Life-sized Dolls

I know you can buy completely unfinished dolls, but can't find the links at volks for the unfinished super dollfie. I know they aren't love dolls, but they interest me because they are pretty darned cool. I would never be able to paint the faces, but I could probably contract my cousin to do that part, and i could design the clothes (making them may be another story). I just dont like the idea of how expencive even that stuff gets.
My primary interest is photography. Really not interested in a rubber child-doll to fuck, but the bodies and heads are so realistic looking they would be a way to practice photography with out having to deal with living people, paying people to model, etc.

A lot of the Korean Super dollfies are beautifully painted (better than Volks) but they also sell totally un-painted versions too. (SOOM dolls)
Even if you buy a doll with the basic factory "face-up" you can easily remove all the paint and do your own...
I used to paint my own dolls and do the body thing like nipples, and shadowing, but the eyebrows were always the toughest to paint.
Yes but that was a rather minor documentary. The bigger documentary was "Guys and Dolls", a BBC documentary a couple years back. It should still be posted on Google Video.
There is a bizarre website by a guy who is considered the "expert consumer" of sex-dolls in Japan. This guy, "Ta-Bo," currently owns--I'm not making this up--110 love dolls. Now, some of these are inflatable or miniature, or "head only", but he has literally had to move twice into a bigger home to accommodate his "companions." The guy got his first inflatable sex-doll in middle school! He will buy anything and everything, from the cheapest, most grotesque products to the most expensive models in the world. Anyway, I haven't had to look carefully through his poorly-organized, eyesore of a site, but it seems he's owned silicone dolls since at least 1999. So if there is a problem with silicone dolls, I'm sure there's info on his site--somewhere--discussing it in great detail.

It seems this guy is in his mid-forties, judging by his "doll ownership timeline." Do you think it's safe to assume he's never had a flesh-and-blood girlfriend in his life? :evillaugh:
The guy in the film is Tabo.:surprised:
the problem with real real high quality dolls is they look great but they act like cadavers, so now your a pedo-necrophiliac. you better get a high quality shrink, or you'll never make it.

Japan also has automaton cyborg sex dolls that talk, move, have expressions, and some even have orgasms when you screw them...

This is slightly OT, but if you really want to have nightmares for the rest of your this...and don't say you weren't warned!!!

The first life-like talking and moving automaton was Abraham Lincoln made by Disney for Disneyland in the late 50's

He is still there, but I wouldn't want to fuck him!
it´s called "animatronics" (in Disneyworld) if I am right...
Japan also has automaton cyborg sex dolls that talk, move, have expressions, and some even have orgasms when you screw them...

This is slightly OT, but if you really want to have nightmares for the rest of your this...and don't say you weren't warned!!!

The first life-like talking and moving automaton was Abraham Lincoln made by Disney for Disneyland in the late 50's

He is still there, but I wouldn't want to fuck him!

Not too nightmarish. :casual:
Now I watched the sausage automation in the same catagories as the Harpist and my my how that guy took on all those weiners!! :snicker:
Here it be...
the problem with real real high quality dolls is they look great but they act like cadavers, so now your a pedo-necrophiliac. you better get a high quality shrink, or you'll never make it.

It amazes me that people, who obviously have interests outside the accepted "norm" of society, can make comments like this. Its the same as people saying "You like girls with small tits, you need serious help man," or "You think that 13 year old girl is sexy, you are a danger to society!"
Just because you don't particularly like someone elses fetishes or interests, does not automatically put you in authority to condem them.
And i'm pretty sure you would be next in line to beat me with a stick for thinking 7 year old girls are gosh darned sexy! Even tho, judging by your posts, your interests seem to be in the 11-14 range. I have some friends from work who would gladly beat you with a stick for having that viewpoint.

If your comment was in jest, please accept my apoplgies for taking it too seriously. And remember to use the sarcasim tag next time, or at least throw in an emoticon to hint to that fact. Typed text is a piss poor medium for expressing tone.
Japan also has automaton cyborg sex dolls that talk, move, have expressions, and some even have orgasms when you screw them...

This is slightly OT, but if you really want to have nightmares for the rest of your this...and don't say you weren't warned!!!

The first life-like talking and moving automaton was Abraham Lincoln made by Disney for Disneyland in the late 50's

He is still there, but I wouldn't want to fuck him!

no way in hell that crazy bitch is going to be in my bedroom. i'd have to sleep with a gun under my pillow
It amazes me that people, who obviously have interests outside the accepted "norm" of society, can make comments like this. Its the same as people saying "You like girls with small tits, you need serious help man," or "You think that 13 year old girl is sexy, you are a danger to society!"
Just because you don't particularly like someone elses fetishes or interests, does not automatically put you in authority to condem them.
And i'm pretty sure you would be next in line to beat me with a stick for thinking 7 year old girls are gosh darned sexy! Even tho, judging by your posts, your interests seem to be in the 11-14 range. I have some friends from work who would gladly beat you with a stick for having that viewpoint.

If your comment was in jest, please accept my apoplgies for taking it too seriously. And remember to use the sarcasim tag next time, or at least throw in an emoticon to hint to that fact. Typed text is a piss poor medium for expressing tone.

sarcasim be damned, i just find those dolls creepy. but, hey, it's not you man, its me.
Now I watched the sausage automation in the same catagories as the Harpist and my my how that guy took on all those weiners!!

Shit, that WAS weird, but at least my link had a doll in it..unless you call the wiener guzzling guy a doll...

BTW I want that sausage automatron for my vegan daughter's birthday!!!!!

Designer Stefan Ulrich has come up with what could be an early prototype of a real body pillow girlfriend. He calls it Funktionide, an "emotional robot" that changes form depending on how you hold it. Combined with advanced robotics, this could yield something that is soft, cuddly, humanoid, and capable of intelligent conversation. Yes, and it breathes. You can see a slightly intimate video of a guy and his Functionide above.
This technology fused with one of the more attractive life-sized dolls. Now that would be worth buying.
The Boing Boing Pillow looks eerily like a quadriplegic Pillsbury Doughboy.
I wonder if it gives that obnoxious "Tee Hee" when you poke it in the midsection and what about the Cresent roll bisquit breath not to mention the crumbs in the bed?

Now, if it was a preteen Betty Crocker........ :shake:
What a strange, wierd, perplexing, neurotic thread. I mean this in the nicest way. Tho I'm not into any of this stuff, I think it's all very funny. Good for a chuckle or two. LOL. Whatever floats your boat. Don't let me stop you. LOL