JAV & Hentai movies english subtitles service


Akiba Citizen
Feb 24, 2014
Hi guys,

After seeing horrible auto translated movie subtitles around, and with current services having too much rules (and being very expensive !) for what they can translate, I decided to start my own translation service for JAV movies. You can visit the website here https://www.jav-subtitles.com.

We provide subtitles for the Japanese Adult Video of your choice. Why us ?

  • High Quality Translation
  • Censored & Uncensored JAV & Hentai
  • New and Old Movies (no limit)
  • Fast Delivery
  • Attractive Rates & No hidden fees
  • Friendly & Fast Support

More details about our translation service on this page https://www.jav-subtitles.com/translation-service/.

Email : jav-subtitles@protonmail.com

edit: 05/29
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I hope you realize if you try to add PayPal, they'll block you soon for doing digital adult and new card processing rules are going to make it a lot harder to run adult sites if you don't do proper licensing.
I already run other businesses online so yeah I'm aware of Paypal not adult content friendly.
Haha thank you for correcting me. Yep, english isn't my first language. I forgot to mention that I'm not alone behind this service, I work with professional translators for couple of reasons :
1/ I want to avoid english mistakes
2/ It takes time to do the translation

That being said, my japanese skills are good enough to understand JAV movies, reading news, things like that. But again, It's one thing to understand and speak, it's another thing to do the translation work.
You should have said:

"After seeing horribly auto-translated movie subtitles around, and with current services having too many rules (and being very expensive!) for what they translate, I decided to start my own translation service for JAV movies. The website launched a few days ago, and you can visit it from this link. This is just the beginning, so at the moment, there is just one page (enough for the service), but I already have ideas for the future. Details about what we accept are listed on the website.

I've been on this forum for a couple of years now, but I want to show you that you can trust me and my service as reliable. For that reason, I decided to offer free subtitles for one movie that you guys can suggest. Maybe there is a movie that many wanted translated in the past but the translation couldn't be done for whatever reason, so this is a good opportunity.

And of course, if you have any suggestions or questions, let me know."

Having acquired a second language myself as an adult, I sincerely compliment you on how truly excellent your English is. And if you're equally proficient in Japanese, then that feat is doubly impressive.

That being said, let the buyer beware :rolleyes:

What's wrong with saying "horrible(,) auto-translated movie subtitles" and why is "horribly" better in this case? Seems like a choice of style rather than a grammatical error. Same for "to show you that you can trust me and my service is reliable" vs "as reliable", "wanted to be translated" vs "translated" etc..

But on topic: nice initiative, I hope it will go well!
As for the free translation: that's very generous! Maybe you should put up a vote after considering a couple of suggestions from AO members and then the whole community can just decide together. We could start with commenting about what we think is the best JAV film ever that hasn't been translated yet, although that could be a huge debate. :D
The first film that comes to my mind is ABP-984, but I'd not say that it's my final choice. :rolleyes: Determining the best JAV that hasn't been translated yet requires some hard thinking! :keringat:

Thank you kharo88 ! I've got some suggestions from another forum as well. Someone shared a movie with Saori Hara from 2009 (STAR-141), I thought it could be a good one. An "old" movie, to stand out among other services (yep, I don't have any restriction :cool:). I will keep the suggestions as I might do free releases from time to time.
Are customer subtitles exclusive to the customer?
Yes, at least for the moment. I prefer to focus on one thing first and have happy customers before expanding the project with new things. However, the customer can do whatever he wants with the subtitles once he receive it (sharing it for example), I don't mind at all.
After few days, I decided to pick one movie among the suggestions I got here and somewhere else : STAR-141. As it's from 2009,it will be a good way to stand out among other services. I'll post the subtitles in this thread when the translation is done. That way, you can give feedbacks and people who might want to order a custom translation will be able to read comments about the service and quality. I think it's the best thing to do.

(I took notes about each movie suggested. If the service does well, some other free subtitles could be shared in the future)
All the subtitle services i have contacted in the past dont work with Real Works / KM Produce. That is why i suggest XRW-459 with Saya Anri. Its dirty talk heavy, rare, and with an actress that is extremely popular in a genre that is a huge favourite with many if not all JAV fans. i hope it can be the next!! Thanks DS

Wow, I didn't know they even avoid some studios. Nothing like this with me :p
I emailed you at contact@jav-subtitles.com but got a bounce-back (mail delivery error)
Thank you for reporting this error. I was able to reproduce the delivery error. It seems that something was not well configured. Now it should work as my test messages were delivered.
Thank-you kindly my friend! Your generosity is much respected and appreciated!
I wrote to your contact email for the site around a week and a half ago about having a movie subbed. XRW-187 with Minami Natsuki. No one has gotten back to me as of yet! Are you guys super busy?
I would like to suggest either XRW-187 or XRW-459 as the next "free" or promotion release :D :D :D and i pray to buddah, allah, jehova, and michael jordan that one of the two are selected :p
thanks again for the subs!! brilliant work!!
I replied to your message the same day. Did you check your spam box ? I would have got an error if the reply wasn't sent.
Hi DS! yes it was in my spam folder! i apologise. it was a same day reply and was extremely clear and precise in answering all my queries about ordering. Just in case anyone was curious. Great service! i look forward to ordering my man :D
Thank you ! From what I tried, there are some errors with some email addresses like hotmail ones so I'm currently trying to fix the issue.
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