HUNT-941 - I and should be one shot doing! I want to pregnancy! Population pregnancy uproar in ~ class! ? Teacher of the longing of tannins maternity leave in pregnancy. Upset that runs to girls of class. And "I also want to pregnancy" drunk in the wave and the tweet is one woman student, "I also ..." and to what pregnancy boom girls one after another that yearn for teacher! And, because it was something that boys not only me in class, from serious girls of the existence of class in spite of that I usually have been a fool, it is caught to compete with the Who very first to get pregnant, Pies many times until pregnancy in emergency that ask for!
Plot summary - Story about a teacher who inform her class that she is pregnant and is going on maternity leave soon. This news caught the girls in the class by surprise and it make them upbeat. Why? They want to get pregnant just like their teacher!!

And the girls started to have a mini competition among themselves to see who can be the first one to get pregnant successfully!

And they aim at the ONLY guy in their class to be the one to provide the sperm service.

Overall not a bad title. The sex scene are quite hot, some of the girls are quite pretty and of course best of all there is
URUMI NARUMI starring in this title!!

That ultra adorable girl brings her adorableness charm to bring this title to a

Yeah it is her presence and performance that made this title worthwhile to waste your time to get.

Maybe because I am a fan of her - who can resist her adorableness??, but trust me you will really be bowl over by her performance too.

Of course it isn't just her adorableness that stand out but her acting is great, natural and truly convincing. She acted her role to near perfection I must say so myself.

You just can't help but being absorbed by her character.

Oh hell yeah! If she isn't starring in this title, this title is only fit for your computer recycle bin.

Notable scenes
The scene where the teacher announces her pregnancy to the class. Had to include this as this is where it cause this madness happen.

Scene where Urumi Narumi is gather with her classmates discussing about their teacher pregnancy. And it seems like she is the leader of the girls. Or maybe she is just the class monitor?

Hmmm ... as because as the discussion went further on, she was the one who initiate the move to the only guy in the class. And I think this is where the girls came up with the mini competition on who will get pregnant first. And she is also the one who went up to the guy first and I think told him about their pregnancy plan.

Than after some talking, Urumi Narumi went down on her knees and start to blowjob the guy.

The guy exploded into her mouth and she spit the sperm out on her hand. The other girls were so excited at seeing the guys cum. There each of them pick up some of his sperm and play with their fingers. And our adorable girl Urumi start the ball rolling by using the remaining sperm to rub it into her vagina.

The others girl saw it and started doing it as well.

And there is Urumi Narumi solo scene.

And what a hell of a scene it is.

Totally make the whole title worthwhile.

It started with her walking into the classroom. The classroom is empty except for the guy who is in the class. She approach him shyly and start to talk to him. Seems like she is asking if they can have sex I presume. The guy is also shy and we even see them standing up and the guy offering to shake her hands. She is shocked but she is still very shy and nervous. Shy till we can see her hands gripping at the ends of her skirt.

How adorable and done in such a natural way you just get absorbed by her character.

Acting and seduction at its best.

Than the guy cannot stand it and started hugging her much to Urumi surprise.

She started to push the guy away and we can see her superb shy expression.

Man she still so adorable even when she is shy.

Who can resist such a face?

And if you look closely enough, you can see that she is gripping the guys sleeve tightly in her own adorable way with the tips of her fingers.

Of course with such a gaze the guy cannot take it and started to kiss her. They exchange a number of wet kisses and the guy started to play with her breasts.

The breasts was the last straw as Urumi than stopped the guy. The guy was shocked and it too left her quite dumbfolded. Totally love her expression. Man it seems whatever Urumi Narumi does, she is just adorable!!

Minami Kojima you truly have a worthy successor!

Anyway, now there is an air of awkwardness between the "couple". Urumi tried to break it by pointing adorably towards the door indicating they should go else where to continue.

Awwww .....

And of course we hear the guy replying happily and even guide her gentlemanly towards the door holding her by the hips.

And before he guide her to the door, we see Urumi is once again very shy and nevrous as well as we see her hands adjusting and pulling her reams of her skirt a few times.

And we see Urumi walking adorably towards the door as the couple leave the room.

This whole classroom scene though no sex only some kisses and breasts playing, it is totally fappable till you literally dry out.

See it to believe your own eyes.

After we left the room, we see the couple in another room where there is a bed. Most properly they are in the sick bay.

And love the way Urumi walks.

Very awkward and stiff indeed with her hands and arm frozen at her front but she just pull it off in her own adorable way.

And when she sit down, she still remember to stand up again to adjust her skirt properly and sit down again.

She did it even without much thinking.

I like that.

Give us a glimpse of her real personality.

How can you not fall in love with her??

When seated properly already, there is still an air of awkwardness. Than the guy started to sit closer to Urumi and he ask I think if he can have sex with her. Urumi think for a moment and shyly nodded her head while looking down.

Than they started to kiss. A light peck on the lips of Urumi and than she almost immediately back down shyly and looked down.

There she part her hair slightly still very shy

before the guy went in for the "kill". Man very seductive yet adorable in my view. And really only make you even more "hungry" if you know what I mean.
And just want to elaborate the action before they kiss. Lots of things happen during that few seconds.

After Urumi shyly nodded her head while looking down, she started her 12 seconds of ultimate seduction.

I break it down seconds by seconds on what happen.
2.23.32 - She start to look up, eyes looking at the guy
2.23.33 - She look down, eyes looking down
2.23.34 - She blink once while looking at guy
2.23.35 - She blink twice while looking at guy
2.23.36 - She blink once while looking at guy
2.23.37 - She blink once while looking at guy
2.23.38 and 2.23.39 - She closes her eye and open her eye again to look at the guy
2.23.40 - She blink once while looking at guy
2.23.41 - She looks at the guy
2.23.42 - She blink twice while looking at the guy
2.23.43 onwards ... approach leading to the kiss.
12 seconds of ultimate seduction.

12 seconds of total meltdown for me.

And man she did it so naturally and perfectly and so convincing that make you wonder if she is for real or just acting her role.

Great skills!!

And of course at the sick bay, Urumi Narumi and the guy do have sex. Quite a passionate session as well and as usual Urumi upped the hotness with her adorable moans

. And after the guy exploded inside her, the guy penetrate her again and they have a romantic moment while hugging each other. They have some sweet talk while the guy continue to gently thrust Urumi. And Urumi help the thrusting by grabbing her legs together and sort of rock with the thrusting. And look at the last screenshots.

Look at Urumi face.

How can you resist that?

The last scene of the DVD. It takes us back to the classroom and the girls are all gather with pregnancy kit in their hands. And once again we see Urumi back in her leader role. Man this had me thinking. She is strong, vocal and bold while in public but she is shy, sweet, adorable and yet seductive while in private.

Now I love that!

Why? Because she save her best for you and only for you to witness and enjoy.

There the girls also show each other the results of their pregnancy kit and we see them giggling happily which I think indicate the results are positive!

Man that guy is powerful.

Before showing their kit test results, Urumi did cheekily ask the guy to join in but the guy ignore her request.

There she also entice the guy to choose them to have sex with I think. She did that by lifting up her skirt to expose her panty. The other girls saw that and start to upsell themselves by doing the same. The guy still don't know what to do and the girls resort to taking down their panties and exposing their butt to the guy. The guy still undecided and Urumi is fed up. She goes straight to the guy and show him her pregnancy kit result. The guy is shock and dumb-folded so I guess they are indeed pregnant. The girls all follow suit and pour towards the guy to show them their results as well. Than we see all the girls dragging the guy out of the classroom. And that is
the end of the story.
No baby bump. Kinda sad as since all of them are pregnant it will be the best to see them with baby bump. Especially with Urumi Narumi!!
Last notable is the second last sex scene where there is another pretty girl as well. But thing is she is too skinny!

She doesn't seem to be with the main group though so I wonder where she come from. Opposite class???

Well final verdict is man just get it. Urumi Narumi totally make this title