Jav Stars Past and Present with OnlyFans Accounts


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
During my random internet searches I found that

Mizukawa Sumire has an OnlyFans account - which is currently available for free at : https://onlyfans.com/mizukawasumire

I also noticed that Maria Nagai has an account https://onlyfans.com/nagaimaria (which actually included uncensored material too)

There is also Yuu Sakura who went by the name mai uchiyama i believe (https://onlyfans.com/yuusakura_official)

Now I'm curious if anyone knows of any other stars past or present that may have Onlyfans accounts

I know OnlyFans isnt popular in Japan and there are many alternatives available there that cater for the local market, but still I'm surprised to see some have OnlyFans.
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And in october, they will have to find another place lol.
i guess that lots of people will happy that onlyfan have change.
because sex sell well and they see it as thier new project
new /onlyfans kind of / will happen soon.
Maybe whatever comes after OF will actually allow me to look at "free" porfiles without adding a payment card. Why would I need one if it's free?