Arguments are good. Arguments keeps our minds and opinions sharp.
To Sakunyuusha,

That is the main problem we are currently facing. People who buy sure they will download, but people who download not 100% they will buy.

Selling chicken in supermarket wouldn't bring you much profit.

The size of the current Hentai and Anime industries.

You doesn't need to be a business man any dumb ass could tell you how profit that is. And... it is growing at a rapid rate.

There is not much hentai anime production that is in Japan.

And now japan hentai seem to be going into the direction of 3D.

Exclude licensed company in US and Europe. And I do not want to bring china into it.

There is many many who want a pie of it.

Out of those there is one particular who self declare as anime hub. The company is dam shit, not talking about buying, giving free I will throw into the dustbin. It is not worth recycle also.

Until now no one has ever heard of them. Of course they are nothing but shit only. Their method of doing business is very underhand and they lies up to the sky.

The market is expanding and the industries will never be gone.

Unlike other companies, the JP firm seem doing very less in protecting themselves. They are depending on the fans based for support.

China market is definitely not for Japan.

Hentai is not something that can be sell at broad light in some countries.

Virtual copy is not really worth, not to mention cen is causing the values to drop more then half.

Import and export will only benefit the export and import companies more then the production company.

Lastly hentai is unable to markup high price in international market.

The production company surely is facing a very tough time although the pie is big. Hardly they are taking much out of the huge pie.