JAV video encoding and formats


Active Member
Feb 8, 2016
Being a JAV enthusiast and collector, it's sad and frustrating to see AV films being ripped into horrendously large sizes (*anywhere from 3-9 gb per film, with watermarks). In this day and age, you'd think rippers would at least encode in x264 H.264/AVC format. This would solve the quality to size ratio for both downloaders and uploaders (watermarks aside). Better yet HEVC/H.265, for collectors who are filling their drives with enormous 6gb AV movies in prehistoric encodings and formats. I hope AV rippers and contributers out there can take note.
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Akiba Citizen
Apr 2, 2015
Our FHD releases are usually 5000kbps H264.
H265 will make smaller file sizes, but not by much, and will take ages to encode compared to 264.
In this day in age with people having bigger hard drives and faster connections, spending tons of time to optimize a video to the greatest extent possible may not be worth it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2012
Our FHD releases are usually 5000kbps H264
In this day in age with people having bigger hard drives and faster connections, spending tons of time to optimize a video to the greatest extent possible may not be worth it.
Why do not use crf about 20? Often HD 5000kbps can look better than FHD 5000kbps. Not to mention other encoding settings, deinterlacing and FPS.
H265 will make smaller file sizes, but not by much, and will take ages to encode compared to 264.
Meanwhile, can find, for example, such the torrent "Private black label megapack x265 QTGMC". But I agree it's a very long.


Senior Member...I think
Mar 22, 2008
Being a JAV enthusiast and collector, it's sad and frustrating to see AV films being ripped into horrendously large sizes (*anywhere from 3-9 gb per film, with watermarks). In this day and age, you'd think rippers would at least encode in x264 H.264/AVC format. This would solve the quality to size ratio for both downloaders and uploaders (watermarks aside). Better yet HEVC/H.265, for collectors who are filling their drives with enormous 6gb AV movies in prehistoric encodings and formats. I hope AV rippers and contributers out there can take note.
I've said this before and I still think it is true The watermark groups are not interested in quality or encoding techniques for smaller sizes. They want to get their releases out as fast as they can with their watermarks and ads and whatnot. They most likely use the fastest encoding settings that produce higher size files


Active Member
Feb 8, 2016
Casshern2, completely agree. One has to wonder what motivates these rippers to put out sub par rips on a consistent basis.
My guess is trying to dupe JAV viewers into the underground casino ads etc. What the JAV community need is something equivalent to anime fangroup quality releases (subs if possible!). Sadly, the entire subject of porn is frowned upon and considered anti social to be given any sort of respect.


Akiba Citizen
Apr 2, 2015
Porni: CRF20 and FHD will often lead to bitrates well above 5000kbps. If a FHD movie is mostly still cameras, then CRF20 *is* used. Otherwise, CBR5000.
Most recently there was a movie we did that was like 50/50 still/moving cameras that was encoded at CRF20 and the bitrate was only like 4500 so not even that big of a file size savings.
Not worth encoding again and again to shave off a few hundred MB.