Keep getting redirected

Does anyone having this problem. When I enter Akiba-online I keep redirected to If so how could I fix this so I dont get redirected? I tried both IE6 and firefox 3 same thing. Plus having AVG and other spyware removal tools.

I keep running into the same problem myself, this also happens when I try to view some of the screen shots in the threads. I am also using Internet Explorer, any solutions?
Could this caused by too much ads on akiba-online? This is the only forum that I have so much popups and all. I can't really leave this forum since it is so good.
Could this caused by too much ads on akiba-online? This is the only forum that I have so much popups and all. I can't really leave this forum since it is so good.

what popups? I have never see any.
I thought IE have popups blocker too (sure it has), I try just now with IE and no redirect no popups, all good to me.
well it looks like you need expert to remove your popups,
or like handyman said "Download firefox"
what popups? I have never see any.
I thought IE have popups blocker too (sure it has), I try just now with IE and no redirect no popups, all good to me.
well it looks like you need expert to remove your popups,
or like handyman said "Download firefox"

hmm.. Which IE are u using /IE setting you use? Which antivirus/spyware are you using? I just want to know because that might prevent this redirecting. I did a clean install, and I am still getting this redirecting using IE.
IE ver 6.0
setting ?? default I guess(popups blocker is on), never use it anyway.
antivirus Kasper... and spyware terminator
nothing special really
just for extra info what would be a solution for IE?
Download Firefox.
I'm not even trying to be funny.
Do it, and never use IE ever again.
Staying on IE intentionally is akin to setting your pubes on fire. On purpose.

Also, use the adblock plug-in.
I almost never see any ads or pop-ups thanks to it.
Come on, guys ...

...get off the firefox kick.

On the Internet Explorer menu bar, click 'Tools'.
Click 'Internet Options'. An applet appears.
Click the 'Privacy' tab. The lower part of the tab is called 'Pop-up Blocker'.
Check the 'Turn On Pop-up Blocker'.
Click the 'Settings ...' button.
Try ever increasing levels of blocking until IE starts acting friendly.

Some of you folks could have told him this already. Maybe he doesn't want to go installing more software.
I have no problems with IE. For me, it is a well disciplined child.
Then use Opera instead.
IE is simply a bad browser.
It does what it's supposed to just fine, but it's also the most targeted and the browser with the least safety measures.
Firefox is by no means completely safe, but it's a huge, HUGE improvement over IE, on top of being much more flexible due to the excellent plug-in capability.
Unless monitored strictly by AV software, IE will get loaded with viruses if just an ad pops up.

By the way, redirections and pop-ups probably means you're already infected anyway.
Thanks for all who reply.

I found a way for IE about the redirecting at akiba-online.

In IE go to tools--> internet options--> security--> restricted sites
In restricted sites click on sites then add the site that gives the redirected then click ok.
Still in restricted sites click on default level (IE set on high, but usually it is too high security)
Still in restricted sites click on custom levle and enable download so you can click on DL links in the site.
click ok
then click on to close internet options

Again thanks for all the input.