Leaked (unmosaiced) vids listing (first post will be updated ad infinitum)

so that's all ? there is no more leaks? i really enjoy he m2ts version, the very raw version, so i know when the movie goes wrong....
It's password protected, and it goes directly to a chinese website, i can't understand chinese, could you please share the password please? Thank you
the leaks are all out (621gb). you can search the name of the torrent in google and get most magnet links




03.爱音まりあ, ひなた澪, みなみ菜々, 朝川奈穂[86GB]

04.今永さな, 铃村あいり, あおいれな, 嶋野遥香, 高坂丽子, 宫藤さくら, 凰かなめ, 柳あきら

05.若菜奈央, 市川菜々, 水稀みり, 香月澪[88.9GB]

06.上原瑞穂, 満重真宵, 内藤里绪菜, 七瀬美织, 清城ゆき, 散花ゆり, 山本エリカ[88.4GB]

07.熊仓しょうこ, 小嶋えみ[80.9GB]

08.园田みおん, 长谷川るい[50.5GB]


Thanks you sir
I wonder what kind of people think it is okay to share this kind of information with the public.

What do you mean...? It's the exact point of a leak... Stolen information.

The motivation for the leaks (I think) should be: (1) enhanced masturbation (and sharing happiness to all males), (2) money (I don't support this but someone might expect compensation for sharing happiness. I think (2) money is very distasteful but at least I recognize it.

Oh we forgot the first reason for the hack(s) in the first place. It wasn't to help JAV fans fap, it was an extortion scheme against Prestige. Pay up or we leak your secrets. So assuming the studios didn't satisfy the extorters, damaging information is leaked. So is it "okay" is it "exact point of a leak", I guess it is, we are watching a cancer grows, and of course the exact point of a cancer is to kill the patient slowly.

So now we are beyond (1) masturbation and (2) money, we have (3) gawking and (4) shaming. Gawking is the curiosity and interest in other's private matters and misfortune, watching a traffic wreck, hoping to catch a glimpse of a bloody body part. Shaming is psychological abuse and bullying. I wonder if a lot of the shaming is performed cynically by people associated with the extorters, so it all goes back to money.

The other factor might be incels (involuntary celibates) (better, there's a Japanese 4-letter acronym for grab bag of sexual deviants which I forgot) who just hate women because they want to but can't fuck women. Online bullying and shaming is perfect past time for them because they don't have to look another human in the eyes and enjoy a double masturbation, first manual masturbate to leaked vid, then a mental masturbation to abuse the idols and watch them suffer online.
god damn dude, can we not throw into every thread political buzzword nonsense like "incels." The people that constantly bring them up and try to wedge them into every conversation are worse than the actual incels.

They have nothing to do with jav or hacks and never will.
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Interesting... but they do mass murders, so I don't know online bullying is out of their range. Anyway the Japanese version is a different beast from the US/Canada/Australia/Europe kind. Anyway I wasn't talking about hacking.
・あやみ旬果 126 gb (13時間のビデオ) abp-557, abp-566, abp-652, abp-664
・熊倉しょうこ 69 gb (6時間47分のビデオ) abp-588, abp-606, abp-618
・若菜奈央 49 gb (5時間のビデオ) abp-536, abp-546
・愛音まりあ 55 gb (4時間20分のビデオ) abp-583, abp-623, abp-646
・園田みおん 23.8 gb (2時間33分のビデオ) abp-601
・長谷川るい 26 gb (2時間30分のビデオ) abp-576, abp-640
・今永さな 13.5 gb (1時間21分のビデオ) abp-633
・上原瑞穂 12.5 gb (1時間20分のビデオ) abp-408
・鈴村あいり 16.2 gb (1時間16分のビデオ) abp-554
・嶋野遥香 5.82 gb (35分ビデオ) abp-379
・ひなた澪 6.24 gb (40分ビデオ) abp-614
・凰かなめ 2.7 gb (14分ビデオ) abp-589
・水稀みり 18.2 gb (1時間48分のビデオ) abp-599

・清城ゆき 16.7 gb (1時間46分のビデオ) gana-1414
・宮藤さくら 20.6 gb (1時間46分のビデオ) luxu-465
・朝川奈穂 15.4 gb (1時間23分のビデオ) siro-3183
・満重真宵 12.7 gb (1時間21分のビデオ) siro-3176
・内藤里緒菜 11.8 gb (1時間15分のビデオ) siro-3177
・山本エリカ 11.5 gb (1時間13分のビデオ) siro-3181
・香月澪 11.3 gb (1時間12分のビデオ) siro-3180
・高坂麗子 12.1 gb (1時間12分のビデオ) luxu-467
・散花ゆり 11.1 gb (1時間10分のビデオ) siro-3175
・市川菜々 10.1 gb (1時間4分のビデオ) siro-3178
・七瀬美織 11.9 gb (1時間4分のビデオ) siro-3179
・小嶋えみ 11.5 gb (1時間2分のビデオ) siro-3182

・柳あきら 11 gb (1時間10分のビデオ) afs-010
・あおいれな 7 gb (44分ビデオ) afs-010
・みなみ菜々 5.2 gb (33分ビデオ) afs-010
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