JAV database

By the way: That is the tagging function I mentioned earlier: Creating Facebook Styled Photo Tagging With CSS & jQuery

Of course this has to be modified. The user must first add the performers to the movie entry. Afterwards he/she can mark them on the cover (or maybe on the screenshots / thumbnails / screencap / whatever).

[...]My ideal database would have the following features :
1) - Basic database functionality:
- wiki-style info about titles, performers, studios, series, etc.
Maybe you can explain "wiki-style info" a little bit more. I'm not quiet sure what you mean by that. :puzzled:
- bilingual (EN/JP)
- categories, tags
Agree to that. Categories should be fixed and only be modifyable by mods. Tags should be open for everyone.
[...]2) - Social network/community aspects:
- wishlist, want to see list, my collection, etc.
Example: mangaupdates.com
- comments, rating
- discovery function (finding users with similar preferences and their lists)
Good ideas. I also agree to that. It would be also nice to have some kind of notification. For example you will get a notification if a file info is available for a movie you're interested in. Or if a subbing / ripping group released a new file. Or maybe if your favourite performer released a new movie.
[...]3) - Collection organizer:
- Probably desktop application to search through video files and get their details + import from CSV? Manually edited/confirmed output of the app would be imported to "My collection" in the web database
Seems like you can read my thoughts. :perfectplan: I would recommend a Java application which makes use of the MediaInfo library.

[...]4) - Advanced features:
- face tagging/recognition
Okay, posted already a link in my last post. :tea:
[...] - advanced filtering (eg. remove disliked performer, genre or tag from search results or prioritize them)
Yes, that is something most shops and blogs are missing. E.g. if you're looking for movies of a certain performer and a certain genre (e.g. Rio Hamasaki and office lady) or for movies where only a certain performer takes part in (e.g. only movies were Tsubomi performs alone).


:warning2: Few problems and questions:
ad 1)
- Just romanize the japanese titles? Because for most of the videos there's nothing like official English title and the titles of warez releases are usually auto or Chinese translated crap.
Hm, I would prefer Japanese title, Japanese title in Romanji and a English translation. Of course the English translation should be really a translation and nothing made-up. And it should make sense. I also saw a few title translations in some JAV shops which were - lets say - quiet interesting. :guaah:
- What to include? Probably only DVD/BR/VHS and major website content. Or photobooks and printed material as well?
Eh, good question. I have to admit that I haven't about that until now. First I would add DVD, BR and VHS. And of course file info. It would be also nice if the user could add links to online streaming sites. That way other can figure out which movie that is.
mature ol sex
Asian Cougar 2
This is SPRD-191.
Or this:
Big Boobs Girl molested on a train
Big Boobs Girl molested on a train 2
This is NHDTA-045
Some users here in Akiba-Online are patently answering questions about this very often. So why not give them the possibility to answer them this question one time for all times. Not to mentioned that I have a lot of these online movies which I want to get indentified. :please:
- Data source. For historic releases let's say some shops can be scraped and edited. But for new releases? There's just too many to input them manually... And this is not a project that could employ full time editor...
- Editing: Who should be allowed to edit the data? Anyone or mods only?
I would take an approach like that: Everyone can make (change) requests (of adding or changing data), but some Mods have to approve it. If a user makes a lot of requests, he can become sooner or later a Mod. What do you think about it?

ad 4)
- I think facebook has some facial recognition ability, so it can mark the same face on two similar photos, but I'm not sure. I use it quite rare. Anyway at least some algorithm to mark/frame the faces on the cover is needed.
I wouldn't invest to much energy in an algorithm. The users should mark the performers "by hand". If the project reached some point where enough resources are available for something like that - okay, maybe we can do that then. Or if someone is especially interested in implementing something like that.

- Motivation for users to add/edit data? Besides the undying love for some performer and general geekiness. :pandalaugh:
Maybe including some kind of ranking / medal system? E.g. for the "contributor" of the week, of the month, of the year, of all times. Or if users identify online streams, maybe something like a "detective" status similar to the "contributor"? At least they should get some kind of credit.
- Legal aspects. I wouldn't include filesharing links or any warez-related stuff (google + akiba can solve this in most of the cases and if the community grows enough private messages or related forum/BBS can help). But does anyone knows how it is with using the cover images, sample movies etc?
I wouldn't include link to services like RapidShare & Co., too. Even if it is not in aspect of copyright issues, maybe some trolls can use the links to get the files deleted. But I would include file hashes. And maybe they should only be available for registered users.
As we spoke about credits for contributors (Users and Mods) I think we should also speak about credits for subbing / ripping groups.

There are many sites out there (most in form of a blog) that rip movies. I hope that they get some credit through this project, too. They should be able to registered their releases by submitting their file hashes so the files get marked / flagged.

It seems that there is only one person at the moment trying to sub JAVs (and he does that in a very bad quality). In my opinion that is a pity. E.g. almost all anime hentai movies are getting subbed. So maybe a few people will be motivated to do some subbing in the future as they can distribute their subs (of course indirectly, no download from the project site) and get the credits for it.

In both cases this groups can get some kind of feedback from the community through this project - by rating, comments or maybe the users can add themselves as fans to the group.
Here is an example for the page of the project. But is only an example, I'm not a web-designer and the design should be created by someone who knows what he/she does.

At the moment the structure is a modified "copy" of the structure of AniDB.net. Maybe a structure like facebook is better / will have a better acceptance in the community. Don't know. The problem is that facebook contains unstructured data, why AniDB is based on a real database scheme - means very structured. And this project will also contain structured data. So maybe the facebook approach won't work at all.
About clubs and groups: I looked at AniDB how they did it.

A club is a group of people with a main focus on a special aspect of JAV. For this project this would be maybe one if the following:
  • movie
  • performer
  • director
  • studio
  • group
  • fetish

A group can is a person or a group of people which release files. A group can have the following properties:
  • group name
  • short name, used for displaying in lists
  • focus of the group: Rip,Sub,Rip+Sub
  • URL of their website, blog or whatever
  • a picture/logo
  • a short description / introduction of the group
As you maybe can see in the example, I also named the male performer. How do you think about it? Do we have any women here (so far I only know ane-san)? What is there opinion about it (about also listing male performers and about this project in general)?
As you maybe can see in the example, I also named the male performer. How do you think about it? Do we have any women here (so far I only know ane-san)? What is there opinion about it (about also listing male performers and about this project in general)?
I'll start by the easiest. IMHO diferentiating male performers is useless, because:
1) 99.99% they're not credited & 95% they don't even have face.
2) If the girls watch JAV they don't do it because of male performers. This opinion is backed-up by several real world females. But even me being pure hetero male can clearly tell that guys in JAV are virtually always unattractive.
3) The exception can be gay porn, but I haven't ever encountered any legal made in Japan. Neither on nor offline. Maybe homosexuality is even illegal there... Asia... :exhausted: But if there is gay JAV, it's pretty clear the performers are male, so no need to explicitly state it.
I'll start by the easiest. IMHO diferentiating male performers is useless, because:
1) 99.99% they're not credited & 95% they don't even have face.
2) If the girls watch JAV they don't do it because of male performers. This opinion is backed-up by several real world females. But even me being pure hetero male can clearly tell that guys in JAV are virtually always unattractive.
3) The exception can be gay porn, but I haven't ever encountered any legal made in Japan. Neither on nor offline. Maybe homosexuality is even illegal there... Asia... :exhausted: But if there is gay JAV, it's pretty clear the performers are male, so no need to explicitly state it.

I have to admit that Shigeo Tokuda is the only male performer I know. I read an article of him on some news site. He even has his own wikipedia article. Interesting guy (not on a sexual level). And in the movies I saw him he has always very nice female counterparts. I'm somehow jealous. But I'm young. Maybe I will have a similar chance later on. :pandalaugh:

1) If they are unknown or not credited it is no problem at all. They won't be listed in the project database, too.

2) "This opinion is backed-up by several real world females." That statement makes me curious. Maybe it is some kind of "thread-napping", but I'm interested in that opinion. Why are they not interested in the male performers and for what purpose are they watching JAVs if it is not because of them? :puzzled:
But I totally agree to the statement that they are unattractive - even from a hetero point of view. Sometimes I'm wondering were they get them - if they picked them up randomly at some dirty side street. If you watch J-Dramas they guys are much more attractive. Maybe everyone here should write application for employment to these JAV companies (some kind of unsolicited application). Maybe we are lucky and ... :pandalaugh:

3) Gay JAV? :ignore:

Is it okay to add a "sex" property to the performer entry? That would do all the work. I guess there won't be many male performers. I even would bet that they won't fill a page. But why not - if there are a few popular ones.
Maybe it is also a good idea to show some movies at the startpage which lack some information. Something like "maybe you know the performer of this movie" if that field in the database isn't filled.
So many things to reply to.... :exhausted:
I'm sorry but this time I have to take the realistic disagreeing look on many topics.

Ad Male actors. If they are unknown or not credited it is no problem at all. They won't be listed in the project database, too.
What I wanted to say, that the whole database will have only dozen guys as a perfomers in the end. ;)

subbing / ripping groups
I don't thing this will work. My reasons
- no english subbing groups. If you would want to make a difference you would have to sub hundreds of video for DVD/VOD sales. So why there's so many chinese subs? It's easy: there's huge (and only) dark market for the porn in China, consisting only of pirated videos. So they make money from subbing.
- there are any ripping groups? Besides of chinese mafia? Seems to me that nothing organized. If there would be some order in JAV world, then I'd love to give credits to everyone who deserves it (just check how many times I have thanked here on Akiba :cheer:), but this is not anime... Sometimes some unique content is posted, but vast majority of the releases are taken from chinese (or sometimes japanese) sources and reposted million times. I know only one blog that have notable amount of exclusive releases (but usually they're not so exclusive, just old, so not so shared online anymore). Plus maybe some major uploaders here on Akiba, but I don't know their sources (maybe Share or private trackers again). If you know better sites with exclusive content, would you please PM to me? :please:
It would be also nice if the user could add links to online streaming sites. That way other can figure out which movie that is.
That would be really nice. I have almost no experience with streamed vids, but:
1) Don't the streamed videos get deleted? Don't many sites die? Then you would have to update everything not to have plenty of dead links.
2) Linking to copyrighted content can again bring some troubles.

A club is a group of people with a main focus on a special aspect of JAV.
Cool! This is the typical social network aspect that would fit the project perfectly

I would take an approach like that: Everyone can make (change) requests (of adding or changing data), but some Mods have to approve it. If a user makes a lot of requests, he can become sooner or later a Mod. What do you think about it?
I guess this has to be tested on a real application as it depends on the size, activity and manners of the community involved.

Ad Motivation: Maybe including some kind of ranking / medal system? E.g. for the "contributor" of the week, of the month, of the year, of all times. Or if users identify online streams, maybe something like a "detective" status similar to the "contributor"? At least they should get some kind of credit.
Since you plan to make the database really labour intensive and community dependend I'm still not convinced if it will work... again some of my reasons

- number of titles: hundreds times more than movies, dramas, anime and at least tens times more than for music releases (worlwide). That's heaps of work. To have some significance editors/mods have to edit plenty of stuff they're not interested in or they don't like.

- it's porn. it's made to jerk off. I know there are true connoisseurs out there, but how many compared to regular consumers? There are many problems coming from the fact that porn community is very different from others.

- it's porn. unlike communities related to art forms, we don't really long for appreciation from the real world for our work here. People won't post to their facebooks they became detectives for watching hundreds of perverted flicks. It would be nice, but we don't live in society as this. As I have experience from local (=national=non-english) film community web, I know that many guys became editors to impress and meet the female users. :piripi:

facial recognition
the posted example code is ok for demonstration, but kinda sucks, because it doesn't even let me to change the frame dimensions. So you can get two faces in there or just half it depending on the size of the face in the picture. :sadomaso:

wiki-style info about titles, performers, studios, series, etc.
Maybe you can explain "wiki-style info" a little bit more. I'm not quiet sure what you mean by that.
well performer: biography data, body measures and other physical data, short introduction article if available
studio: intro, active, focus, contact info, history

You don't like? Me neither, but as I wrote above, it's not about creating a fanpage of your idols...

Maybe it is also a good idea to show some movies at the startpage which lack some information. Something like "maybe you know the performer of this movie" if that field in the database isn't filled.
Good idea, but this is getting really into details, doesn't it?

"This opinion is backed-up by several real world females." That statement makes me curious. Maybe it is some kind of "thread-napping", but I'm interested in that opinion. Why are they not interested in the male performers and for what purpose are they watching JAVs if it is not because of them?
Start a new thread. :gayprance:
So many things to reply to.... :exhausted:
I'm sorry but this time I have to take the realistic disagreeing look on many topics.
No problem. :shower:

What I wanted to say, that the whole database will have only dozen guys as a perfomers in the end. ;)
I totally agree to that.

I don't thing this will work. My reasons
- no english subbing groups. If you would want to make a difference you would have to sub hundreds of video for DVD/VOD sales. So why there's so many chinese subs? It's easy: there's huge (and only) dark market for the porn in China, consisting only of pirated videos. So they make money from subbing.
- there are any ripping groups? Besides of chinese mafia? Seems to me that nothing organized. If there would be some order in JAV world, then I'd love to give credits to everyone who deserves it (just check how many times I have thanked here on Akiba :cheer:), but this is not anime... Sometimes some unique content is posted, but vast majority of the releases are taken from chinese (or sometimes japanese) sources and reposted million times. I know only one blog that have notable amount of exclusive releases (but usually they're not so exclusive, just old, so not so shared online anymore). Plus maybe some major uploaders here on Akiba, but I don't know their sources (maybe Share or private trackers again). If you know better sites with exclusive content, would you please PM to me? :please:
I guess every JAV blog rips the movie on its own. I also saw some movies with Chinese subs. But there are also a lot of movies without them. So I think not all movies are ripped by some kind of asian mafia. I don't have any hope that at the end every JAV will be subbed. I guess for most JAVs is absolutely useless. But it is interesting for that which have at least a little bit of a story / plot.

What do you mean by "exclusive content"? :puzzled:

That would be really nice. I have almost no experience with streamed vids, but:
1) Don't the streamed videos get deleted? Don't many sites die? Then you would have to update everything not to have plenty of dead links.
2) Linking to copyrighted content can again bring some troubles.
Hm, it depends on the site. XVideos.com or Sexvnonline.com have been online for years. But, yes, they also delete clips from time to time.
I have to admit that I'm more concerned about 2) than about 1).

I guess this has to be tested on a real application as it depends on the size, activity and manners of the community involved.

Since you plan to make the database really labour intensive and community dependend I'm still not convinced if it will work... again some of my reasons

- number of titles: hundreds times more than movies, dramas, anime and at least tens times more than for music releases (worlwide). That's heaps of work. To have some significance editors/mods have to edit plenty of stuff they're not interested in or they don't like.

- it's porn. it's made to jerk off. I know there are true connoisseurs out there, but how many compared to regular consumers? There are many problems coming from the fact that porn community is very different from others.

- it's porn. unlike communities related to art forms, we don't really long for appreciation from the real world for our work here. People won't post to their facebooks they became detectives for watching hundreds of perverted flicks. It would be nice, but we don't live in society as this. As I have experience from local (=national=non-english) film community web, I know that many guys became editors to impress and meet the female users. :piripi:
In my opinion this project can only work if the community is involved. No one can maintain so much data alone. If if you have 10 Mods it would be not sufficient. Of course the database won't contain 100% of all JAVs at any date. But 99% would be also okay. :pandalaugh:

the posted example code is ok for demonstration, but kinda sucks, because it doesn't even let me to change the frame dimensions. So you can get two faces in there or just half it depending on the size of the face in the picture. :sadomaso:
It IS only for demonstration. There is no connection to the database and it has to been modified. E.g. there is the question if one performer can be tagged only one time in the cover / screencap or several times. Etc., etc..

well performer: biography data, body measures and other physical data, short introduction article if available
studio: intro, active, focus, contact info, history
Contact info? That would be nice :pandalaugh: Oh, it's only for the studio, not for the performer. :notagain:
I guess some data is structered and should be put into separated fields. E.g. birthday should be a date field, but I would but the rest of the biography data in some kind of open text field. About body measurements: Maybe it is interesting for a more detail search. I agree for a short introduction and articles.
For the studio I agree on all fields except "active". Isn't it just a boolean field or two dates: Founded and end of activity?

Good idea, but this is getting really into details, doesn't it?
It was only an idea which popped up in my mind in the process.:exhausted:

Start a new thread. :gayprance:
Will you do that? Or should I, send you a link and wait for your post? :tea:
Wow, quite a discussion there , I can't seem to actually keep up :scared:

By the way, have you (Thread maker) found any web-host(s) to use ?
Considering that (well, AFAIK, and you did mention it on 1st or 2nd page) many hosts dont accept p0rn

And then, is it free web hosting service, or paid ones?
AFAIK PHP web-hosts are not so expensive(comparing to .net ones), and (maybe?) those "free" ones are somewhat limited in bandwith and...considering a site full of images (cover images) it'll be down in no time, I guess

When we're talking about an "online website", it means that it's accessed by many users scattered around the world, possibly at the same time.
You get my point, right; connectivity, server loads, and so on (you know better than me)

What I want to try to write down is, it's nice to have lots of features and so on, but...maybe...just maybe...."we" (well, it's "you" actually, since that u'r the one doing codes, etc) make a simple(or should I write, usable, with basic features) form of website (read: launch it), and then begin expanding it/adding features as time goes

Well, again, I've never been involved in real projects so I dont know how it works in the real thing, what I know is that...to many plannings and ideas /idealism will gradually delay the project and it will never be released (or even if it does get released, it takes a long time from the original plan).

Being realistic vs excellent ideas/features, a "dilemma" in IT software projects...if I'm not wrong

And yet again, hereby I'll state that I'm no more than newly-born baby in things related to IT projects, so basically, CMIIW for my statements above.

Hello everyone, :hi:

I just want to give a sign that the idea (or project) is still alive. I'm currently working on a proof-of-concept which will be a Java application. I' making good progress with everything, but - of course - the development will take same time. And I'm trying to take everything step by step.
Hi codegeek,

it's good to hear, because I got new programmer job and I don't have any power to code in my free time as well. :snooze:
So my efforts were stopped already in design phase.
Hi codegeek,

it's good to hear, because I got new programmer job and I don't have any power to code in my free time as well. :snooze:
So my efforts were stopped already in design phase.

No problem. I'm already a software developer for about 10 years. So wish you the best in your job. :cheer:
Hope you will have maybe some time later on. And if even not, I hope to get some "professional" feedback from you. :hi:
Just FYI: The project is dead and I'm still working on it. But it takes time as I have also a normal life and my boss wants me to show at work at least every now and then.
Woa, interesting project

Thanks. Hope I will have something to show soon instead of only posting here that I'm still working on it.

Somehow it is very hard not to implement every idea that crosses my mind at once. At the moment the motto is: Keep it simple and save the ideas for later. It's better to release than never release anything.
This is a life sign that I'm still working on it. I started to implement it using XML for data storage. I thought it would be easier and cause less work. I planned to switch it to a database later on. But I'm ran in different issue which weren't solveable by using XML - at least not in a small amount of time. So I'm currently switching to a "real" database.
I have always wanted to start something like http://themoviedb.org for JAV... Problem is i have zero skills in programming.

You should have a look at it as it is perfect for what we want. It even has an API for easy automatic scraping of information with tools like XBMC or metadata managers like Ember Media Manager

The API documentation is located here : http://docs.themoviedb.apiary.io/