Life-sized Dolls

What no one has mentioned yet, is not about buying child thongs and t backs outside Japan, but where in the world do you buy them IN Japan???

Yes, if the Japanese can make life-size 6 year old "dolls" for sex, then a kid size thong isn't going to faze them, but DO regular Japanese kids have them, and wear them to the beach?
My take is that if you go to the seashore in Japan, you will not see a 8 year old in a thong, or a 12 year old in a t back..

So are they hand-made for the idol modeling industry only??

let your child do it first.. what you think?
actually, years ago I saw a couple of girls that looked no older than 12 to 14 years old wearing thongs on a beach in Florida...they were walking in front of me and when I passed them I was shocked at how young they were!
Even if you manage to order...if customs decide to take a look at it you are quite screwed.

Ya, someone mentioned shipping the head and body separately....and labeled as for medical/study purpouse...??
That is just so incredibly wrong! I like it.