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I think ding73ding is just one bad day away from moving to Japan, putting on pajamas and a cape and hunting down those "herbivore cherry boy 40 year old virgins sociopaths" under the cover of the night! :D

His brand new alias: Cherry Boys' Bane :windy:

His purpose: total dingination :windy:

His methods: are secret :windy:

I will sleep sound at night knowing that such a hero is protecting JAV. :tidur:

(Sorry ding73ding, it's just that it comes off like you genuinely hate those guys which I find funny, so I couldn't stop myself! No offence meant! :) )
Post arrogant.

Do you mean that ding's post was arrogant, or that the very act of posting is an arrogant one because the poster places such an importance in his own opinion that he has to shout it out into the world?

Or is it a direct order because we're not being arrogant enough?
Okay, let me try. Ding, you clearly don't know half as much about the world of JAV as I do and you never will, therefore your post has no merit.

I hope ferencs cravings for blood were satisfied.
And kudos to you for preferring porn characters who are consensually on the straight and narrow


I thought URE-019 was one of the best JAVs I've seen. ...

... did you not perhaps get carried away a little when you branded these lost souls as "sociopaths"?) ...

... Further: the nebbish character of Woody Allen in his first movies was one all men could appreciate, enjoying as we can the woman-tribulations of one less polished than we.)

I do not believe JAV ... steered clear of the elements you are not enamored of. ...Getting the women via ignoble means in JAV serves as an attraction to most, as it fulfills the fantasy of bedding any woman we desire. (And that's the purpose porn mainly serves: fantasy.).

I'm glad my outrage of a post is triggering some discussion. I just want to throw out a quick reply. And maybe dive into some specific points later... Activate OT mode:

First a critical clarification, I do not hate Losers (in sexual ways, I did qualify as one, I am big enough to admit that), I do not want JAV to steer clear of any particular elements or genre or kinks. What I am ranting against is the normalization, the mainstreamization, even the glorification of Losers.

I love Woody Allen films and identify with him (his characters) in some small ways, but the post-2010 (perhaps even more recent, post-2015?) trend is not the same as Woody Allen's or Revenge of the Nerds or anything like that. The new trend is the celebration of Loserhood, Loser-Pride, come-out-of-closet Losers. My sexual hero isn't Burt Reynolds (he's a bit before my time) but James Bond. A man who doesn't even need to seduce women, sex and women isn't everything to him, he loves drinks and food and fast cars and saving the world, and if there's a 2-hour wait till the next flight to Prague, a little gymnastic in bed. Notice he's never very selective about women, but he's selective about cars and wine.

I brought up Urotsukidoji because it's a very interesting case. On the surface, it's everything I am ranting against. The protagonist Tatsuo is a Loser (in the era before Herbivore became a hashtag in Japan), he was depressed by his lack of qualities, he was tempted by a demon and because his self-esteem is so deep in the negative, he accepted the demon's proposal: chop off his own penis and accepting a demonic one as replacement (which gives him great power), and he went on to r*** and murder many women, (including the one he obsessed so much that he accepted the demon's temptation, actually right there we knew there's no more "Tatsuo") and finally destroy the world. It's a film made for Losers, it's also deeply misogynist. But it doesn't validate the Loser . Losers (including the me back then) watched this film, enjoyed the nudity and sex, even very guiltily enjoyed the violent r***s (before the moments the women exploded into blood and gore from the demonic penetration), but we walked out of that film feeling disturbed and uncomfortable with our Loserhood.

So... ok what I'm hoping for, isn't the banning of incest, r*** (especially the teacher and detective r*** genres), shota, even POV from JAV... What I'm hoping for... is a combination that they become more fringe and that the vids limits to only satisfying the biological need (masturbation) and never gives psychological comfort (validation) to Losers.

Perhaps even once in a while, like Urotsukidoji, a particularly brilliant writer/director could make something at the same time feed the depravity and also needle and disturb the souls.

A even better example that came back to my mind is the hentai artist U-Jin 游人, all you need to know is that one of his recurring "hero" is a shota whose penis is so small and has so little stamina (cum so fast) that he can r*** women in broad daylight without the victim noticing. His stories needle Losers so well that he must have been one himself. But I love his bend of Loser-celebration in the same way that Keroro Sergeant Frog both celebrate Otaku but belittle them.
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I think ding73ding is just one bad day away from moving to Japan, putting on pajamas and a cape and hunting down those "herbivore cherry boy 40 year old virgins sociopaths" under the cover of the night! :D

Nah... more like, I might move to Japan and double their birth rate in a year, single-handedly... I mean... single-cockedly.
Very thoughtful, as usual. I suppose I'm not versed well enough with this "validation" trend to comment appropriately. If the definition of loser is the underdog, presenting such characters heroically is a tried-and-true depiction, dating back to the Buster Keatons and Harold Lloyds. I know you're referring to malignant losers, and I'm not aware of glorification of this type... although it's not unknown for our cynical times to sometimes champion immoral characters, on films and TV.

I'm slipping into the world of general cinema to provide as examples, because I haven't been seeing the JAV counterpart. It's not unusual for the bad men of JAV to emerge as victorious, but the effect is cartoonish, so I don't have a problem with that. If a really despicable character is presented as a role model, I would not support that either.

As for James Bond, well... what man doesn't want to be James Bond? But... in regard to "Notice he's never very selective about women, but he's selective about cars and wine," I say, old sport, what?

I always see Jimmy with women such as these:
Bond-Ursula.jpg Bond-Pussy.jpg Bond-Halle.jpg

I have YET to see him take this lady out on a date!


(On the other hand, Ding, I am impressed with your closing comment to Kharo88; Bond could not double Japan's birth rate... not even if he Only Lived Twice.)

.n regard to "Notice he's never very selective about women, but he's selective about cars and wine," I say, old sport, what? I always see Jimmy with women such as these:.

In the same sense that you never see Captain Kirk get too picky with the "females" both human and alien. Sex and women don't occupy much of their attention, James Bond would take the trouble to learn about and pay for a good bottle of wine, but he wouldn't do anything more than a gesture (a single rose for Money Penny) for any woman. A great man is seductive, but he never seduce. Anyway it's too fine a point to make, and too OT for this OT topic.

Or... a real life example, Bill Clinton. He enjoys women and sex, but it's secondary to his being a powerful man. He doesn't spend his days chasing women.

BTW, I don't mind Evil or immorality in porn... Losers aren't evil; they are weak and undeserving. Actually I don't even mind the superficial fact that losers get to fuck hot women in JAV. What gets my goats is that as the target audience shifted from Losers who wish they were better/stronger (me, a long time ago) to Losers who are not ashamed to be weak, the producers and directors basically stopped trying to make good AVs.

Take one particular pet peeve: the girl start moaning with the most fake sound from the lamest foreplay, especially, moaning way too loud from just licking and sucking a very unimpressive (both size and firmness) cock. Anyone with some experience with women knows that moaning from a blowjob (especially if the cock is shorter than her tongue) is fake, but cherryboys don't know the difference, so studios film sex scenes according to how virgin boys imagine it, but ruin the atmosphere for experienced audience.
.If the definition of loser is the underdog, presenting such characters heroically is a tried-and-true depiction, dating back to the Buster Keatons and Harold Lloyds. .

Still can't stop myself... before signing off the day...

I'm always FOR the underdog, an underdog isn't a Loser, an underdog is a pre-winner, a winner-in-progress. And even if some underdogs don't end up winning, there's a winner in them, they do have good qualities and most importantly, they fight and try to be winners.

A Loser isn't someone who loses, a LOSER is someone who doesn't fight, doesn't try, the opposite of "be all you can be". If a Loser wins (yeah sometimes it happens), it doesn't just make you think "oh he's lucky!" it makes you think "this is fucked up, there is no God!".
So will you guys be okay with me just showing up in threads that have gone massively off-topic and post some Cyndi Wang photos to let everyone know? Can this be my thing? :metabelo:
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